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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Every time I see these pictures. I am amazed how some people are not afraid of heights.
  2. All of Saturn current line-up is essentially from Opel. Opel GT = Saturn Sky and it was manufactured in the same plant in Delware Honestly GM was way to big and it was just in time this would happen. OT: I just wish Ford would bring the Focus RS to North America.
  3. jesseps

    Quebec-Maine-NB Highway

    and while were at it also Vermont and the northern part of New York State
  4. The #1 crown corporation in Canada is Hydro Quebec List of Crown Corporations in Canada
  5. Amen. Virgin America and/or Jet Blue. We will probably still get hit with a huge ticket price anyways.
  6. Honestly they should just toe the person car if they don't learn after a 3rd offense sell the car. I know it be harsh punishment.
  7. They couldn't find a better name? Honestly I hear this name and I think of the hospital
  8. 01 Zurich 02 Copenhagen 03 Tokyo 04 Munich 05 Helsinki 06 Stockholm 07 Vienna 08 Paris 09 Melbourne 10 Berlin 11 Honolulu 12 Madrid 13 Sydney 14 Vancouver 15 Barcelona 16 Fukuoka 17 Oslo 18 Singapore 20 Auckland 19 Montreal 21 Amsterdam 22 Kyoto 23 Hamburg 24 Geneva 25 Lisbon Pretty nice list
  9. jesseps


    I did a photo shoot with a friend this morning, it went so-so. I will for sure have to redo the shoot To access the pictures you have to enter for the username: tbd and for the password: tatiana The pictures I posted on mobile me are the ones that came out the best, even though the aren't the best quality I have no idea why there was so much noise it never happens. Also it was my first time taking photos of someone* Plus the pictures I posted online I did not photoshop them yet. * Someone I know on another forum giving me pointers for the next time I try this. I am open to suggestions. Photo Shoot
  10. Nice pics, if only I could use them as a background
  11. It's a shame where Montreal placed (Courtesy of Metro Montreal)
  12. to me it looks like a design from L.A / San Francisco of sorts.
  13. Honolulu is an awesome city to be in all year round thats for sure. Few things I would like to see change, but it would never really happen. The party life there is not up to par compared to other cities, but there is so much they can do but no one willing to do it. Plus they have some of the best shopping compared to other cities, due to the massive amount of Japanese that come in.
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