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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Moody's 1. Canada 2. Singapore 3. Hong Kong -- 23. Italy 24. United States 25. Mexico 30. Britain -- 94. Iceland 95. Kyrgyzstan Plus the one below is completely different.. The Financial Development Report 2009 by World Economic Forum (Courtesy of Korea Times)
  2. I just wish I had 1% of that amount of money in my bank account. Its insane how. Governments and Corporations can operate at a loss. Yet we civilians cant.
  3. I'll be happy if its under $200. Even if its around $125-$150 (round trip). It still 3-4x cheaper then flying. So what if it takes an extra hour or two to get from Montreal to NY. If its not one thing, its another thing LOL
  4. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  5. $287 per second = $9,050,832,000 per year wow Honestly someone getting rich off our debt thats for sure. I just wonder who
  6. (Courtesy of The Financial Post) It is pretty easy you sign up with your credit card or debit and few days later you get your gold delivered to your front door I read somewhere else you can buy up to $6000 CDN worth of Gold per day so almost 6 ounces. Scotia Mocatta
  7. Tolls I am all for it. As long as the government would find the right companies to build and maintain these roads/highways! Education The cegep I go to is about $3,000 a year. I'd be scared if they raise the price. Seeing it probably go upto $7,500 a year. I just wonder what they would charge other Canadians and the foreign students. Seeing the foreign students get charged like $17,000 a year or something. I feel bad for some of the students that are planning on to going McGill having your tuition for some program go from $3,000 to $30,000 yeesh. True, it be half the price of a US university, but still out of reach for many people. True. The government needs to make money off the education. How about having some of the medical students stay in Quebec for a decade and not have them work for a bit and go somewhere else because the money better. Plus other shit like if you study here you have to work here. Doesn't matter if your a foreign national you must stay here for lets say a decade. If you don't stay you void their BA or MBA or Ph.d or Doctorate. Just find a way to keep students here after they finish school! I know its hard to do that, but we need to find a way to keep jobs here and keep them out of Toronto or wherever else. We need to make this a city more competitive!
  8. the station looks like an updated version of Jean Talon I find. as for the new wagons they are pretty cool... finally some tvs just need some a/c or better ventilation in them.
  9. OT: On top of that they plan to ban cell phones completely from cars. Honestly if they do that they should fine people who eat, drink, read and/or put make up while driving also but thats just me. Plus how about finally taking away peoples license and cars forever if you are caught driving an car while intoxicated!
  10. That what makes Montreal and Quebec so unique. The politicians don't care about our well being.
  11. I just cant wait to see the amount of people in front of the Queen E detesting that he is here. Plus we will probably see a ton of people holding signs saying they want us to boycott Israel. For some reason they stand outside the Queen E which doesn't make sense, seeing the Israeli consulate is just down near Peel. I know my post looks like I am a fan of his, but I am not. Protesting doesn't work. Plus it wont change anything seeing he is already out of office.
  12. Thats pretty cool This is what my NYE party will be like to ring in '10
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