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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. ive been waiting for this news to be announced for a while. sucks i was going to try and get a job there
  2. i said something like it. i know it would never happen. even though it could work seeing their is a nice number of affluent families in the west island. true fairview is not that type of mall. i keep wishing out malls would be more american. such as Ala Moana in Honolulu or the major mall in San Fran.
  3. L'Occitane wtv they are opening one at the airport booyah For an actual boutique store for clothes, something more mid-high end. Seeing only store at Fairview that has brand names is Stylexchange and their selection is quite dated. It would be nice if there was something like U&I.
  4. i applied at that one, hopefully i can get a job there seeing im taking time off from school. only thing Fairview missing is like a Liquid Nutrition and a decent boutique store
  5. Oh yah to give everyone a heads up. One is being built at Fairview. Not sure of the date of completion. [update]: rumours are it should be open by November
  6. arent they developing a link between vegas and l.a, i remember reading about that.
  7. every 30 minutes would be better imo, but might cost more
  8. They have to get rid of these stops: Dorval Lachine Saint Pierre Lac à la loutre Saint-Remi Place Saint Henri Saint Patrick Pointe Saint Charles Wellington
  9. pretty cool... i dont even think i saw this thread before lol i do hope it sees the light of day, i cant stand the original building right now. its so rundown. does anyone even go to the restaurant called: kremlin. still waiting for phase 2 of the other building across the street lol
  10. Check out Ora. Once in a while they stay open till 3am and you can dance on pretty much anything LOL
  11. More here Funny thing is, I thought the Easter Parade in NY would have floats. LOL
  12. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    i remember seeing this a while back lol
  13. cool at least someone took up that place on st. jacques. it was suppose to be a condo
  14. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> tehwtf
  15. I remember reading about this a few years ago. I think in Popular Mechanics. Its a great idea. Thing is if that thing crashes. Bye bye to everyone on board. Plus god only knows how long it would take to rebuild the section where the thing crashed.
  16. you should get nexus.... you wont get stuck at the border. anyways i was looking at Bombardier they have a HST called: ZEFIRO, which can go up to 360 KM/h (223 mph) something like that can get us to NYC in a little over 2 hrs.
  17. I've tried M: BRGR. I am not a fan of their Kobe burger. I found it to cooked and way to salty. The fries on the other hand, one of the best things on the menu. If you have space for dessert try out their baked cookie with icecream. You will for sure not have any space left in your stomach and you will probably not be able to walk properly for a good 10 mins
  18. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    i remember reading about this on the news a while back
  19. if this sees the light of day i hope, this helps out the economy in that small section of town and bring some interesting restaurants. seeing that part of st catherine ouest, there isnt really any good small restaurants, which sucks.
  20. this would be nice to see all the apartments are so outdated in that area and over priced.
  21. jesseps

    Canadiens de Montréal

    screw riots. bridges would be blown up. also some politician head would probably be on some sort of stick
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