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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. just imagine a freak snow storm LOL i would love to see an F1 car driving on snow
  2. jesseps

    Quartier Concordia

    thats interesting thing to hear. would be interesting to see if lasalle takes up the space or part of the space next door... it be nice if there was 2-3 dedicated floors for workshops for the fashion students.
  3. Suite 701 is a beautiful spot. Really good tasting fries. Plus they had this interesting alcoholic drink with redbull in it, so yummy. Not sure if they still do it anymore. If your looking for new places to eat in Old Montreal. Check out... Vallier, Le Local and Barroco which is on St Paul Ouest. For brunch check out Garde Manger or Holder. One thing Barroco has this amazing shepherds pie made with duck meat.
  4. jesseps

    Quartier Concordia

    Now for the people who own the stuff near the Forum to start revitalizing that part of the area. I would so love if my school and Astral Media would revamp the outside of the building, its so UGLY! Honestly the inside is no better *sigh*
  5. Would nice to see this back in the city. We need the money.
  6. yay its slowly coming together. it be cool if someone that was working on the inside would take a video or some pictures and post it online for us finally a larger airport coming together for us Montreal folks.
  7. it is coming along pretty well i find
  8. Bar/pub #1 - Billy Kun (Plateau, Well priced. Plus the ostrich are interesting to look at) #2 Barmacie Baldwin (Plateau, nice place to be) Full nightclub #1 - Tribe (only place I really go to in Monreal) Resto/Coffee shop #1 Olive et Gourmando (Old Monreal, The best cuban ever!) #2 Vallier #3 Barroco As you can see I am a creature of habit. I do not really try out new places, all that often.
  9. $345 million extra since 2006. its like $315k extra per day OY great way for the government to waste money. By delaying a project.
  10. i wonder how much its costing to keep this project on hold.
  11. jesseps

    Budget Québec 2009

    This is sort of OT, why don't they calculate the tax into everything like europe?
  12. wtv still faster by plane i would not mind taking an 8hr train ride from montreal to new york but it have to be at like 10-11pm so when u arrive in new york ur rested and able to do everything
  13. jesseps

    Canadiens de Montréal

    wow OT was horrible! WTF I got one of the fights on video, i'll post it later
  14. nice idea, looks like W.I ppl are still stuck getting on at the airport lol
  15. pff... $2.4 million... over a decade ago one guy stole $7 million from the fashion industry. all i can say he went into hiding and is now back in the city.
  16. One thing I heard Fiat coming to North America sometime this year or in 2010, I am wondering if the Ferrari-Maserati dealership will house some cars.
  17. all i have to say this city will look the same for all eternity. nothing will ever change.
  18. wow i wonder how they got down there, it be nice to see some history
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