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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. nice find. finally something functional.... first time i saw these is when i was in berlin 5 years ago... its such a great idea to have it all open
  2. we going to start building our own nuclear weapons to assert independence from canada
  3. +2 i honestly can not wait for it to be completed, it be nice to finally to be able to walk around there again.
  4. oy luckily we still have some hospitals open
  5. thats in bucarest if i remember correctly... only reason i know that it was in a steven seagal movie but in other news that pretty insane if montreal wants to destroy the st catherine and st laurent corner... i know its not the nicest street but there is Opera like the largest club in the city on that corner why not just fix up the facade of all the buildings and build on top (if possible)
  6. yah went last week and today. going back tomorrow... trying to get a job lol i think i found the spot for the apple store at fairview... its in front of ardene seeing when i walked by it looked like a proper size of an Apple store sucks that it suppose to be open in November argh.
  7. if ever ur in san fran, go to Mark Hopkins Inter-Continental Hotel from what i hear they have an amazing list of martinis and amazing view of the city
  8. How much would it cost to have it all underground?
  9. also more info on "CREATIONS DIVING HORSE" They take up 3 addresses on Le Moyne.
  10. Its owned by "CREATIONS DIVING HORSE" (Phoebe Greenberg) All I know it will be a restaurant, art gallery and theater. I should have posted this last year, but I only started researching it today. The building valued at around $2.285 million. (2006) I will go take a picture later on to show what it looks like since the clean up of the exterior. As for the renovations, I heard it was costing around $10 million to do the interior History of the building
  11. nice pic. just would be interesting to see how it would look with that stuff gone
  12. 5 years without a working OR wtf is that. someone over there has to get their head put on straight WOW
  13. i would like to see the rest of the list i have no clue how Wien is #1, i've been there a few times didnt appear to be a nice place to live and what not.
  14. OT: Crate and Barrel is planning to expand into Montreal in the next few years. They have been testing out Toronto and they are opening a new place in Calgary.
  15. Good to hear they are widen it One thing anyone know if they are fixing that mix up. One minute ur on the right side of the road, then your on the left side.
  16. Time to bump. I had no idea this was on here. Forever 21 is taking over Archambault spot (old news) but felt like posting it.
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