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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Interesting thing is I walked by the Ritz on Saturday and I thought it said it be reopening Autumn '09
  2. This is the one that suppose to go up in Philly
  3. That is quite interesting. Sucks that the Swiss Franc so high again. I missed when 1 swiss franc would only get .80 cents Canadian lol
  4. Honestly we should dump the F1 and some how get the ALMS into Montreal. Seeing its only in the US. I know it standards for American Le Mans Series, but its worth a shot. Seeing the Rolex series we got is not really worth it.
  5. Either way consumers are not happy about a lower dollar, but major exporters are happy seeing they will be making more money now. It is sad, even when we had are dollar at par we were still paying way more then the Americans. I know it takes time for prices to be fixed. In no time we will be paying what we were paying for everything 4-5 years ago. It takes no time to increase the price of everything. Yet when it comes to decreasing people take their jolly fucking time. That is the way I see it.
  6. what bs... they need to get rid of teams in the NHL not add them!
  7. lmao when i saw u posted that picture I knew it was from Romania. Got to love B movies with Steven Seagal
  8. honestly this is just sick... From July 21st until today the loonie took a nice dive (12 cents) in 81 days.. I didn't even know it was duck hunting season LOL One thing I do not get... the dollar started to fall when the price of crude fell. WTF happened when the oil was at $145. Were was the loonie, still stuck at $1! ARGH
  9. i hope not, because that would be quite sad. guess im off to buying some gold to weather this shitty storm.
  10. holy crap, this doesn't make sense. i totally hate bureaucrats!
  11. Phase 3 pretty interesting, too bad it will never see the light of day
  12. tomorrow i'll take a picture of the city from the 10 driving into the city from the 10, you get a beautiful view of the buildings and the mountain
  13. honestly canada should stop competing in any international event. even mexico has one medal before us, how fucked up is that! honestly canada going to save money, seeing no one won a gold medal LOL seeing who ever wins the gold suppose to get $20k.
  14. time to take no prisoners... sink the US and Russia to the bottom of the arctic
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