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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. between this CHUM and the private hospital, seems the government doesn't care about healthcare.
  2. wow business is good lol this is a tad off topic, i just wish the lexus dealership thats near rockland would be more in the area of where ferrari/maserati is. seeing they also have the bentley/range rover dealership and mercedes dealership in that area.
  3. wow business is good lol this is a tad off topic, i just wish the lexus dealership thats near rockland would be more in the area of where ferrari/maserati is. seeing they also have the bentley/range rover dealership and mercedes dealership in that area.
  4. I meant nationalized. As long as it stays in the hands of the Quebec government I am happy.
  5. Quite an interesting article. I hope Hydro Quebec stays privatized, they are doing such a good job right now. If they go public god only knows how screwed we will be, with more hands in the jar.
  6. Sorry for comparing these two things... this language thing and the whole middle east problem is both beyond stupid. we are all fucking human, deal with the differences already!
  7. nothing new here lol i truly dont care if this city does or doesn't do shit anymore. honestly down with these stupid bureaucrats, they make everything cost more after reviewing and reviewing the same shit over and over with. just do it the first time, we all know the ground going to come crashing down anyways, thats how things are built in quebec. poorly and cost taxes payers and arm and a leg.
  8. instant fail if no high speed rail from the airport.
  9. why does everything take so long in this city?
  10. ahh so they will destroy the Hilton they have there now and put that in its place I take it.
  11. might fall 44% wow thats insane. hopefully that will also touch rental pricing... i'm looking for a job in manhattan, cheapest thing is about $1650US/month and its a studio and its like the size of some walk-in closets LOL
  12. we ever going to get WiFi in the metro system? Seeing San Francisco and Boston now are introducing wifi for their passengers Plus it be nice to be able to get cell phone reception at every metro station
  13. i would love to see this happen. seeing a 11 hr train right is just bloody stupid.
  14. The Yellow Line one I remember posting a while back hehe. I guess the west islanders are stuck waiting for the train OY
  15. Looks like a Renault. Plus I saw in Old Montreal. A Government of Canada car driving around and it was similar to this one, in the summer.
  16. +1 one thing when is virgin airlines going to be flying into/out of canada?
  17. jesseps

    Quartier Concordia

    i know and its a pain in the ass, it be better if it was direct. honestly some parts of the underground city, i end up walking outside seeing its way quicker to get where i need to be
  18. jesseps

    Quartier Concordia

    not sure why you want sherbrooke or berri seeing the u can take square victoria or place d'arme or the other metro station to the other two. i do understand an underground walk-way to st laurent metro there is a portion of square victoria you can walk underground up to beaver hall or something then it stops, i wish it went directly to the Bay
  19. wow, i was really hoping to see this happen, but oh well. hopefully it gets a green light in the next few years.
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