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25 résultats trouvés

  1. Bonjour à tous, Je recherche des photos de l'ancien bâtiment qui était situé sur le coin nord-ouest de l'intersection Jean-Talon E. et Viau. L'adresse exacte était le 4885 Jean-Talon est. Il abritait une discothèque (Le Beverly's), un bar de danseurs (Castel Tina) et un bar de danseuses (cabaret Tina). C'était plutôt populaire dans les années 90. Il a été démoli au début des années 2000 pour faire place à la tour d'habitation Domaine Atrium. Si quelqu'un a des photos, ce serait grandement apprécié. Merci d'avance.
  2. Quand on entre dans le nouvel établissement d’Alexandre Baldwin, d’Alexandre Wolosianski et de Nicole Lemelin (Whisky Café, Baldwin Barmacie, Taverne Square Dominion), d’Éric Dupuis (chef du Dominion et maintenant du Balsam Inn), de Virginie Bergerot, Benoit Essiambre (Taverne Square Dominion), on sent que tous les efforts de ces jeunes (et un peu moins jeunes) gens à rendre le lieu magique ont fait leur effet. Connus pour créer des endroits qui deviennent des classiques intemporels à Montréal, ils ont encore une fois réussi à concevoir un espace qui se démarque et donne envie de rester. Balsam est une sorte de sapin Baumier, arbre typique du Québec, fier ambassadeur de notre plus belle province. Inn, c’est parce que lorsqu’ils ont récupéré l’espace, situé dans un ancien hôtel-restaurant qui date de 1927 — la Taverne Square Dominion et l’hôtel Square Dominon qui ont résisté à la Grande Dépression, mais qui ont été éradiqués par un incendie qui les a réduit en cendres — les propriétaires ont réalisé que le premier étage de la bâtisse était à l’époque la cuisine de l’hôtel Square Dominion. Le « Inn » est donc un hommage au contexte historique rattaché à l’immeuble. En plus, c’est assez joli. À la porte d’à côté de la Taverne Dominion, le restaurant Balsam Inn ouvrira donc officiellement ses portes au début de novembre. Magnifique décor sorti essentiellement de l’imagination explosive du jeune Baldwin, la source d’inspiration principale du décor du Balsam Inn est celle d’une brasserie des années 40. Tout le local a été construit durant les rénovations à l’exception d’un magnifique four à bois de l’époque. Beaucoup de détails frappent: les plafonds de 14 pieds de haut, les anciennes banquettes du feu Chez Gauthier, splendides tabourets vert forêt du bar, le repose pieds en laiton du bar qui est une ancienne rampe de l’Oratoire St-Joseph, l’armoire de bar qui vient d’un vieux magasin général, les luminaires élégants qui rappellent une vieille brasserie ou même les portes vitrées donnant sur la cuisine qui proviennent d’une antiquité industrielle sur l’Avenue du Parc. Monsieur Baldwin, il a l’œil pour ce genre de choses. En salle, on compte environ 80 places, un espace restaurant tables assises et un espace tables hautes, qui évoque l’ambiance d’un bar. Cocktails aux saveurs plus sautillantes que ce qu’on a l’habitude de déguster; un peu du goût de la forêt, du balsam nous dit-on. Le bal de salle sera dirigé par Benoît et Léa Wolosianski, la magnifique fille du propriétaire, qui est aussi très allumée, ne vous inquiétez pas. Le restaurant commencera seulement avec un service de soir, lunchs à venir incessamment. Aux fourneaux, puisque c’est toujours ce qui nous excite le plus les papilles chez les Tastet, le chef Éric Dupuis concocte un menu en sept actes; pains plats cuisinés au four à bois — délicate alternative au pain ou à la pizza — élément du menu qui permet de lier le reste des plaisirs; salades, viandes, poissons, pâtes et/ou fromages. Finissez avec un gâteau à l’orange, un tiramisu ou autre péché sucré si vous le désirez. À tous les amateurs de hockey, tout comme le Dominion, qui sont tous deux à 5 minutes de marche du Centre Bell, le restaurant offre une formule rapide et délicieuse pour les soirées de match. Étant donné que le centre-ville de Montréal n’offre pas une panoplie de très bons endroits où aller prendre une bouchée de qualité, nous vous conseillons de retenir l’adresse. Longue vie à vous. — Élise Tastet
  3. Via The Boston Globe : Montreal’s Little Burgundy, Mile Ex are getting hip artfully By Christopher Muther | GLOBE STAFF OCTOBER 18, 2014 CHRISTOPHER MUTHER/GLOBE STAFF Canned vegetables were seen at Dinnette Triple Crown. Life was taking place behind glowing windows on this preternaturally balmy October night. On a walk in Montreal’s Little Burgundy neighborhood, the streets were quiet but inside restaurants were buzzing and the city’s jeunesse dorée were shoulder-to-stylish-shoulder at gallery openings. If it sounds like I’m romanticizing the scene, I am. I had struck travel pay dirt: a hot new neighborhood laid at my feet, and I had a night to aimlessly explore this turf called Little Burgundy. In my usual know-it-all fashion, I thought I had thoroughly chewed and digested the hot neighborhoods of Montreal years ago. As usual, I was wrong. I knew that the Mile End neighborhood was chockablock with the cool kids (genus Hipster). I was also aware that Old Montreal, the part of the city that was once jammed with tatty gift shops, is now very chic and grown-up. Not so long ago I came to Old Montreal with the intention of writing a story about how Old Montreal is the new Montreal. I was too lazy to write the story — please don’t tell my editor — but my theory was correct. The area is now known for its celebrity chef restaurants and art galleries. Which brings us back to this balmy October night in Little Burgundy. Until a few weeks ago, I thought Little Burgundy was an inexpensive red wine. Nope. It was once a working class neighborhood that has blossomed into a hamlet dotted with incredible restaurants and boutiques. For the sake of ease, I’m going to group Little Burgundy with the Saint-Henri and Griffintown neighborhoods. All are in the southwest part of the city and have a rough-around-the-edges, blue-collar history. The neighborhood volte-face began with the cleanup of the Lachine Canal. Artists scrambled for inexpensive studio space. This inevitably brought in the beginnings of gentrification and a rush of 20- and 30-somethings on the hunt for affordable housing. The scene is anchored by Atwater Market in Saint-Henri. Atwater, a mega farmer's market, is housed in a beautiful Art Deco tower. Set aside an hour or two to wander the aisles and check out the produce, much of it from farms around Quebec. I passed rows of passionate red raspberries and strawberries, but opted for locally made chocolates. We all know a man needs a little sugar to keep up his strength. When I began my Little Burgundy evening excursion, I started with restaurants from the pioneering chefs who rode covered wagons into this new frontier and set up shop. Joe Beef opened in 2005 and received a considerable boost when celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain dropped in. The English pub Burgundy Lion sits across the street. It’s part sports bar and part restaurant. I stayed long enough for a drink, but failed miserably when it came to discussing sports. I wanted to chat about the prosecco-scented soap I purchased earlier in the day at a boutique called Beige. The gent on the bar stool next to me wanted to talk about Canadian football. “Who do you think is going to take it?” he asked. “The Alouettes or the Redblacks?” The Alouettes sounded like an effete, all-male a cappella act, so I said the Redblacks. Naturally the Alouettes won. I needed a place where I felt slightly more comfortable discussing my prosecco-scented soap. The trouble was choosing. I passed Tuck Shop, Bitoque, Evvo, and the Drinkerie. All looked pretty wonderful. I stopped in at Code Ambiance, but felt woefully underdressed — and blasted my slovenly American ways! I walked a few doors down to a steak house called Grinder. Like a latter-day Goldilocks, I declared, “This one is just right!” I settled at the bar to start on an amazing meal. Not long after, an animated couple appeared at my side, eager to talk. I love talking to new people, particularly locals, when I’m on the road. But this conversation was making me nervous. It starting getting a bit salty for my liking (I’m not talking about the food), peppered with questions that left me blushing. One of the few French phrases I know, ménage à trois, felt like it was about to be introduced into the conversation. I came up with a hasty excuse to leave, paid the check, and rushed back to my hotel. I guess prosecco-scented soap is a bit of an aphrodisiac. You’ve been warned, people. Sufficiently frightened to go back to Little Burgundy, I met up with my friends Alexis and Julien at a Russian-themed cocktail bar called Kabinet (it’s connected to another Russian-themed bar called Datcha) the next night in Mile End. The conversation focused on Mile Ex, another of Montreal’s hottest new neighborhoods. Like Little Burgundy, I had never heard of Mile Ex. But Julien and Alexis said this once rough-hewn ’hood, which is less than a square mile squeezed between Little Italy and a highway, is also going through a resurgence. More condominiums are going in, and more restaurants are following suit. After cocktails and bowling at the charmingly divey Notre-Dame-des-Quilles (known as NDQ by locals), I drafted a Mile Ex plan for the next day. Mile Ex is very easy to walk (or bike), so I started exploring by going to Marché Jean-Talon on the edge of Little Italy and Mile Ex. Like Atwater Market, the place is mammoth and filled with incredible produce. Again, I skipped anything remotely healthy and jumped to the poutine booth. Bubu Restaurant Gringer One of the first restaurants to open in Mile Ex was Dinette Triple Crown, which didn’t arrive intending to be a forebear of great things to come; the owners say it was pure coincidence and good timing. It’s an unpretentious place where you can order Southern comfort food. Contrast that with Mile Ex’s latest eatery, le Ballpark, which specializes in meatballs. Yes, meatballs. For such a tiny area, there are some fantastic places here. My favorite (not that you asked) was Manitoba, which also opened this summer. “We wanted a taste of the forest in our plates, a taste of nature in our glasses,” reads the restaurant’s website. Much of the food was local and the look of the space was chic and rustic. Braver souls can sample deer heart and veal tongue. I played it safe with duck. I encountered more friendly Montrealers at Manitoba — thank you again prosecco-scented soap — who invited me to a very illegal party at an abandoned warehouse. Generally when I hear the words “illegal” and “party,” I don’t hesitate. It was one of those glorious nights where DJs ironically played music from 1990 to 2000 while revelers danced in a crumbling space that looked like a set from “The Walking Dead.” If you’ve never experienced Technotronic’s “Pump Up the Jam” in an abandoned Canadian warehouse, you don’t know what you’re missing. Even as I write these words I’m feeling guilty. I want to tell people about Little Burgundy and Mile Ex, but I don’t want to ruin these places by turning them into tourist destinations. I want to greedily keep them to myself. If the masses begin descending, will there be enough meatballs left for me at le Ballpark, poutine at Marche Jean Talon, warehouse dance parties, and swingers on the prowl at Grinder? OK, I’ll make a deal: You take the swingers, I’ll keep the poutine. PATRICK GARVIN/ GLOBE STAFF Christopher Muther can be reached at
  4. Griffintown est vraiment dans un boom de condos, mais aussi de restaurants de qualités! Puisque beaucoup de membres de ce forum vont déménager ou visiter Griffintown, j'ai décidé de commencer une liste de restaurant dans le quartier. Étant ''foody'' moi-même et ayant été à presque tout les restaurants du coin, j'aimerais partager cette liste puisque certains restos sont très peu connus! Voici une liste de restaurants dans Griffintown (et autour) à essayer! Grinder Le Richmond Code Ambiance Le Boucan Shinji Duo D Nora Gray Cafe Griffintown Arem La Gargote des Antiquaires Bonnys Rufus Rockhead Le Bureau Brasseur de Montreal New City Gas Sushi Taxi Grinder) Restos de tartares et de viandes avec importation de vin privé. Décor incroyable et l'ambiance ni manque jamais! Grinder (rue Notre-Dame) Le Richmond) Italien nouveau-genre avec bonne collection de vin. Restaurant caché sur la rue (déserte) Richmond, mais l'intérieur est superbe avec haut plafond. Le Richmond (rue Richmond) Code Ambiance) Cuisine française moderne avec des ingrédients recherchés de la plus haute qualité. Atmosphère très calme. À visiter pour la qualité des plats et non pour l'ambiance. Code Ambiance (rue Notre-Dame) Le Boucan) Petit resto sympa de viandes fumées (poulets et ribs) style smokehouse. Browny au bacon à essayer! Le Boucan (rue Notre-Dame) Shinji) Nouveau restaurant japonais avec un décor et style incroyable. Shinji (rue Notre-Dame) Duo D) Petit bistro français aucunement prétentieux avec des prix très résonables pour la qualité reçue. Duo D (rue Notre-Dame) Nora Gray) Petit restaurant italien de grande qualité. Réservez d'avance!!! Nora Gray (rue Saint-Jaques) Cafe Griffintown) Jolie petit cafe également ouvert pour le brunch. Il y a souvent de la musique ''live'' en soirée. Cafe Griffintown (rue Notre-Dame) Arem) Nouveau restaurant iranien moléculaire. Absolument unique en son genre, mais incroyablement cher! Arem (rue William) La Gargote) Petit restaurant très traditionel français et très tranquille. (rue Notre-Dame) Bonnys) Restaurant végétarien avec goût et abordable. Bonnys (rue Notre-Dame) Rufus Rockhead) Nouveau bar de Jeff Stinco (Simple Plan). Style et atmosphère avec live DJ tous les soirs. Rufus Rockhead (rue Notre-Dame) Le Bureau) Bar de tapas avec atmosphère détendue. Fromage flambé à essayer! Le Bureau (rue Notre-Dame) Brasseurs de Montreal) Bistro de bières artisanales présentement en ''rénovation''. Brasseurs de Montreal (rue William) New City Gas) Bar et club avec pleins d'évènements de grandes envergures! Pour ceux qui aiment la musique électronique! New City Gas (rue Ottawa) Sushi Taxi) Restaurant de sushi parfait pour takeout! Sushi Taxi (rue Notre-Dame)
  5. <article itemscope="" itemtype="" id="node-3601078" class="node node-article-view" style="max-width: 640px; margin-bottom: 1em;">INTRODUCING MONTREAL'S FIRST METRO BAR MAP PUBLISHED ON 5/21/2014 BY KATHERINE SEHL For all its greatness, using the Montreal Metro can occasionally be an experience that leaves you needing a stiff drink, so we’ve put together a guide to help you do just that -- by plotting out the best bar within a 5-10 minute walk of every one of the most popular stops on the map (and therefore excluding the industrial bar-wasteland of the Orange Line’s Northwest corner, the drinkery-free parks & suburbia tagged onto the ends of the Green Line, and the Yellow Line’s teetotal island layover). Check out a blown-up version of the map here, and see below for each line in its individual glory. </article>
  6. Source: Houzz (Le copier-Coller est tellement long, ça ne me tente pas de l'éditer, allez voir l'article pour une lecture plus facile) Residents of Montreal didn't UNESCO's crowning it the City of Design in 2006 to reaffirm their love affair with their city. Referred to as Canada's cultural capital, Montreal can claim bragging rights to a summer full of international festivals along with world-renowned architecture and stylish bars and restaurants. As you read through this guide, put together by myself and fellow Montreal native Laura Garner, visualize yourself admiring the unique art installations of each metro station, walking through more than 32 kilometers (20 miles) of tunnels in the Underground City or riding in a horse-drawn carriage through the cobblestone streets in the very European area of Old Montreal. No matter how you choose to get somewhere in the city, Montreal always has a way of surprising you along the way. More city guides for design junkies This view of the St. Lawrence river shows off the beauty of the Montreal skyline at night and includes the Bell Center (where the Montreal Canadiens play hockey). This photo was taken from one of the bridges that connects Cité du Havre (a strip of land where the Habitat 67 community is located; see below) to the Île Sainte-Hélène, which houses La Ronde amusement park and is home to the popular indie music festival Osheaga and the Formula 1 racetrack. A couple notes on the information that follows: We have included the nearest metro stop and have highlighted design destinations by neighborhood. Must-Sees Mount Royal Park: A 200-hectare (about 500-acre) park in the heart of the city Location: From Côte-de-Neiges Road to Park Avenue, between avenue des Pins and Voie Camillien Houde (metro: Mont-Royal) Noteworthy: Lookout points throughout the park offer the best views of the city, day or night. Designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (the designer of New York's iconic Central Park), Mount Royal is a year-round congregating spot for residents and tourists alike. Summertime brings long walks around the pond and picnics under the trees, while winter offers ice skating. If you're in Montreal on a Sunday in the summertime, head to the Sir George-Étienne Cartier monument to see the free, unofficial event known as the Tam-Tams, where hundreds of people gather to drum and dance under the sun. by Laura Garner » Habitat 67: A stunning 12-story apartment complex designed by architect Moshe Safdie Location: 2600 avenue Pierre-Dupuy (near the casino) Noteworthy: The apartments are designed with lots of privacy, terrace gardens and multiple levels that face the St. Lawrence river. Designed in 1967 by Montreal architect Moshe Safdie for his master thesis, and debuting at the Expo 67 world's fair, the revolutionary 146-residence housing complex places single-family dwellings in an urban environment. More info: Habitat 67 by Laura Garner » Palais de Congres: Montreal's convention center Location: 159 rue St. Antoine West (metro: Place-D'Armes) Noteworthy: Located between the downtown core and Old Montreal, the Palais features 113 rooms and venues. Its multicolored glass facade is made up of 332 colored glass panels and 58 transparent panels. More info: Palais de Congress by Laura Garner » Grande Bibliothèque: Montreal's largest public library Location: 475 boulevard de Maisonneuve East (metro: Berri-UQAM) Noteworthy: Built in 2005 and located in the bustling Latin Quarter downtown, with direct access to the metro and Underground City, this contemporary six-story building has large horizontal plates of glass running along the complete exterior. The space includes an exhibition hall, a theater and a complete floor for children as well as top-of-the line audiovisual equipment. More info: Grande Bibliothèque by Laura Garner » Notre Dame Basilica: Centuries-old basilica Location: 110 Notre-Dame Street West, corner of Saint Sulpice Street (metro: Place D'Armes) Cost: $5 Canadian (about U.S.$5) for adults; $4 for ages 7 to 17; free for children 6 and under Noteworthy: Its opulent and colorful interior hosts about 100 weddings each year, with Celine Dion being among those who have tied the knot here. This is a beautiful example of the Gothic revival style of architecture; it was the first of its kind to be built in Canada. The basilica displays stained glass windows that feature the history of religion in Montreal, which is not typically done. More info: Notre Dame Basilica by Esther Hershcovich » Must-Eats Le Confessionnal: Trendy bar Location: 431 rue McGill in Old Montreal (metro: Square Victoria) Cost: From $9 Canadian (about U.S.$9) per cocktail Noteworthy: Seductive red decor and dim lighting from chandeliers make for a moody atmosphere After a few drinks, Old Montreal doesn't disappoint for foodies. The area is a design lover's paradise. Try the three-course lunch menu for $28 Canadian within the black-painted walls of the popular Les 400 Coups (400 Notre Dame Est). If you're lucky enough to get a reservation, make sure to eat dinner at Garde Manger (408 rue St. François Xavier), owned by celebrity chef Chuck Hughes. Besides bar Le Confessionnal, try an after-dinner drink at the Philemon Bar (111 rue St. Paul Ouest), known for its laid-back yet trendy ambience. Don't forget to admire its decor, done by Montreal interior designer Zébulon Perron. More info: Le Confessional, Les 400 Coups, Garde Manger, Philemon Bar by Amielle Clouatre » Bar Pullman: Upscale bar Location: 3424 avenue du Parc, corner of Sherbrooke downtown (metro: Place des Arts) Cost: From $4.50 Canadian for a 2-ounce glass of wine to $5 Canadian for tapas Noteworthy: Upscale yet understated ambience This wine bar is something of a hidden gem in the downtown core of Montreal, offering wine samplers and delicious tapas to accompany them (try the foie gras). If you want a casual meal, check out Lola Rosa (545 rue Milton), a cozy vegetarian eatery in the McGill ghetto that is very popular with university students. Across the city are several locations of the crisp white tea shops called David's Tea, recently lauded by Oprah. Be sure to smell them all. More info: Pullman, Lola Rosa, David's Tea by Laura Garner » L'Ambroisie: A popular French restaurant Location: 4020 St. Ambroise, in the historic Chateau St.-Ambroise, Little Burgundy and St. Henri (Sud-Ouest) neighborhood (metro: Place St. Henri) Cost: From $19 Canadian for a table d'hôte dinner Noteworthy: The hallway of the building leading to the entrance displays quirky antique items such as suits of armor and a circus caravan. Housed in the Chateau St.-Ambroise along the Lachine Canal, this charming restaurant displays an eclectic mix of industrial architectural elements combined with Greco-Roman features. Offering French cuisine, this restaurant is something you have to try at least once. Other noteworthy suggestions for a gourmet meal in the neighboring areas of Montreal include Joe Beef and Tuck Shop — make sure to make a reservation. If you're in the mood for a picnic, be sure to stop by the Atwater Market farmer's market to pick up fresh fruits, meats and cheeses. More info: L'Ambroisie, Joe Beef, Tuck Shop, Atwater Market by Esther Hershcovich » Baldwin Barmacie: A design-minded bar Location: 115 avenue Laurier Ouest in Plateau and Mile End (metro: Laurier) Cost: Drinks start at $7 Canadian Noteworthy: The design evokes a contemporary pharmacy theme. If you want to feel transported back to the Mad Men era, the decor and drink list at Baldwin Barmacie are sure to please. Midcentury modern decor gets an update with neutral colors and clean lines. If you're a fan of cocktails, a must-try is the hip bar Distillerie (with three locations in central Montreal). The biggest hit? Delicious and creative cocktails presented in mason jars. If you're on the hunt for a breakfast spot in the Plateau, look no farther than Resto Fabergé, a breakfast place with a lounge atmosphere. The interior design, done by the architects at laroche et gagné, is bright and fun and worth a look. Try the breakfast poutine. More info: Baldwin Barmacie, La Distillerie, Resto Fabergé by Les Enfants Terribles Brasserie » Les Enfants Terribles: Restaurant and bar Location: 1257 Bernard Ouest in Mile End/Outremont Cost: Cocktails start at $10 Canadian, tartare plates start at $14 Canadian Noteworthy: Rustic wood, chalkboards and murals all add charm to this brasseries and its terrace, designed by architect Louis-Joseph Papineau. If you're up for rich French pastries, a walk up the block will take you to Boulangerie Cheskie. On the must-try list is the chocolate babka. St.-Viateur Bagel is another classic stop in the area. Open 24/7, this legendary shop has been mentioned in various books and films. More info: Les Enfants Terribles, St.-Viateur Bagel Must-Dos Place des Arts: A performing arts center Location: 175 rue St. Catherine Ouest (metro: Place des Arts) Noteworthy: The center holds festivals throughout the year, including the Jazz Festival, Just for Laughs and Montreal's Nuit Blanche. Want to see Marie-Antoinette performed by les Grands Ballets Canadiennes? Head to one of Place des Arts' 10 halls. The Symphony Hall, with an interior made almost completely of light beech, is the most recent addition to the complex. A metro ride away, on St. Laurent, is the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT), a nonprofit center featuring cutting-edge audiovisual experiences for everyone. More info: Place des Arts, SAT by Laura Garner » Canadian Center for Architecture Location: 1920 rue Baile, downtown (Rene-Levesque Boulevard and rue Saint Marc), (metro: Georges Vanier) Cost: $10 Canadian for adults; $7 Canadian for seniors; free for students and children; free for all on Thursday evenings Noteworthy: The Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA) was built in 1979 with the goal of raising awareness of the role of architecture in society. Across the street you can find the CCA Garden, a public sculpture installation by Montreal architect Melvin Charney. More info: Canadian Center for Architecture by Esther Hershcovich » Architectural Bike Tour: A guided four-hour adventure through the streets of Old Montreal Location: 27 rue de la Commune Est (metro: Champ de Mars) Cost: Rentals starting at $6.50 Canadian Noteworthy: You can also see it on your own by downloading the Architecture Walking Tour app. Relax after a long day of exploring at Spa Bota Bota, a serene five-deck boat anchored on the St. Lawrence river. More info: Architectural Bike Tour, Spa Bota Bota by Esther Hershcovich » Must-Stays Hotel Gault Location: 449 rue St. Helene (metro: Square Victoria) Cost: From $178 Canadian Noteworthy: Minimalistic design contrasted by large French windows on a corner located steps away from the downtown area. This luxurious 1871 hotel has 30 suites and a restaurant. Spend some quiet time in its library, complete with a warm fireplace for the cold nights. More info: Hotel Gault by Laura Garner » LHotel Location: 262 St. Jacques West in Old Montreal (metro: Square Victoria) Cost: From $135 Canadian Noteworthy: The collection of artwork on display is fit for a museum. This boutique hotel is in the heart of Old Montreal. Owned by Georges Marciano of clothing brand Guess, the LHotel has become the permanent home for Marciano's extensive personal pop art collection, including works by Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Damien Hirst. More info: LHotel by Hotel St. Paul » Hôtel St. Paul Location: 355 McGill Street in Old Montreal (metro: Square Victoria) Cost: From $195 Canadian Noteworthy: This was Old Montreal's first boutique hotel. Using the four elements of fire, ice, earth and ocean as inspiration, this Old Montreal boutique hotel has a monochromatic color palette and natural textures that give the decor a soft, ethereal feeling. More info: Hôtel St. Paul by Laura Garner » Loft Hotel Location: 334-336 Terasse St. Denis in the Plateau (metro: Sherbrooke) Cost: From $125 Canadian Noteworthy: The building was once used as storage space for Canadian Armed Forces tanks. Completed in 1920 by prominent Montreal architect Ernest Cormier, the building that houses the Loft Hotel is one of Montreal's enduring art deco landmarks. The building was recently converted into loft-style hotel rooms, which are as spacious as they are trendy. More info: Loft Hotel by Esther Hershcovich » Must-Visit Shops Les Touilleurs: Cooking supply store Location: 152 avenue Laurier Ouest in the Mile End (metro: Laurier) Noteworthy: Pick up a free recipe-of-the-week card. The large, open chalet-style kitchen is where you'll find the top cooking supplies for your culinary needs. It was designed by architect Luce Lafontaine with large, open cabinetry to make you feel at home. Classes are offered onsite three nights a week by local chefs. A walk around the corner will take you to Jamais Assez, where you'll find a large selection of locally made furniture and creative accessories. Le Boutique Artisanal Une Monde is a warehouse on a side street that carries a selection of Asian-inspired and restored furniture at affordable prices. If you want to scout for some more boho home accents, Buk&Nola will have what you're looking for. This shop is known for its casual chic decor. The owners offer a decorating service as well. More info: Les Touilleurs, Jamais Assez, Buk&Nola by Esther Hershcovich » L'Affichiste: Vintage poster gallery Location: 471 rue Saint François Xavier in Old Montreal (metro: Place D'armes) Noteworthy: The largest collection of original vintage posters in Montreal is housed in this gallery, attached by underground tunnels to the Notre Dame Basilica. A storage room is housed in a walk-in vault. If you're still looking for that perfect piece of art, take a walk down to La Rue des Artistes. It might be where you'll find that coup de coeur, French for "favorite find." Keep walking and you'll arrive at the large indoor Marché Bonsecours market, where local artisans sell everything from furniture to clothing and unique umbrellas. More info: L'Affichiste, Marché Bonsecours by Esther Hershcovich » Style Labo: Shop selling vintage and new items Location: 5765 St. Laurent Blvd in Plateau/Mile End (metro: Rosemont) Noteworthy: The antique lights collection If you're looking for a large collection of industrial-style vintage and new items, this is the place to visit. The store's decor transports you to a different time. If you're looking for a design experience, Les Commissaires doubles as a gallery and boutique, selling bold designer pieces from around the world. It is constantly restocked with a mix of innovative, sometimes provocative items attesting to the city's flair for the mix offered in its design. Monastiraki is another vintage shop; it also serves as a community art center. Search through its cabinets for vintage and locally made prints. More info: Style Labo, Les Commissaires, Monastiraki by Surface Jalouse » Surface Jalouse: Print shop Location: 2672 rue Notre-Dame West in Little Burgundy (metro: Lionel Groulx) Noteworthy: Surface Jalouse is able to print images (the shop's or your own) onto virtually any surface — including furniture. Part furniture store and part studio, this boutique offers funky and highly unique home decor items. While you're on Notre Dame street, head west to explore the strip of antiques stores and curiosity shops. More info: Surface Jalouse by Esther Gibbons » Hidden Gems Gibeau Orange Julep: Landmark and fast-food restaurant Location: 7700 Decarie Boulevard (metro: Namur) Noteworthy: On Wednesday nights during the summer, the lot fills with classic vintage cars and motorbike enthusiasts. Since the 1960s the Julep has been one of the city's most recognizable landmarks, with its distinct fiberglass orange shape and colored party flags hanging off the side. Roller skating waitresses originally brought food to the cars, but they have been replaced by a top fast-food service. The Gibeau Orange Julep (an orange drink), offered when the shop opened in 1932, is still what attracts most customers. More info: Gibeau Orange Julep Réne Lévesque Park: Sculpture park Location: 1 chemin de Musee, (metro: Angrignon) Noteworthy: Admire 22 monumental sculptures at this park, located off the Lachine Canal bike path and offering panoramic views of the Saint Lawrence and Saint Louis rivers. Enjoy a picnic with your family, rent a kayak or enjoy the open and green 4 kilometers of walking trails. More info: Parc René-Lévesque by Esther Hershcovich » Spazio: Antiques shop Location: 8405 boulevard St. Laurent (metro: Jarry) Noteworthy: Architectural detailing from various time periods can be easily found in this two-story shop that was once a well-known tavern. It's divided into neat sections, so you can discover a room filled with antique doors or sections for stained glass windows, vintage handles or knobs. The owner is continually expanding as the collection grows. More info: Spazio Tell us: What are your favorite places for soaking up design in Montreal?
  7. Une lettre parue dans la Gazette hier d'une jeune femme qui est allé à l'opéra: Voyez la réaction rapide et brillante de l'Opéra de Mtl:!/events/169784043124557/ Nice euh?
  8. Après un mois à sillonner hardiment le pays de table en table, on peut claironner que 2011 a été féconde en nouveaux restos. Vingt d’entre eux auraient pu figurer à ce palmarès, ce qui en dit long sur le climat actuel. Partout, on a goûté une cuisine d’inspiration canadienne de grand art et du terroir qui bouleverse nos notions d’identité culinaire nationale. Il est temps de bannir certaines bêtises, dont les « restos chics et décontractés », expression antinomique et de mauvais goût qui dessert l’industrie. Frugalité et finesse vont de pair, on le voit depuis quelques années. Si l'on n’a pas peur de s’excentrer, on pourra savourer des mets fantastiques dans des quartiers où les loyers modiques laissent aux chefs plus de liberté (et puis, avouons-le, on n’a jamais autant rigolé avec le personnel). Pour les restaurants haut de gamme, le glas est loin de sonner ; en fait, on assiste au retour d’une somptuosité d’un autre temps. Au menu des établissements primés dans ces pages, le raffinement s’accompagne d’une confiance accrue. Il semble qu’on ait un âge d’or à se mettre sous la dent. LE COMPTOIR CHARCUTERIES ET VINS Montréal Résumons. Récupéré dans un ancien labo, le comptoir éponyme offre une vue imprenable de la cuisine et une surface à frapper du plat de la main en guise d’applaudissement. Fondantes et étonnamment jeunes, les charcuteries maison réconcilient les plus blasés avec les plaisirs de la chair à coup d’originalité : coppa di testa (tête fromagée italienne), lomo (longe de porc à l’espagnole), ventrèche (cousine française de la pancetta). Quant aux vins, le sommelier Jack Jacob a du nez pour les produits bios de petits vignobles et a déniché des perles dans la vallée de la Loire et le Roussillon. Mais Le Comptoir vaut plus que la somme de ses parties. C’est un restaurant à part entière, ce qui donne toute liberté à Ségué Lepage (ex de La Montée de Lait) et à son frère Noé de composer une cuisine inventive et décontractée. Pour une version originale d’une spécialité locale, essayez le sandwich pressé au smoked meat, au cheddar et à la moutarde au cumin. Les plats à l’ardoise jouent avec les goûts et les textures, mais aussi avec les températures, dans des salades composées aux ingrédients tièdes et froids : chou-fleur rôti, purée d’anchois, roquette et mie de pain frite ; flétan, concombres, feta, fines herbes et tempura d’oignon ; ricotta frite avec purée de pommes vertes. Vu la qualité et les prix doux, il serait très facile de devenir un habitué du Comptoir (on saurait alors s’il faut prendre le disco qui y jouait au second degré). À Montréal, les buvettes, chics mais confortables, ont su se faire une place, entre bars à vins et pubs gastronomiques. Celle-ci a mis le doigt sur le pouls de la ville. 4807, boul. Saint-Laurent 514-844-8467, VAN HORNE Montréal Imaginez deux excentriques personnages d’un film de la Nouvelle Vague (disons un Godard du tournant des années 1960) sortant de l’écran, entrant dans un resto, savourant une bouteille et décidant de prendre les rênes de l’endroit. La naissance du Van Horne, exigu mais bien défini, est à peine moins rocambolesque. Les néorestaurateurs Sylvie Lachance (issue du milieu culturel québécois) et Urs Jakob (du Gershwin Hotel, à New York) étaient en quête d’un chef quand ils sont tombés par hasard sur Eloi Dion, du 357c, le sélect club montréalais de Daniel Langlois. Leur espiègle sommelière, à qui l’on doit une brève carte d’importations privées, fait aussi le ser-vice. Leur salle dépouillée tient lieu de galerie pour leur collection (porte du pavillon iranien d’Expo 67, assiettes en papier de Roy Lichtenstein, mat totémique baptisé Bill). Sans transition, le choix musical enchaîne vieille pop française et punk new-yorkais. Le court et épatant menu de Dion propose une cuisine de marché en mode flexitarien. Ses quatre plats principaux (une viande, deux poissons, un végé) sont si créatifs qu’en comparaison les tables où règnent les protéines semblent datées et dépassées. Chaque assiette est une palette de couleurs. Disque jaune d’une gelée de pamplemousse merveilleusement amère pour crabe des neiges duveteux et joi choi. Chiffonnade de bette à carde vert forêt historiée d’une purée de dattes au garam masala. L’art de Dion change les regards : tel du béton liquide, une aérienne sauce hollandaise à l’encre de seiche nappe une succulente dorade royale et une lasagne anthracite de champignons. Voilà une véritable étude de gris à tirage limité. 1268, av. Van Horne 514-508-0828, LES 400 COUPS Montréal Dans une ville où les bistros tiennent le haut du pavé, cette table pourrait bien vous réconcilier avec le steak tartare. Haché au couteau pour lui donner du mordant, mélangé à de gros morceaux de carottes, émaillé de mayo aux anchois et de croûtons, il arrive garni d’une petite boule de glace à la moutarde (autre bonne raison de l’avaler tout cru). Le chef Marc-André Jetté, la sommelière Marie-Josée Beaudoin et le chef pâtissier Patrice Demers accoudés au bar en marbre du resto. Les as derrière Les 400 coups (un hommage au film de Truffaut qui joue sur l’adresse du resto), le chef Marc-André Jetté, le chef pâtissier Patrice Demers et la sommelière Marie-Josée Beaudoin, déjà complices chez Laloux et au Newtown, forment un trio chevronné. Leur spectaculaire salle de style Beaux-Arts (murs noirs, bar de marbre blanc, monumentale murale de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, le quartier parisien qui pourrait être la mère patrie de Montréal) vibre des potins de vedettes locales de la télévision. Ce décor légèrement vieillot souligne la modernité de la cuisine québécoise qu’on y sert (contrairement aux jaquettes grises du personnel). Jetté a le palais bourlingueur et s’il pioche aux quatre coins du globe pour ses préparations (bar d’Amérique garni d’amandes marconas et d’émulsion au curry, omble chevalier dans un bouillon au canard laqué, spaghettis d’épeautre au beurre d’oursin), loin de s’éparpiller, il s’en tient à une vision remarquablement claire, précise, concise. Demers sert le pot de crème qui a fait sa réputation aux Chèvres, et son Vert (pistaches, pousses de coriandre, huile d’olive et yogourt au chocolat blanc garnis de granité à la pomme verte) est une fraîche symphonie sucrée-salée qui nous fait tomber dans les pommes. 400, rue Notre-Dame E. 514-985-0400,
  9. C'est de la grande classe. Avec Gordon Campbell, les stars internationales de la gastronomie vont-elles faire de Mtl un terrain de compétition? Ce serait vraiment cool.
  10. Je suis tombé là-dessus aujourd'hui!! J'ai eu énomément de difficulté à travailler après! Après l'échec du projet sur la rue St-Jacques, voilà donc le nouveau projet pour un Buddha Bar! Je trouve ce design fou! On commence à "oser" à Montréal! J'aurais désiré cette tour dans le quartier des spectacles...mais bon! Le vidéo:
  11. (Courtesy of Enroute Magazine) More Info (français) Schedule Marino Tavares Ferreira 4 juillet S'Arto Chartier-Otis Enfants terribles 11 juillet Marie-Fleur St-Pierre Tapeo 18 juillet Richard Bastien Leméac 25 juillet Dany St-Pierre Auguste (Sherbrooke) 1er août Laurent Godbout Chez L'Épicier 8 août Jérôme Ferrer Andiamo, Beaver Hall 15 août Daren Bergeron DECCA 77 22 août Gilles Herzog Le F Bar 29 août
  12. Seulement 10% des psychopathes sont assez violents pour se retrouver en prison. Où sont les autres? Ils sont ici et là autour de nous, au travail, au bar, dans votre lit, en politique. Pour en lire plus...
  13. Voilà! Le tout premier concours de photographie Mtlurb! Vous devez voter pour votre photo préférée parmis celles aillant eues une plus grandes moyennes de votes. Exceptionnellement, ce concours regroupera deux thèmes : Du vieux et du nouveau et Nature urbaine. Le concours prendra fin vendredi prochain (15 août 2008). Alors voilà! Votez! ------------------------------------------------- 1. "Dramorama" Par : Yarabundi 2. Bar Chez PP Par : BruB 3. Ville d'été Par : Gilbert 4. Guaranteed Pure Milk Par : Atze 5. "Contre Vents et Marées" Par : Yarabundi
  14. Ok, je vais me lancer le premier (J'hais être le premier), une prise que j'ai pris au début de l'année que je suis allez reprendre aujourd'hui juste pour le concours.
  15. Canada Says Aloha to aloft Starwood Hotels' New Select-Service Hotel Brand, Created by the W Hotels Team, To Open Properties in Toronto and Dorval TORONTO, May 16 /CNW/ - Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE:HOT) announced today at the Canadian Hotel Investment Conference, plans for two aloft hotels in Canada. These aloft properties, part of Starwood's new select service hotel brand, will be located in downtown Toronto and in Dorval at the Montreal Airport, and will be franchised under long-term license agreements with Starwood. In the same way W Hotels broke through the clutter of conformity in the upscale hotel arena, aloft - A Vision of W Hotels will raise the bar in the tired select-service category, delivering urban-inspired, loft-like guest rooms, enhanced technology services, landscaped outdoor spaces for socializing day and night and an energetic lounge scene to nearly 500 markets worldwide by 2012. "aloft has set out to eliminate the trials of travel by incorporating style, convenience and a social environment - similar to the atmosphere in W's Living Rooms - to an otherwise tired, lonely experience," said Brian McGuinness, VP, aloft brand development. "We're excited about moving into Canada - clearly aloft has made a strong connection with the development community in North America and around the world." aloft guest rooms will feature 9-foot ceilings, oversized windows to maximize natural light and create a residential feel, ultra-comfortable beds, well-designed workspaces, and wireless access throughout the property. The hotels will also feature re:fuel, a gourmet grab & go food and beverage concept featuring signature sweet, savoury and healthy foods, 24 hours a day, as well as a destination bar for unwinding, aptly named w xyz. The aloft Toronto will command a superb address in the dynamic Niagara St. and Portland St. enclave. The hotel will feature 250 guest rooms in a brand new construction high-rise concept. The site, adjacent to picturesque Victoria Memorial Square Park, backs onto Front St. West, with the arrival court and main entrance on Niagara St. The area is fast becoming known for lifestyle offerings, including some of the city's best restaurants and hippest residential projects. The developer, owner/operator is Manga Hotels International, which is owned by Dave Toor. Construction is slated to begin mid-2007, with a projected opening in late 2008. The aloft Dorval will offer travellers at Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport a refreshing new place to stay. The new hotel, featuring 136 loft-like guest rooms, will be located right at the entrance to the bustling airport. The developer and owner/operator is the Silver Hotel Group, owned by Deepak Ruparell. Construction is slated to start in late 2006, with a projected opening some 12 - 18 months later. "We are thrilled to be bringing the aloft concept to life in this vibrant, hip area of Toronto," said Dave Toor, President & CEO, Manga Hotels International. "aloft hotels brings a unique sense of style and service to our guests that will bring something fresh and exciting to the market. It is great to be working with the team at Starwood as they continue to raise the bar." "It is very exciting for us to have the opportunity to be on board as this new brand takes off in Canada," said Deepak Ruparell, President, Silver Hotel Group. "We believe that aloft hotels will offer travellers a new twist on their hotel stay, offering a stylish, refreshing alternative to what's currently out there." Each aloft hotel will incorporate W's heritage: a totally sensory experience, design integrity and attention to materials as much as to details. Design visionary David Rockwell and the Rockwell Group, whose award-winning projects include the Kodak Theater, Nobu and the W Union Square, collaborated on aloft's design.
  16. Un juge ordonne aux syndiqués de l'usine de General Motors de démanteler la barricade qui bloque l'accès à l'usine d'ici lundi matin. Le syndicat entend se plier à la décision. Pour en lire plus...
  17. Un juge ordonne aux syndiqués de l'usine de General Motors de démanteler la barricade qui bloque l'accès à l'usine d'ici lundi matin. Le syndicat entend se plier à la décision. Pour en lire plus...
  18. Un autre article faisant l'éloge de la gastronomie montréalaise Hungering for beauty and the bistros The Boston Globe La tire, maple syrup frozen on a stick, for sale at Marche Atwater. (Jonathan Levitt for the Boston Globe) By Jonathan Levitt Globe Correspondent / May 4, 2008 Interstate 89 north of Burlington, Vt., is as big, remote, and windswept as the Western plains. I cross the Canadian border at Highgate and drive through the flatness, past miles of tidy dairy farms - pert suburban-type houses with barns and cows in back - and keep going over the Saint Lawrence River, looking down to spot Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne" and her gypsy cabin, but she's long gone. Then there it is, the island of Montreal, and at the base of Mount Royal, the skyscrapers, just a few, but tall, and huddled together. Like most big cities in Canada, Montreal feels like one last great human place before the bleakness of the northern wilderness. At Hotel St-Paul in Old Montreal, I stare at the manicured cedar bushes and the 1900 Beaux Arts façade, then walk into the lobby, past the Spanish alabaster fireplace to the front desk. Everyone who works here looks younger than 30. With the key I go upstairs and into my room with the low-slung bed, faux fur throw, ebony-stained wood floors, and view of another Beaux Arts building across the street with a giant perfectly accurate clock. I take off my shoes, turn on the flat-screen television, and watch "The Age of Innocence" dubbed into French, and I nap. When I wake up it is still light out. The streets of Old Montreal are hushed and narrow. It's the oldest part of the city, along the river, and near the original French settlement of 1642. In the twilight it's easy to imagine fur traders and Iroquois attacks. I wander through Chinatown and across rue Sainte-Catherine with its grime and strip clubs, and accidentally make eye contact with some "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" punks. They are begging and drumming, exotic with tattooed faces, dreadlocks, and big handsome dogs. The last time I walked around Montreal it was January and so cold that inside my coat pockets I wore socks on my hands. But now it's April and sunny and 60 degrees, and at the outdoor cafes it looks as if everyone pretty shoved off early from work to eat and smoke and drink cold beer. On Duluth Street in the middle of the flat, graffiti-clad Plateau neighborhood I stop for dinner at Au Pied de Cochon. P.D.C., as it is known, is a former wood-fired brick-oven pizza place converted into a temple of excess and neo-Quebecois peasant food by celebrity chef Martin Picard. I order venison steak frites. On the walls are jars of preserved summer tomatoes, and in the bathroom, a showerhead for a sink faucet, and a bucket of beer on ice by the toilet. It's early but crowded. Word has gotten out because the food press seems to write about the place every few weeks. But it still feels like a chummy club, and every portion could serve two or more. Picard is giant, hairy, balding, and looks like Shrek. The fries come fried in duck fat with a side of good mayonnaise; the venison steak is smothered in a rich jus with mushrooms and caramelized onions. On the plate is a cartoon of Picard, wearing a tall chef's hat, riding a pig or a shrimp, depending on the plate. After dinner I walk and walk, then wander into the bistro next to the hotel. It's called Restaurant Holder, and the music sounds like the soundtrack to a video game. They've stopped serving real food, so I order the Quebec cheese plate and eat lots of baguette. Benedictine monks make one of the cheeses, and it tastes like cleaning out the chicken coop, but in a good way. For breakfast I walk down St-Paul Street to the bakery Olive + Gourmando where, once again, everyone is beautiful. They are carrying yoga mats and ordering coffee and pastries like almond croissants and apple tarts that look too good to be real, and so I order the same. By now I am certain that the food here is better than back home, better than the over-hyped poutine, those french fries soaked in gravy and studded with cheese curds for which Quebec is known. So I think only of food and have lunch at L'Express, a bistro that has been in the same place on rue St-Denis for almost 30 years. I order duck confit on greens and frites with mustardy mayonnaise. The waitress brings a crunchy baguette and a jar of even crunchier cornichons to grab with worn wooden tongs. There is white paper on top of the marble tabletop. The duck skin stays crispy and is the prettiest golden brown. L'Express is as reserved as Au Pied de Cochon is boisterous. The bill comes on a tin plate. It seems like a good bistro can be like a diner, like a place to go every day, a kitchen away from home. And so I go to another bistro, the restaurant Leméac, at the base of the mountain, and this one is much more posh. I get the veal a la Lyonnaise, which is just a fancy way of saying liver and onions. Now it's late, and I'm tired, but I poke my head into Garde Manger, a new place people are raving about, but all I see are rich kids with their cocktails and lobster poutine, so I go back to the hotel and fall asleep in front of the TV. In the next morning's cold rain, la tire, maple syrup frozen on a stick at Marché Atwater, makes for a smoky sugar high of a breakfast. Marché Atwater is the smaller and more expensive of the city's two public markets. Afterward, I wander around the cleaned up and condo-fied, but still gritty, St-Henri neighborhood until it's dinnertime and time to go to Restaurant Joe Beef. The place is named for Charles McKiernan (1835-89), the inn and tavern keeper nicknamed Joe Beef because of his knack for rounding up meat and provisions for hungry fellow soldiers during the Crimean War. The legend goes that McKiernan kept wild animals - black bears, monkeys, wildcats, a porcupine, and an alligator - in the basement of the tavern and brought them up for entertainment and to restore order at the bar. When he died the animals were in his funeral procession. Joe Beef preserves the innkeeper's outlaw attitude and supposedly his bathroom door. At the bar, John Bil from Prince Edward Island shucks oysters. He is a Canadian shucking champion and an elite marathon runner. He feeds me oysters and bourbon until chef-owner Frédéric Morin brings out the deep-fried white bait with tartar sauce, and the whole king crab, and more bourbon. Then we go next door to Liverpool House, a quirky sort of Italian/French/Quebecois place that Morin also owns, and we eat black pudding with foie gras and ribs braised in Dr. Pepper. Morin makes rum punch and brings out a cheese plate with warm green grapes. The restaurant closes and I follow the cooks to their favorite dive bar, and after it closes, I go along to their favorite diner where just before dawn I have a plate of poutine, soggy and wonderful. Jonathan Levitt, a freelance writer in Maine, can be reached at
  19. Travels with Lonely Planet: Canada By Sarah Richards Salt Lake Tribune Article Last Updated:03/29/2008 12:36:47 PM MDT My favorite time of the year in Montreal is spring. As the powerful hands of winter release their tight grip on the city, its bright, cheery spirit emerges from the cold, bleak gray of winter. After months of being cooped up indoors, Montrealers wake from their slumber and roam the streets like hungry bears. The warm sunshine and sweet smells of croissants and roasting coffee bring them to Montreal's infamous sidewalk cafes. The Quebecois have a refined nose for high-grade espresso, one that has been honed with a passion for fine wines. It is a city to be honored for keeping out the coffee-chain blight that has scarred the landscape of most of the world's major cities. Of course, you'll find a fair share of Tim Hortons and Starbucks dotting the city's central commercial drags such as Rue St. Catherine and Rue St. Laurent, but independent cafes and groovy baristas emanating from the heart of alternative Montreal - the Plateau Mont-Royal - have kept the chain spread at bay. Life is slow in Montreal. Surrender to the laissez-faire lifestyle and you're halfway to becoming a local. It was within this relaxed state that I found myself quite happily drifting from cafe to cafe, searching for the ideal cup of coffee. Was I looking for a straight-up shot of jolting Italian espresso, or was my goal a perfectly frothy cafe au lait? Or were my West Coast roots secretly searching for the ideal brewed American coffee, preferably Fair Trade? For full-strength espresso, an Italian hit is Caffe Italia (6840 Boul. Saint-Laurent; espresso $1.50; 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.), which hides phenomenal beans under the guise of a humdrum décor. And since it's in the heart of Little Italy, your coffee beverage of choice comes with a view into the lives of the locals who frequent this coffee bar in droves. Shots of espresso go down as smooth as butter in Cafe Olimpico (124 Rue Saint-Viateur; espresso $1.50; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.), which is popular with Mile End locals. No more than a hole in the wall, this hangout is low on chic but huge on quality and charisma. Although less traditional (think less soccer paraphernalia and more slick upholstery and trendy artwork), Caffe ArtJava (837 Ave. Mont-Royal Est; espresso $1.95; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) is rumored to have the best cappuccino in the whole city. Behind the beautiful foam play the notes of an espresso symphony, resonating with rich hues, creamy texture and bold flavor, while the surface is etched with an intricate leaf pattern. For the ideal steaming bowl of cafe au lait, you need a completely different sort of place - checkered tablecloths flapping in the wind, with a table overlooking charming and winding staircases. La Croissanterie Figaro (5200 Rue Hutchison; cafe au lait $3; 7 a.m. to 1 a.m.) fit the bill, both with its inviting décor inside, reminiscent of a Parisian bistro, and the ivy-covered outdoor patio, providing ample ambience to accompany the heavenly combination of chocolatine (chocolate croissant) and cafe au lait. On those days when your sweet tooth needs more attention, indulge in the sheer decadence that is Juliette et Chocolat (1615 Rue Saint-Denis; espresso $2.25). Try a selection of exotic truffles (the ones with red wine and lavender are particularly enticing) or a pot au chocolat, washed down with a shot of rich espresso for an unforgettable caffeine kick. And as for a fairly traded, brewed cup of joe? Cafe Santropol (3990 Rue Saint-Urbain; coffee $2.50; 11:30 a.m. to midnight), a friendly cooperative cafe, does it with a twist - the rim of the mug is colorfully decorated with slices of strawberries and honeydew melon. Come here for dreamy soy lattes, herbal teas and a tranquil back garden. Where to stay * Slick, post-modern Opus Hotel (10 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest; 514-843-6000; 866-744-6346; is smack dab in the center of the downtown action. * To get a little more north, into the hipster hood, rent an apartment-style room at Anne ma soeur Anne (4119 Rue Sanit-Denis; 514-281-3187; 877-281-3187;, and overlook the picturesque storefronts and sidewalk cafes of Saint-Denis. Rooms here start at $70. Where to eat * To explore another one of life's greatest vices, try wine bar BU (5245 Boul. Saint-Laurent; 514-276-0249;, whose extraordinary wine list accompanies a relatively traditional menu of Italian slow cooking. * Assumed by many to be the finest dining experience in Montreal, Toque! (900 Place Jean-Paul-Riopelle; 514-499-2084; blends innovative gastronomic experimentation with tried-and-tested traditional French culinary art, erupting in a fusion Quebec cuisine.
  20. La Presse | lundi 17 mars 2008 La nouvelle salle de spectacle qui sera inaugurée demain dans l'ancien cinéma Berri, rue Saint-Denis, profitera de ce qui a cruellement fait défaut aux dirigeants du Spectrum pour assurer sa survie: un commanditaire. La compagnie de télécommunications TELUS Québec a décidé de plonger dans le monde du spectacle avec le Groupe Laberge, propriétaire du bar Dagobert de Québec, pour commanditer la nouvelle salle du Quartier des spectacles. L'annonce en sera faite demain en présence des dirigeants de TELUS Québec, dont sa présidente Karen Radford, d'un des propriétaires de la salle, Jean-Frédérick Laberge, et de la présidente de la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain, Isabelle Hudon. Dans leur convocation, les promoteurs ont précisé la semaine dernière que la salle TELUS «deviendra la destination pour promouvoir le talent musical et l'esprit d'innovation québécois». Située dans l'ancien cinéma Berri au 1280, rue Saint-Denis, la salle de 800 places partage ses locaux - une rareté à Montréal - avec un bar-discothèque pouvant accueillir près de 700 personnes, répondant au nom de La Mouche. Les propriétaires ont d'ailleurs obtenu une dérogation de l'arrondissement Ville-Marie il y a un an, puisque la présence de débits de boissons alcoolisées est contingentée dans ce secteur du Quartier des spectacles. Trois autres bars sont situés dans les environs, soit le Vieux Four, la Calèche du sexe et le Bar 1250. Selon les documents déposés à l'arrondissement de Ville-Marie, des travaux estimés à 200 000 $ ont été nécessaires pour l'ajout d'un escalier sur le site et pour le réaménagement du bar et des salles de spectacle et de danse. La modification de l'entrée principale et l'ajout de deux marquises auront nécessité, pour leur part, des travaux de 55 000 $. Lorsque La Presse a dévoilé le projet il y a un an, peu de temps après l'annonce de la fermeture du Spectrum, le maire de l'arrondissement de Ville-Marie, Benoît Labonté, avait déclaré que le nouvel établissement venait «consolider la vocation culturelle du secteur». Quant au propriétaire Gilles Laberge, il disait souhaiter que sa salle de spectacle «allait aider à remplacer» le Spectrum. Cinéma jusqu'en l'an 2000, le Berri a ensuite accueilli un after-hours, le Aria, jusqu'au 23 décembre 2006. Un an plus tôt, en octobre 2005 plus précisément, un homme de 25 ans, Raymond Ellis, avait été poignardé à mort à la sortie de l'Aria par des membres d'un gang.
  21. Montreal's moment Stylish, historic and full of great dining options, this Québécois hot spot has evolved into North America's own City of Light. Co-owner Alison Cunningham at Joe Beef Stay Our favorite hotels are clustered around Vieux-Montréal. Hotel Le St.-James (355 Rue St.-Jacques; 514/841-3111;; doubles from $400), housed in a former 19th-century bank, is a Gilded Age fantasy of Oriental carpets, antiques and paintings, and outsize four-poster beds. The fauxhawked staff at Hotel St.-Paul (355 Rue McGill; 514/ 380-2222;; doubles from $279) might be off-putting if the rooms weren't so comfortable and stylish, with playful fabrics brightening the dark walnut floors and white walls. Although the era of the minimalist design hotel may be ending, Hotel Gault (449 Rue Ste.-Hélène; 514/ 904-1616;; doubles from $209) shows no signs of losing its edge. The exposed brickwork and cast-iron columns feel as of-the-moment as when Gault opened five years ago. Set among the port's converted warehouses, Auberge du Vieux-Port (97 Rue de la Commune Est; 514/876-0081;; doubles from $280) offers water views and a lively rooftop terrace. Shop Old Montreal has been quietly resurrected from its tourist trappings. Yvonne and Douglas Mandel, pioneers of the new Vieux, showcase their sharply tailored menswear at Kamkyl Urban Atelier (439 Rue St.-Pierre; 514/281-8221). If you go ... Montreal has great bike trails throughout the city and along the water. (Try the one that follows the Lachine Canal.) In Old Montreal, Ca Roule Montreal (27 Rue de la Commune Est; 514/866-0633; offers both bicycle rentals and guided tours. Nearby, Espace PEpin (350 Rue St.-Paul Ouest; 514/844-0114), a women's label, features a kimono-meets-tuxedo-shirt dress called the Écuyère. Rue St.-Denis, up in the Plateau neighborhood, is filled with charming boutiques. Couleurs Meubles et Objéts du 20e Siècle (3901 Rue St.-Denis; 514/282-4141) stocks a smart selection of Midcentury housewares, equal doses Scandinavian and Canadian. Proof that Montreal is an epicure's dream: Les Touilleurs (152 Ave. Laurier Ouest; 514/278-0008) in Mile End, where marble counters are piled with cooking implements, including Quebecer Tom Littledeer's maple spoons and spatulas. Visit the expansive Le Marché Jean-Talon (7070 Rue Henri-Julien; 514/937-7754) for regional cheeses and maple candies, and 53 kinds of sausage at William J. Walter. Eat At Joe Beef (2491 Rue Notre-Dame Ouest; 514/935-6504; dinner for two $140), the interiors (a boar's head trophy over the bar; rustic wooden tables; checkered napkins) verge on irreverent, but the food is anything but. The emphasis is decidedly Québécois -- heavy on meat, with healthy doses of foie gras and boudin. Don't Miss T+L: Montreal destination guide T+L: The next design city T+L: Mountain magic Club Chasse et Pêche (423 Rue St.-Claude; 514/861-1112; dinner for two $125), on a cobblestone lane in Vieux-Montréal, is marked by an antler-and-fish crest hanging outside the door. Dishes (striped bass with asparagus and sorrel; rabbit and lobster gnocchi) pay homage to both gun and rod, but all are refreshingly light. Leméac (1045 Rue Laurier Ouest; 514/270-0999; lunch for two $60), in the fashionable Outremont neighborhood, has all the tropes of a perfect French bistro: efficient staff, a long brass bar and a menu that ranges from a creamy blanquette de veau to a fresh salmon tartare. Part restaurant, part underground nightclub, Garde Manger (408 Rue St. -François-Xavier; 514/678-5044; dinner for two $9) offers innovative seafood (General Tao lobster), and a seat at the coolest party in town. After 9 p.m., the rock sound track comes on and the dining room fills up. Do There's plenty to explore in the city, but save time for a walk through Frederick Law Olmsted's wooded Parc du Mont-Royal ( -- views from the summit are spectacular. The municipal-looking Belgo Building (372 Rue Ste.-Catherine Ouest), the hub of the city's contemporary art scene, brims with more than 30 workshops and galleries. Two of the best are Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain (No. 216; 514/395-6032) and Galerie René Blouin (No. 501; 514/393-9969). For a deeper look at Canadian art, the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal (1380 Rue Sherbrooke; 514/285-2000; has contemporary Inuit sculptures, early-20th-century landscapes from Ontario's Group of Seven and Serge Lemoyne's exuberant 1975 "Dryden" -- a 7-by-11-foot painting of legendary goalie Ken Dryden's hockey mask. Montreal's nightlife is centered around Rue St.-Laurent, in the Plateau. Try Pop! Bar à Vin (250 Pine Ave. Est; 514/287-1648), which resembles a Danish living room circa 1966; Bily Kun (354 Mont-Royal Est; 514/845-5392), specializing in local microbrews; and Bar Plan B (327 Mont-Royal Est; 514/845-6060), a favorite among the city's restaurateurs.E-mail to a friend
  22. Visited this city last weekend: A known view to start with Pollux and a demolished neighbour Opernturm construction site from above canyon street reflektion of the Commerzbank in Galileo Police squad on the twins of the Deutsche Bank from 0 to 259m... street level entrance of Galileo a lot of contrasts here MainPlaza in evening sun glow Schiller and the MainTower walk-in-the-park roof near the Roßmarkt unkown by many : Frankfurter Welle no comment needed here I like this high rise art in a local bookshop Sand castle 2 worldpowers... density 'made in Frankfurt' Skyper MainTriangle with new low rises Sachsenhausen ...let me show you the way to the next whisky bar... hope you enjoyed it
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