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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Let see how this goes. Would be interesting to see this technology in use. I just wonder how much it will cost?
  2. Thankfully no one was injured.
  3. They have a cushy job. All they do is moan and complain. Want more money constantly. If they dislike how things are, just go to Commission des normes du travail. Cool thanks for those. So 12 so far, many more to come or is 12 the most that will be on the site now?
  4. I always wonder what this project was, when I saw it downtown a few months ago. It really looks nice though. They have something similar to this, but minus the trees somewhere in Midtown.
  5. The music is annoying and he reminds me of Stephane Dion minus the backpack.
  6. That is pretty cool. Thanks for that. This is also an interesting video... <object width="1280" height="720"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1280" height="720" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
  7. I still haven't tried out his first restaurant, seeing it is complicated to get a reservation. He has an interesting way to do business that is for sure. I bet this place will be as hard to get a reservation, as his previous place Guess I will just stick to trying out the 3 restaurants that were in Enroute top 10 new restaurants in Canada.
  8. Hasn't that sign been there for over two years?
  10. WOW that must be a sight to see. I will try and go downtown, Saturday or Sunday so I can check this out.
  11. It is coming along I can't wait for it to be completed. I am happy that Montreal having another construction boom.
  12. Thats why we can't have nice things. I guess is find them and fine them heavily.
  13. Robopocalypse. I just hope it will be better than A.I I just wonder if he will be staying at a hotel or renting a house in like Westmount.
  14. The colour scheme is quite awkward. Not sure what Benisti was thinking though, I just hope it changes. Plus it looks like, they will only change some parts of the exterior of the current building.
  15. Nice to see that it is moving along :good vibes: I just feel bad for anyone that will be near the windows, in the winter. It will probably be chilly
  16. When I saw the title for this, I thought they were doing this in the West Island. Thing that didn't make sense was Ouest, seeing it is a North-South direction.
  17. I can't wait for this project to be finally completed. Finally more life in the area
  18. Let see if this actually happens. I haven't been following this for a while. I read some peoples comments, that they dislike the banks will be own the company that operates the TSX.
  19. I am happy to see this is slowly moving along
  20. I was really hoping this would have saw the light of day, but oh well.
  21. Isn't this getting pleasant
  22. Hmm...
  23. Not sure, if this is really good or really bad.
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