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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. I haven't seen the city move this fast in my life. I think we can say the last time the city moved so quickly was for Expo 67.
  2. 1) Airport infrastructure (ie: terminal buildings, concourses) is generally only built with a life-span of approximately 30 years. Airports are the kind of facilities that are in need of CONSTANT upgrading as travel habits, tastes, and needs of both passengers AND airlines change rapidly, technology changes, and extreme wear-and-tear - more so than even a metro network. 2) ADM is self-financing and not using public money to develop YUL terminals. 3) Airport saturation has more to do with runway capacity than terminal square footage. With 3 runways, YUL is able to manage significantly more traffic than 20 million passengers/year. 4) By the time YUL reaches 20 million passengers/yr, it will have already been an entire generation from the 1997 consolidation of flights.
  3. As someone who travels through US airports all the time and whose home airport is the decaying LAX, YUL is very pleasant and user-friendly. This new terminal is going to make it even more so. I think we finally have a world-class airport. (do you remember in 97 when int'l flights were first transfered back to YUL.... A lot of people were very skeptical and thought ADM was CRAZY. Now: talk about the Hotel boom around the airport (jobs, jobs, jobs) and the almost doubling of passengers, not to mention Montreal back on the connection map... Bravo!)
  4. So unreasonable and unrealistic. Again, this is private land. No public authority showed any interest in acquiring it. So, frankly, unless the developer is proposing a 40 storey, concrete bunker-like building, this whole issue should be a non-issue. The original pavilion is a no-brainer condo-conversion. And in its entirety as a residential development, the project fits into the history, heritage, and character of this slope of Mount Royal. You guys are correct - this is definitely an anti-business development sentiment in all of this.
  5. I would LOVE to have a cluster of high-end towers and a downtown Westmount. The roots are there: Westmount Square. Just like in LA we have Century City. Get a top architect to design it...
  6. It's amazing... EVERY single project proposed in the city by a private developer is opposed. UNBELIEVABLE! From the renderings, this project looks fantastic. In fact, it looks quite elegant. I find that it enhances the existing building. Furthermore, this is PRIVATE land and has never been a public park, though it has been open to the public. People who are crying about green-space, these so-called environmentalists, are not really understanding what it mean to be an environmentalist... they should be wanting to increase the density in the city core; it reduces the need for cars (ie: green-house gases) if more people live and work downtown. Not to mention, we need to increase the tax base in the city of Montreal and get more people living both on the island AND the downtown core. If we want to continue to have a 24 hour, living city, this is imperative. And what is this disdain for condos?? People living in the downtown core - what could be more desireable?? As for adding green-space to the city - Montreal, more than any other city in North-America, is so well endowed with civic squares and parks in the city centre and the city keeps this tradition alive as they add more - Place Jean-Paul Riopelle and the various civic squares being planned for the QdS for example. This is downtown Montreal. If people really want more green-space, move to the country!!
  7. Forget about Rockland. Place Vertu has TONS of surface parking lot that can be built up: apartments or condos. Especially along Cote-Vertu and Cavendish.
  8. Thank GOD it is not part of chain. Again.. YUCK. Ritz-Carlton Hotels (Marriott) has become nothing but very generic. They are everywhere now and in some of the worst (next to freeways) and odd (suburban) locations. The brand has been cheapened and diluted. Ritz Paris, Ritz London are also independent. If I were these guys, I would tie myself up (marketing-wise) with these two hotels.
  9. I'm still impressed it is getting built. In this economy. Though, Canada is not experiencing any recession relative to the US. Please.
  10. Well, MONOCLE is more of a journal/magazine/bible for style conscious urbanites. It does not even try to pretend that it is a scientific ranking based in economic or social indicators (which are BS anyhow)in any way. It is basically a bunch of design and travel editors pick their favorite city.
  11. I'm hoping the residential part of this project DOES NOT happen. Yuck. As THE original Ritz-Carlton branded hotel and among only a very few classic Ritz hotels, I think the property should remain a luxury hotel only. The Ritz in London and Paris are not running to add condos. Keep it classic. Perhaps with Otera Capital (CDP) financing, their business plan could be more easily modified...There is no question this hotel needed a makeover regardless of the income condos would have brought in to finance.
  12. MONOCLE has Montreal in 19th place as most liveable place in the World to live. You need a subscription to read it online. I read it at a magazine shop. We are in good company!
  13. A metro line running down Park Avenue to McGill or PdA and extending down to Griffintown...
  14. I was never a fan of the Loto-Quebec/Cirque proposal on the Bikerdike Pier. BUT why the Cirque doesn't have plans to build a flagship, classic theatre (reminiscent of the grand old theatres that used to line Ste.Catherine street) within the QdS has been on my mind for a long time... My adopted hometown has the right idea:
  15. I don't think a downtown stadium would have helped much either. In fact, I think this accepted notion of downtown stadiums (not just in MTL but everywhere) is what has hurt the game in some cities and killed it in others. The Expos should not have left Jarry Park - a proper, more traditional- facility should have been built there. When baseball's marketing shifted from the inner cities and the "people" to a ghostly downtowns and nothing but a corporate perk, it's fate was sealed. In the case of Jarry Park, it was situated, more or less, in the middle of the city, straddling east and west.
  16. The pic above: the height of that apartment building is fine. It (the height) has a positive impact on the neighborhood and streetscape. It makes the area feel cozy, adds grandeur, and makes you feel like you're in a big, exciting city. That 25 residential floors is a big deal - too tall- is RIDICULOUS. I realize that in the past 30 years, a new vision of a low-rise city had emerged but c'mon! I wish there was so much opposition to shitty 3 story buildings made with cheap materials that get build in the downtown core. I visit Joliette to enjoy 3 story buildings.
  17. I think the St. Laurent facade should also be all glass as it is the corner of the main intersection. The other side facade can be all stone as it faces a much smaller street.
  18. I don't think they should be so limiting here in terms of vocation. Anything that brings in people and life to the street should be considered. The QdS should include a mix of office, hotel, apartment on the edges AND entertainment. We need more people in higher density living in the vicinity.
  19. Regardless of ownership, it is still regarded as a Canadian brand. Unless the HQ moved to Saudi Arabia.
  20. There is no question a Four Seasons is serious omission. I mean, it's a Canadian brand.
  21. It's amazing there is so much undeveloped land here. It's almost desolate.
  22. Great shot! Although I think it's a really narrow spot for the Hall, I think the design is a success simply because it fits with the rest of PdA.
  23. Government services? Federal Government services? Services that are piad for by TAXPAYERS?? Not right. The BQ proposal seems like a make-work/ stir the pot project more than anything else. Governments should be providing as many minority languages as they can in terms of their services. In LA, the city provides Russian, Farsi, and Korean with the same predominance as English and Spanish. This kind of measure has nothing to do with preserving the French language. Immigrants are smarter that many people take them for. They aren't confused if they decide to stay in Quebec. They know language is French. They also know that the language of social and economic mobility in the world is English.
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