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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. The question remains: is this the actual design? This is a really old artist rendering. That said, 32 floors is within the zoning allowance here.
  3. Effectively, we lost Boul. de Maisonneuve as a major east/west axis. It now exists as two separate sections; Boul. de Maisonneuve Est ends at Clark and de Maisonneuve Ouest begins at, really, Jeanne-Mance. The correct (ie: original) alignment is Ontario and de Maisonneuve link up and become one street. Ontario used to end at Bleury in the same place of de Maisonneuve. To a certain extent, they are re-instating the old street grid.
  4. And the buildings around Le Concorde are really drab/ugly, 1970's disasters.... a new and taller building in that area can counteract the ugliness:rolleyes: and serve as a new focal point. Opportunity missed.
  5. Although the height (as far as we know) is not great, as this lot could be perfect for something with some upper floors that have VIEWS of Mt Royal, I will wait to see the architecture, quality and overall aesthetic. *Le Concorde is far from being the worst building and quite honestly isn't bad - again, it could have been taller though. Domaine Developments has done some interesting/ok things in T.O. As for Lepine, we know their work well. It can be hit or miss. But, if Beique, Legault, Thuot is the architecture firm, I have hope for something interesting. There are some ugly 70's buildings around here and others redone in the 80's that are not the best. A new building will certainly take away from the drab look of the street. This being the Golden Square Mile, the aim should be for the high-end of the market. This would have been a good spot for a taller luxury hotel too.
  6. The cost aside, I believe it is VERY possible to get all these tracks underground. The change in elevation needs to begin around Guy or Atwater: have a gradual sloping path that ultimately turns into a tunnel. The trains can be accessed from Windsor station via a long escalator. It may be a bit unorthodox, but I think it can be done. If we are able to tunnel beneath rivers and even the English channel, this can certainly be accomplished in Montreal on a much smaller scale.
  7. Here's my take on this - and this is symptomatic of a lot of the new developments we have been seeing in Montreal: there is a fixation/obsession with making all new buildings "fit" with the old and for everything to look the similar. The problem is, a new building can't be an old building. They just come out looking cheap (materials) and boring, if not ugly. As a result, we are denying Montreal, new, exciting, different architecture; the kind of stuff that makes the city, any city, interesting to look at. Since when is Montreal so damn conservative and non-daring? That's not our reputation or our soul. Had we been that way in the 1950's and 1960's we never would have PVM, Place Victoria, Westmount Square, etc... For me, what make the urban fabric fascinating is when we mix styles. What is the legacy our generation is leaving on the cityscape? A glassy building with ripples in the facade would have been brilliant here.
  8. Shows how DUMB it was to put the Bell Centre there....
  9. Are you kidding me?? WOW, WOW, WOW!! THAT is the corner of Peel and Ste. Antoine looking south west. Can you say street life? This makes me so happy. I have dreamed about Windsor Station coming back to life especially with an Airport train. It is too beautiful a piece of infrastructure to sit idle and deserves to be a showpiece for international visitors. Sometimes it takes an outside (non-local) developer to think outside the box and with some vision. Finalement! I think all our local developers are stuck in a rut. If the government of Quebec gets behind this... we might even see towers built. No doubt, Mayor Tremblay is salivating over this. He has been wanting a big project so that he can have a legacy (other than corruption). Hey, this may be his chance to redeem himself if he can get this off the ground. There is definitely extra impetus for him, certainly from a PR standpoint. Can't wait to see more.
  10. Ok... everyone CALM DOWN. This is obviously a bunch of sensationalists trying to sell a magazine. Print media around the world is in deep deep trouble. The fact that this is coming off a MacClean's press just highlights how desperate even the once respected outlets have become. This is hardly the ROC hating Montreal or Quebec. Please! It makes for good business on the part of MacCleans. Pure and Simple. Now, that said, Toronto was always envious of Montreal until the early 1970''s no surprise some (a very small minority) Torontonians love to watch the what happened to Montreal.
  11. We have a few really awesome landmarks though... Habitat 67 Stade Olympique (say what you want, it may not be practical, but it's pretty wild architecture that has gotten better looking with time) Cross on Mount Royal Biosphere (this should be lit the same way the Eiffel tower is lit to stand out more).
  12. c'mon... this is pretty damn cool!
  13. A little anecdote: I can only really speak to English private schools but I can tell you that they are not unilingual institutions nor do they teach basic barely there French. Selwyn House School in Westmount is actually French immersion from Kindergarten to 3 or 4 and then again I believe in 6. Make no mistake about it, English schools are more like bilingual schools and they are VERY conscious of producing students prepared for Quebec in French. My nephew is in Grade 1 and his French speaking kills are amazing. I mean, do people really think that English schools are not teaching French to mastery levels? I think a lot of people would be very surprised. As for English public schools, a majority of them are immersion already. Hardly a cause for concern. Some kids simply have a really hard time in Math and Science for example, in French. The last thing we want is to have disillusioned kids who end up having to repeat grades only to drop out. Sure, some parents take advantage of the so-called loophole, but many have a genuine concern in doing so. Perhaps kids the time spent in a non-subsidized private school should be increased before a certificate of eligibility can be granted. 3 or 4 years? The financial burden would be too much and it would effectively put an end to abusers. I also think the heading of this discussion should read LOI 104. Not 101.
  14. If we are going to ensure that downtown is a 24hr, active, living place, we need more residents! Increased density is not going to happen with a 3 floor cheap box built in Crescent street near the CCE. Doesn't make sense.
  15. I don't have a problem with parking lots. They are someone's business afterall. In due time they get developed. I am all for a revised Masterplan and more rational zoning for the downtown core for sure. A more realistic plan will encourage more development as there will be less need for OCPM. The blocks between Ste. Cath. and R-L Blvd are a prime example of sites where the zoning needs to be revised. Most of these blocks are zoned for 4 story buildings that match the height more or less of the old Victorian homes that USED to line the streets. The minimum height here should be 10-12 floors.
  16. Anyone who buys a piece of land in the city -or anywhere for that matter- is very aware of the zoning and land-uses established before they even put in an offer to purchase. They are either planning to build a building or they are going to keep it a parking lot. A downtown parking lot in many cases is a lot more lucrative - especially if the density and zoning is restrictive and the constructions costs make building a poor investment. As for expropriation - uh, no government should be getting involved in that unless they are planning to build a public facility or utility on it. (ie: library, widen roadways, etc...)
  17. I disagree... no one has the right to tell anyone what to do with their property and especially not the city. (unless it is a public hazard of course). We live in a free society don't we?
  18. This affects such a small number of students who took advantage of the so-called loophole. Hardly a threat. No to mention, the private schools most affected - yes, even the Westmount schools - are mostly French immersion from K -4 and again in middle school. The kids who come from schools such as Selwyn House today (my alma matter) have a mastery of the French language that is incredible. It is not your average immigrant who can afford 1 year of private school... these are mostly wealthier, business-class, entrepreneurial immigrants - who have a lot to offer Quebec; they are the kind of immigrant we need to be courting.
  19. Unless, as owner of the land, someone proposes that he be part of the ownership of the built project. Or a long-term land lease is proposed... also VERY lucrative. This types of deals are common.
  20. True... 58 residential/hotel floors is shorter than a 58 floor office building. BUT... NIMBY's see only 58 and get all freaked out!
  21. This could still be really spectacular at 40 or 42 floors! Well within the height limits of Mount Royal. For me, as long as we stick to the 200m (approx) limits to be in line with the mountain, zoning heights should not be as radically limited as it is in the downtown core.
  22. Wow, they are enlarging the hotel again? I guess I'm impressed. The last time they added on to it it was the late 1980's. Good for them. Good for keeping the design and architecture flowing: this new wing ties in with the others.
  23. It is a great looking tower and a great spot: we need to stretch the skyline and expand the business core into different areas. Plus, this area is not exactly Sherbrooke street or Shaughnessy Village. But I agree, no chance in hell this is going up.
  24. I like the arcade on the lower portion of the Westin "tower" but I still think it's an awful aesthetic. That they used the old Montreal Star / Gazette building the way they did wins high points too... that's it.
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