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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. I am living in Dublin. The cost of living is pretty bad, the pay isn't the greatest, compared to Montreal. It is my fault for not studying in computer science. Thing is PayPal, IBM and other tech companies that have their EU HQ in Dublin or Ireland, all because of the tax system in place (that is all). Also the companies that are multinational and make billions a year, are constantly looking for people that speak 2-3 languages. They hardly hire anyone who speaks only English. The reason being, it is the EU HQ and the EU has so many different languages. So, it is good if people know more than 1-2 languages, it will go a long way. Here in Dublin or back in Canada. Learning another language will not kill you! How did Montreal and Canada rank back when the Dollar was at parity to the USD?
  2. Weird, my post didn't get posted. The only this can work, is if they can move a lot of people per hour. The concept that Musk worked on was a 16 person vehicle. If that is true, I hope they can shuttle 16 people on a 5 minute basis. So that would move over 180+ people an hour. Which isn't the greatest. As for the price, it be nice if it could be under $1000/month. AC has a 10 ticket passport to/from Toronto-Montreal for $1700+. The future of transportation seems cool.
  3. How about, working in Toronto but living in Montreal? I wonder how much it would cost to get a "hyperloop" monthly pass and will it take business away from VIA and airlines. Plus how frequently can it go and move people.
  4. Between firing 7000 people over the next 2 years and a large CS order. It makes sense that Bombardier stock is up over 10% today.
  5. Wow that doesn't look like anything like the rendering
  6. It would be nice yes. With those people involved they would keep stuff on track and get rid of unnecessary expenses. On the other hand, the government loves cost overruns and things taking longer, seeing they can just go to the Bank of Tax Payers and get more money. I do hope in the future we will have more PPP infrastructure done.
  7. I found two interesting maps, one that shows the best bus routes in the city to metro stations and what not and the other was somes vision for the Light Rail/Tram for the city (which I think we have all seen). With this map, it looks like the city is well serviced. Tram I still think the city should get a few tram lines and cut down on certain bus routes. I am not sure if people would like that or not.
  8. Let them extend it North. I still think it would make sense to make the Orange line a loop, but I know that will cost a pretty penny. OT: It is too bad the STM won't extend the blue line west, lets say to Cavendish/Sherbrooke and the same with the yellow line, connect it to UdM, so it can be called the University line. I am still waiting to the SLR/Light Rail be built around Griffintown/Old Montreal/Downtown and other parts of the city (that will probably never happen).
  9. Thanks. I remember at one point in time, that they were only thinking of being on the NASDAQ. I forgot to check after they launched. Stupid me.
  10. If they stay true to their word and don't change anything that is good. I am going with Lowe's aquiree Rona at a discount because the loonie is quite low. I wonder who else will be bought up this year... Bombardier?
  11. I am not sure what to make of this. I am surprised we would get something like this here. I would have expected it to be either in New York or Paris or London. I guess this can be the Disney World for little girls all over the world.
  12. It would make sense to do that and it would reduce the traffic.
  13. It sucks to hear that it was blocked. Kirkland may have to raise taxes over the next few years, to make for the loss of revenue that it would have brought.
  14. It looks like a really nice project. I never thought of using Google Earth to see the path of the new boulevard being built behind the Colisee. I lived in Pierrefonds for many years ago and when I was a kid I would bike around. I remember when the Colisee was being built, they tore down a huge barn. This project might bring life back to the all the stores that closed in the area.
  15. Fairmont has been sold to France's Accor hotel chain. It seems like the hotel market consolidation is warming up.
  16. I dislike that type system. I have been dealing with something similar here in Dublin and also in Glasgow.
  17. Sherby, man what a horrible name. They should just call it Le 9050 Est
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