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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. What would be nice if they could expand Belvédère du Chemin-Qui-Marche more east towards the bridge and connect to PdC. It would be a nice 1-2 km walk along the river and Molson. It would cost a pretty penny to cover the train tracks though.
  2. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    If we are talking about Quebec Inc. CGI just bought about company to expand into Scandinavia. It is nice to see Quebec is doing quite well and I really do hope it can be like this for the next several years.
  3. "The Cinéma Impérial, a century-old theatre on Bleury Street, is getting a cash infusion from media giant Quebecor that will facilitate its preservation." (Courtesy of CBC)
  4. jesseps

    Top Cities Index

    The IPSOS polling by age group is quite interesting but the top 10 makes no sense. I guess because I have no idea why anyone would want to live or visit Abu Dhabi. As for the new EIU list it does look like the rest, usually Australia taking the top rankings. Toronto could have been #1, but they lost out because of poor infrastructure. I usually look at Numbeo, it is fed by individuals like you and me and they after compile the information to make their list quality of life. So right now the #7 (mid year stats) spot goes to Mangalore, India. Montreal may not be in the top 10 for IPSOS or EIU, but we at least have a liveable, cost effective, safe city compared to other places in the world.
  5. You got to be bloody kidding me! *Sigh* what a waste of money.
  6. I do agree with you on that one. Should have been just called 1909 Taverne or 1909 Molson Canadien or something else. If it will be the largest restaurant in Canada, how does St Hubert, Cage Aux Sport and the other restaurants nearby feel about it?
  7. Projet Montreal would really like for the pink line to happen. If they do get elected, it will be interesting to see where they find the money for that.
  8. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    It will be interesting to see if I do get a bump in pay in 2018. It is nice to see a French company set up their Canadian operations here in Montreal. I wonder how the other sport retailers are feeling about this.
  9. jesseps

    SELBY - 7 étages

    This project should be moved to another section. It has been under construction for now I think 10 years and it still not done. I do feel bad for people who bought in this. I hope they were able to get their money back.
  10. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    That is if, the PQ does not come into power in October 2018. Montreal has a long way to go before it returns to the glory days. Low unemployment helps, but without decent wages we are going nowhere.
  11. It would be interesting to see the Lachine canal being used during the winter for skating.
  12. From the renderings it looks like a great project. The people who get the view of the mountain will be lucky. I am looking forward to the square to be finally rejuvenated.
  13. How much time would it save if they checked people in Montreal and not Lacolle? I honestly would love to take the train, if it was more frequent and/or quicker.
  14. What they have right now for Just For Laughs is really good. Many food stalls, which is supposedly the biggest open air area with food outside in North America. If you were thinking of going to Maine for Lobster, there is a food truck called Perkins Cove
  15. I have hoping for them to bring the restaurant back to life. I do hope one day it does happen.
  16. I am surprised they did not want to try and modernize the site. They should look at what Diageo did with Guinness in Dublin. I honestly don't want this 200+ year old building destroyed to just have condos built.
  17. I am not a fan of this, but I will get use to it. I always thought blvds should be 70 km/h. It the mayor thinks, 40 km/h will save lives so be it. Either way people will still speed.
  18. If they can manage to get a grocery store in one of the buildings, it be a great location. Easy access on and off the highway and really close to the train. Maybe they can get the city to fork over some cash, so they can put in a walkway from the north side of the highway to the southside. So they can access the water.
  19. jesseps


    I have been wanting to post this for a few weeks now. This city really needs more bridges to get on and off the island.Also I thought maybe it be good to turn Pierrefonds Blvd and parts of Gouin into an actual "highway" something like the 720. Also connecting the North and South part of the 15 on the island, would be also a good idea.
  20. The library at Trinity College is really something to see when you are in Dublin.
  21. The Gazette has an article/opinion piece on how the government/city should really put the park back into play, which I do agree with. If we can spend 10s of millions of dollars putting lights on the bridge, that our tax dollars will need to spend paying the hydro bill for. We can surely muster up the $40 million for a park over a highway.
  22. This reminds me a bit of Oslo. Too bad it will take 10-15+ years to see it completed.
  23. I was thinking of this yesterday. It would be a great addition to the museum and have it stay true to it's roots. Have it relate to the fashion industry.
  24. At least the new CBC Montreal building will be nicer compared to the building in Toronto.
  25. I just came back from the museum. I did not go see the exterior but there are some nice pieces of art inside the new pavillon. As if you do not already know, for the 375 the museum is doing a free walking tour talking about half of the art pieces they have outdoors on Sherbrooke Street.
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