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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Costs 2.5x more yet falls apart in 6 months. I guess even with the witch hunt, nothing has changed or will ever change.
  2. They complain all they want, but this project will be moving forward. This city cannot stand idle or deal with the status quo anymore.
  3. The thing that will get people hooked on this new development is the LRT and for me that is a win. I am looking forward to the floor plans. Another project that could be similar to this is the redevelopment of the hippodrome.
  4. Nice! It has finally started. That took them long enough. Sent from my Robin using Tapatalk
  5. That is true, but in 20 years from now who knows who will be still driving. The way the industry is going, we may be all be sharing cars that drive them self. Time will only tell what federal govt will do.
  6. I am for sure going to use some of those pictures for a background. I do have to agree, the beach in the Old Port should be bigger. Get rid of the parking lot.
  7. Looks great, I cant wait to see it when it is completed. The multi level look out looks great. It will be a great way to see fireworks. As for the Old Port being Time Square, that is a bit far fetched. They should have went with Sydney Harbour or something. Is Sylvie related to Louis Vachon the CEO of National Bank of Canada?
  8. It looks great! I cant believe this has been going on for 3 years and I had no idea. I will have to check it out one day.
  9. I think it is time to cull all the politicians and replace them by AI. We may get more progress that way.
  10. jesseps

    Olympic Cost Overruns

    This is why we can't have nice things.
  11. Thank you for that. I found a place near Station Frontenac.
  12. jesseps

    Gare Viger

    Looks great. It would bring a modern touch to that part of the city.
  13. It would be a miracle if some of that sees the light of day. I do have to say, if all their ideas were implemented, it would cost a fortune, yet our city would be world class. If they did extend the walkway from Old Montreal more east, it would be something similar to NYC's Hudson River Greenway.
  14. That is grotesque!
  15. They expect this to be done by 2019-2020. At least there is finally some movement.
  16. What would be the cost of converting the AMT train lines into REM?
  17. Slowly coming along. It will be a great campus.
  18. We still got a while until it is completed until 2020. I like the total commute time though.
  19. I am looking forward to seeing this, when I get back to Montreal. It isn't grandiose as some other roof top look outs/bars/restaurants, but I am happy with that. Now for someone to fund the revival of the Eaton restaurant.
  20. I did find something, I am not sure if anyone posted this (PDF) from Conseil CDN from June 2016. Depending on the way they go, anywhere between 11510 to 18416 people could reside in this area. Social housing could make up 31-50% of the homes. It also looks like they want to redevelop where Walmart and all the commercial properties are, bye bye Toys-R-US and I am not sure where the parking will be for people taking the metro.
  21. While listening to Monocle, Montreal and Toronto were pretty much tied, but they decided to go with Montreal. It is nice to see Montreal back on the list. When you compare their QoL list to others, some things are quite similar in the rankings or why many of them are great cities to live in (safety/security, affordability and so on). I was bored one day, so I made a spreadsheet with different cities and their rankings from: Monocle, Mercer, Numbeo, EIU and others (Google Drive). It is still a work in progress for the US and global cities.
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