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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. If the Pepsi Forum gets demolished and something new takes its place. They should do the same with Place Alexis-Nihon and the rest of the ugly buildings in the city.
  2. Looks like a great project. 17+ years to go.
  3. Cavendish LRT Van Horne LRT ??? LRT (NDG/CDG LRT) - Splits into two. Parc LRT I did not have a chance to extend the green line more west or any other LRT lines.
  4. It would be a welcome change for that part of the St Catherine St Ouest.
  5. Lets see what comes out of this: 1. Nothing 2. Some changes 3. Delays 4. Never happens The sooner this is completed, the sooner people use it, the sooner the government sees it is better to do above ground and the metro system will be the relict of the past.
  6. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    I wonder how well the PQ idea of "Buy Quebec" will work out, if they do get elected next year. If they want it to work, they better cut the prices of produce grown in Quebec.
  7. You got to love bureaucracy. Quebec / Montreal loves the status quo raise taxes and give us less. We had tons of people protest because of tuition increase, but no one protests because mass transit expansions never see the light of day or if they do, they are over budget, take way longer to construct and are in piss poor condition
  8. jesseps

    AMT - Gare Du Canal

    Things move faster in banana republics. Red tape is a nightmare in Quebec. I am surprised it took them 2-3 years develop this "temporary" station, which should really be more permanent. I still can't find any schedules for this station and it is supposed to be running in the next 2 weeks.
  9. SNC messed up, let them pay Between SNC and Bombardier, I think it is time our money finally goes to companies outside of Quebec or Canada to build our future or get a competent government to overlook projects and manage it properly. This shit has to stop.
  10. Looks great and great way to add density on the west side of the city.
  11. OT: Montreal will most likely be getting pre-clearance for trains going to the US. I wonder how much time that will save?
  12. That truly is an ugly Christmas tree. What was the mayor thinking?
  13. Ambitious, but not ambitious enough Lasalle and Verdun need more stations. I do agree the Blue line should also be extended west towards Cavendish (2-3 stops from Snowdon). It would be nice to finally have the Orange do a loop. I guess the city would need another what $10 billion?
  14. I think it is great for that area and it is something refreshing Plus there should be other projects going up in and around that area, that will bring more life to that part of the city. Plus it be a newer face of the city that greets people.
  15. The residents will have access to 5 electric vehicles. That is a good way to get people attracted to the development. It will be fun sharing
  16. I know it is more than moving it a few feet, but a lot of things that made this project interesting seem to be falling to the wayside. It would have been nice to finally have some sort of green space, in an area that was a wasteland for many decades. It is a shame that we constantly get screwed. Sorry if my previous comments may have been upsetting.
  17. Got to love Quebec. Hype everything up. Always behind schedule and cost overruns. When it is all done. They would have spent billions to just move stuff a few feet, reduce the amount of vehicles and probably will fall apart in a year.
  18. I was thinking something similar. Les Jardins Windsor needs to be recladded and have a few more floors added.
  19. I am looking forward to seeing this. I forgot about this development. It seems to be a hotel you would find in SoHo / Tribeca.
  20. It will be a nice change to the downtown core.
  21. jesseps

    Hôtel Birks

    It is a great location to have a hotel. I do hope they get it right. It could be our version of the Bulgari hotel chain.
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