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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. It looks like a mix of old and new. It is a great location.
  2. Blah, blah, blah. Everyone is complaining about the REM and no one is saying what they think the best would be to replace it. Which means, they just want the status quo, which most likely is people stuck in the cold waiting for a bus and being stuck in traffic. I cannot wait for them to break ground. Let the future shine bright for the people of the west island.
  3. If only! People are doing 120-140 kph, that should be the new limit. Using 100 kph right now, is based off of what, the old cars and their capabilities?
  4. Just build a hyperloop from Halifax-Quebec-Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Windsor. Point finale.
  5. I am looking forward to the end result in 2019. Do they have an updated plan of the whole development or they just focused on a few buildings? It will be a 10 min bus from the REM or 20 min walk, which are both equally good. I guess when I have kids and when they grow up, they can go there. Hopefully in 23 years from now, it will still look good.
  6. I vaguely remember this, but it still does not help the majority of the west island. People would still need to get to the Airport and pay for parking. The massive amount of traffic there and overflow parking needed, would be tremendous.
  7. The judge is taking it under advisement. So right now, everything is proceeding as usual? I love that they are complaining about the REM but don't say anything on how to make transit better on the island and for people to get around. You gotta love the unions involved. I wonder if they would be complaining if this project was not automated but had conductors.
  8. It is for sure a nice facelift for PVM. I wonder how it will look inside with the new skylight.
  9. jesseps

    Canadiens de Montréal

    I wonder when the Molson family will axe Bergevin, he has got us to the playoffs multiple times since 2012 but no cup and now this year, wow. What a horrible season! No cup this season.
  10. I will be the first one to sign up for a lawsuit against the parties and individuals involved for killing the project. I found Alison letter to OCPM OCPM (PDF)
  11. Thanks for the pics. It looks great. I checked out the Queen E yesterday and the renovations are really nice. I like the projection on the PVM concourse level and the Agora.
  12. I honestly wish they did not kill the Dalle Park plan. It would have been nice to travel north and south by foot, over the highway. It would have been nice to see it on your way into the city or out.
  13. It is alright, it is the exits that cause many of the problems. If they could manage to fix that, things would flow better.
  14. I wouldn't mind #2. It would be like the Decarie. #3 could be hard to implement, how would they divert the +40ft trailers? Do you force them off at the 15 and have them go north into laval and get back on the island using the 25?
  15. Amen. I guess the silent majority should find a way to quell the loud annoying minority that dislike the project.
  16. How many citizens are disgruntled? It goes to show people dislike progress and change. People need to embrace change, the future and stop living in the past.
  17. I was talking from a purchasing point of view and not an investment point of view. Looking at it as an investment point of view, if you paid cash and can manage to get someone in on a daily basis.
  18. 270 sq.ft unit. I feel bad for the person who bought a closet.
  19. They should use it as a doctors office, only for the people who live in the building. Now that would be a great perk.
  20. We will for sure see more of hydrogen vehicles being used in the next decade or so. HQ should look into developing hydrogen fuel stations across Quebec, when more and more vehicles will be using that fuel source.
  21. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    If Quebec gets into the business into mining bitcoins. I do hope it will go into funding social security or lowering taxes.
  22. That would be great in the long run. The possibilities would be endless or until the government runs out of our money.
  23. It would be more interesting if they would look into hydrogen, CNG/LNG or even fully electric buses.
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