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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. I saw an ad on Henri Bourassa today showing Mobil. More info:
  2. Hopefully Quebec will learn from them, so we don't have to deal with yearly floods in Montreal and the regions.
  3. I remember when they started off with their 1st store on Notre Dame Ouest (between Saint Jean and Saint Francois), nice to see they are still going strong.
  4. STM 2025 vision
  5. Drove around there yesterday, it is coming along nicely, minus some graffiti.
  6. At least there is still about 2 years of usage of the Deux Montagne line. It sucks that people on the Deux Montagne line will need to find an alternative for 3 years.
  7. Alison Hackney annoys the hell out of me. Doesn't she have anything else do to with her time? She is against cars and it seems public transit, so how are people supposed to get to work or does she want everyone to just do farming in their backyard? I just wish the news would stop giving these people a voice and actually go out and talk with people.
  8. How is this still not completed? It does not seem complicated at all to do something like this. Municipal, Provincial and Federal governements should have a maximum up 4 years to talk about a project and start it. If it does not start in 4 years put it on ice for 100 years. If they want to take it off ice, they must start right away after a 30 day consolation and if they axe it once again. The idea should be never brought up again or they automatically push for an election to keep their jobs or not.
  9. I do agree with you on that one. It does not seem extravagant enough.
  10. Awesome. Hopefully something will finally be built on that piece of land.
  11. I am looking forward to all the work they will be doing in my backyard to put the second rail line for Deux Montagne.
  12. Sounds like an American tourist in Egypt, saying why were the Pyramids built so close to the city.
  13. jesseps

    Expos de Montréal

    I wouldn't mind seeing a ball game. Just bring back all the '94 players out of retirement and hopefully there wont be another lockout that will cost a Canadian team the World Series.
  14. There was an article in Retail Insider on this a while back. Article:
  15. $670 million per km. That is a nice chunk of change. I do hope the 17,000+ new users will be happy. It is sad that it will only be completed by 2026.
  16. I will believe it when I see it in 2050. I know it says 2030, but not gets built on time here. $50 one way is not all that bad for a 20 min trip.
  17. I honestly do not know what to make of this whole rail against the REM. People bitch and complain that mass transit needs to grow, yet when it will grow, people bitch of complain of the cost, the time and other factors for it to work out. It is infuriating. Also the news giving Lisee a voice for this whole thing is sad. The PQ is finished, why give them a chance. They keep digging a deeper and deeper hole, that they will most likely never get out of. We all know that if the REM gets cancelled, we lose billions. So shut up and let it be.
  18. jesseps

    Le Grand Déblocage

    On ICI Laflaque they are making fun of JFL
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