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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. That will be one hell of a redevelopment project. It sucks that they wouldn't keep the sign and the clock. At least do something like the Guiness Storehouse in Dublin
  2. They will complain after that there is no good public transit to the city.
  3. It is sad this war on Airbnb. Jim Beis the mayor of Pierrefonds, is looking to ban it in almost all parts of Pierrefonds, except near Cap Saint Jacques, because he thinks people will be staying out there. I know people who use Airbnb in Roxboro and they make money, because some Hydro Quebec workers from Quebec, come out here and work on the powerlines and others use it because of access to other parts of the city or the train to the city. The city shouldn't ban it, but have people who are hosts on Airbnb, just have them register and get an inspector to approve the place. They already do that for people who want to be legit. I forgot the cost of it and if you get approved, you get a little plaque.
  4. Tram, tram, tram. It is possible to have one, and it cost less. I was looking at cities that have high amounts of snow and tram systems, we can try and emulate Sapporo.
  5. That is one hell of a redevelopment project.
  6. It would be interesting to see Toronto get it, but Trump would become a volcano. Time will tell.
  7. I havent been to that part of the city in a while. From the pictures, it is pretty impressive to see what it looks like without the hospital.
  8. I guess they better get the city and province to agree to reserved bus lanes along the 13 to the 20. Also get sirens on the bus, to get cars out of the way and if that doesn't work, put a plow on the buses to they can force cars out of the way. If anyone caught using the bus lane, car impounded for the duration of the project, so they are forced to take the bus.
  9. That would be great, but a lot of people will complain that it give people access to the casino, that shouldn't have access.
  10. I don't think CAPITAL NORD-EST SOCIETE EN COMMANDITE will spend money to fix up Wanda exterior, since they are the owners of 1310 Maisoneuve. The city evaluates the building and land at $2.7 million. I am guessing they want more than $6 million for the land and building. May'be they are holding out on someone willing to pay $12 million or more.
  11. 20-30x per winter for snow is a nice amount of snow fall. Plus we do not have a lot of light in the winter, will not help this car. Also you will not be able to park this in a garage, because if you do that, you render the solar panels useless. So all in all, the car will be using the battery in the winter and the other seasons the solar panels can be used. Don't get me wrong, it is innovative and the price is right.
  12. Great idea, but it won't work here. The car will always be covered in snow, so no way to recharge via the solar panels.
  13. Since last weekend, I have been seeing them haul rocks from the Sunnybrooke direction. I was amazed they had one pass by midnight. I sent a tweet out to see if they are working 24/7 on weekends, but no answer.
  14. Cry me a river. It is done, there is no turning back.
  15. This "vacant" property is on 15-16 acres, right next to Henri-Bourassa and the 40. It is pretty much used to hold unsold Subaru's for the time being. It would be interesting to see if it gets sold in the next few years and redeveloped. Turned into a mixed use development (office/hotel). It is a great location and would be close to the REM.
  16. Courtesy of Radio Canada It is a long article so I am not posting all of it. You can read it at Radio Canada. All I have to say, we need for this to be fixed. Quebec and Quebecers should be reaping the benefits of our water and not corporations. How the corporations start giving out shares to each Quebecer every time we top them up.
  17. If I win the lotto. I'd for sure get one. It is a nice price to pay to have a 2 car garage and 3-4 bedroom downtown. Do you still get hit with condo fees because it is part of a condo development? Hopefully the road with the townhouses can be gated.
  18. It be a great idea to open up a passerelle between Ile Bizard and the REM station. I do believe it would make life even better on Ile Bizard.
  19. I remember this story from November, but with Qantas. Hopefully it will catch on and other airlines follow suit.
  20. 4 years of headaches vs 1 year nightmare.
  21. The cost to clean and remodel the Children's hospital would have been expensive. Yes, we need more lower income housing and hopefully the blue bonnets area will address that.
  22. 4 years to do this, what a shame. It should only take max 1 year. Just hire people from outside the country to do this.
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