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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. When I heard this on the radio. I was laughing and angry at the same time. It is such a moronic thing to do. You are reducing the amount of cars able to park in the city, yet you dislike the competition stealing your clients. People choose to go mall outside the city, because better access and don't need to worry about slipping and falling on the sidewalk. It is good that it is not up to the city, but the government to allow it. I do not think the CAQ would touch that idea with a 10 ft pole.
  2. It does make sense, it will block the noise from the REM, but will increase vehicle traffic because of the increase of development - so with that being said I do not think it will happen or if does, the people of TMR will probably be bitching and complaining.
  3. Formula E could have stuck around, if there was more transparency and another location that would cause less of a headache for the residents. It sucks that the city is out $50 million or so for canceling the event. That money could have been used somewhere else.
  4. One mayor doesn't want to say how much it cost the city to host it and now another mayor wont say how much it will cost to cancel it. There goes transparency with the new administration. How much can it cost to cancel? $1 billion?
  5. Nice to see that it is back on the table.
  6. It will be sad if they do not renovate the restaurant on the 9th floor.
  7. If you saw my previous post, I would like to see this get built.
  8. Pollution, loss revenue for the city of Montreal, potential for loss of jobs at Rockland and the list continues. We will see how the new mayor handles this. If Rockland became a relic of the past, they could turn the whole thing into a multi level indoor green house. More local produce.
  9. I am looking forward to this being built. Between this project, the hippodrome redevelopment and the other project on Sainte Croix. It will be a great area to be in.
  10. I might test out the new config today during lunch. I want to see how it looks. There already has been one over turned truck since they opened this morning.
  11. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    If the economy of Quebec keeps going at this rate for the next 30-35 years, sure lets separate from Canada.
  12. If the Liberals had a brain, they would have abstained from voting on the motion. We know that the Liberals are not for the English speaking Quebecers, they just need us to help secure a majority so there is no PQ vote on sovereignty . Couillard should have never apologized in the first place. It goes to show, he is just trying to get votes to win the next election.
  13. This will save what 1-2 hours at the border? It is still a long train ride to NYC.
  14. For the sake of diplomacy. If all retailers across Canada chose to start saying Bonjour/Hi, would Quebec still consider it an irritant or allow it here?
  15. It looks great. I wonder who would take over the spot? If you do not look at the inside renderings, it looks like it could be an awesome Wholefoods.
  16. Why would liberal minded Canadians care about Trump? If they can make a pretty penny in the US over Canada, they will go. It is Trudeau's fault! He is not coddling the tech industry / startups / other industries in Canada to stop the brain drain.
  17. Doesn't everyone under-evaluate? The project will probably cost anywhere between $8-$10 billion. Meaning it be $2 - $4 billion over budget. If they need to find some more cash, Sabia better start selling off their international holdings to save face or be ridiculed out of office for bungling one of their first infrastructure project. No one will ever take them seriously ever again.
  18. So all in all, Tecade should be banned from all future projects in Canada.
  19. If there was no delays, it wouldn't be a typical project in this city. Now the wait to see who wins the contract.
  20. When will the whole thing be reconfigured or that won't happen, since there is no train from the airport to the city?
  21. I am waiting for a plane to be powered by a nuclear reactor. Since we are on the topic of large vehicles, that will be using an alternative source of energy. The Tesla semi supposedly will need 4000 homes worth of energy to recharge. Financial Times
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