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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. That is really good news, that it will not be used for condos.
  2. $10 per sq.ft for someone that lives within 1.5 km of the REM. So I will be paying an extra $600 or so per year for some sort of tax. I better a credit of some sort of at least a few months free travel.
  3. If that is true, that means the city doesn't believe in the Royalmount project.
  4. I just remembered about this project today, all because of Google Maps. If you input the address, you will find the picture of what was supposed to be there. Who knows, it might happen a few years down the road, after the REM is built.
  5. Time for the city to start selling the land to developers. The area is going to be super busy between this going to be developed, the huge mall and the new development on the North East corner of the Decarie/40. Even with the extension of Cavendish blvd, it will not be able to handle the traffic.
  6. I do hope some good news comes out of the town hall. This really needs to happen. That 1 km extension can probably save a bit of time. Yes more cars will be going down Cavendish to try and bypass traffic on the Decarie, but it is much needed.
  7. Project Montreal's Pink line seems interesting. It would be interesting to see that happen and the rest of the other extensions.
  8. If all the projects in that area happen. I do hope the mayor forces the Cavendish extension to go forward.
  9. Too bad they closed the Loblaws/Provigo and moved it to the new building on the other side of the highway. I wonder if Smart REIT will look to get a grocer as tenant in this development.
  10. I see for the Roxboro-Pierrefonds station will be above the ground and some of the track will be raised too.
  11. I do agree that this project looks like it is from the middle of the 2000s. They should have done something different.
  12. I cant wait to see what happens to this spot.
  13. For me it does make more sense to have the station in that location and not at St Charles. What I remember 20+ years ago that area being nothing! Just a house and a huge barn. Speed it up a 15+ years ago, it becomes a spot for teens and what not to shop and see movies. Now it is pretty much dead, with a huge cinema. Residents should be happy that they will have something linking them to the city and that they do not need to sit in traffic! I honestly wish they had that for me 12+ years ago.
  14. More condos? I guess that is a good thing, seems like in the next year or so there will be a lot of people buying here because Vancouver and Toronto are unaffordable and or the 15% foreigner tax scared them away.
  15. It will for sure make for a great addition to that part of town. Only issue that I have with it, I will not be able to park there anymore. That was the only place I always found with no cars parked during the summer.
  16. I do understand the concerns of the whole imminent domain thing, but this thing will get done. The government keeps saying they want to live in a greener society and this is the first step and the NIMBYs need to get use to it. One thing is there any kind of modifications being made to the Deux-Montagne rails or they are staying the same?
  17. I really need to go to Old Montreal soon. I haven't been there in quite some time and it be nice to see the ferris wheel.
  18. Looks like a really nice project and if they can get the right balance of green space, with homes it be a great place to live. Especially with a boulevard to the 40, it may help reduce traffic on St Charles.
  19. It is one large project. I do hope they put a grocery store in one of the buildings. I know that there is a Metro a few stations away at Snowdon.
  20. jesseps

    REM: Expansion future

    First things first, get this up and running and see how well it does. If there is an expansion, they should really think about connecting Cote Vertu to Sauve and beyond, maybe Pie-IX/Henri-Bourassa. There are so many possibilities to choose from.
  21. It is a great that the city wants to make that area more green and family friendly
  22. St Laurent has two nice buildings. This one and the library. It seems like someone in city hall likes modern design. Now if only all future developments will be like that.
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