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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. That be amazing if someone did decide to work on this Vision. It would nice to have more life over in that part of town.
  2. I do agree with you there. Most states/cities are probably looking to sell their sold to attract Amazon. It is nice to see Canadian cities trying to attract a large company. It will like the Hunger Games.
  3. That is really good news. I am looking forward to seeing that get built. This city needs more bridges.
  4. Just imagine if Montreal can get Amazon to setup HQ2 here and also win the Hyperloop. This city will be moving. It is a lot of if's.
  5. It be amazing if it does happen.
  6. I checked the ranking on wikipedia and Montreal is in good company: #11 Frankfurt, #12 Montreal and #13 Melbourne. So I now understand why after Brexit, many banks decided to go to Frankfurt and not #26 Paris or #30 Dublin. Compressive list:
  7. They do not mention NYC, but I am guessing they are number 1? I am actually surprised we beat out Boston.
  8. Bloomberg is stating that Amazon is weighing Boston as an option.
  9. When do people near the Roxboro train station find out if part of their backyards will be expropriated?
  10. I saw an article yesterday or this morning, show a list of 20+ cities in the US. They would have put Toronto, but they couldn't find information required. The best cities were Salt Lake, Denver, Raleigh and I think Boston. Not in that order. Raleigh would be first, but their public transit / infrastructure is not up to the task. The city and most likely the state would need to invest a ton to make it feasible.
  11. It seems they are slowly changing that, with their Condos going to be situated on the old Children's hospital lot.
  12. I like the blue lights, but I might be part of the minority that it hurts my eyes at night (any blue light), when I am driving.
  13. I was thinking Denver could be a good fit. It seems they have a west coast mentality over there. They have a booming economy the last time I heard. Thing is, it is in the Midwest, wouldn't Amazon want to be more on the East Coast? If we look at cities with flights to Seattle and a city that costs less to live in, we have (according to Numbeo): Boston Philadelphia San Jose Calgary Denver Vancouver Toronto Raleigh Also if we look at Quality of Life that is better than Seattle (according to Numbeo): Raleigh Boston San Jose Denver It will be interesting to see which city pulls out all the stops for Amazon. Montreal is out of the running, since we have no direct flights to Seattle. I am not sure if Montreal and Quebec can strong arm an airline. Time will tell.
  14. If we look at only two things Quality of Life and Cost of Living. Montreal is one of the cheapest places to live in North America with a population of out size and the Quality of Life is quite high.
  15. I am surprised Calgary and Kanata/Ottawa did not make those lists. I understand it is an American website and they probably do not know much about either one. I saw one website saying Detroit would be a great fit. It would surely bring life back to that city, it really needs it.
  16. What is the height restriction in the West Island? Other possible locations are: 15/40 and St Laurent Technopark
  17. I will, don't you worry. It be a great thing, if it did happen.
  18. Give it time until someone tells Couillard that the election is around the corner. Almost 12 months away. Things may start moving faster.
  19. It is an okay park, nothing special about it. I am surprised people are happy about this one, even though we lost out on a perfect park that was going to over the 20 in the yards.
  20. Amazon looking for a location to have a 2nd HQ. Maybe Ivanhoe Cambridge can get them to take the whole project.
  21. It is sad to hear. It was a nice small oasis in the city. There are much little green space downtown.
  22. It is nice to see that 19th century technology might finally see the light of day. It would be nice to be able to get to Toronto in no time or even New York. One thing that could be great, if they can get the hyperloop to connect the territories. Would probably help reduce the cost of goods up there and help with the cost of living.
  23. Viaduc 375 looks impressive. I am looking forward to its completion.
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