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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. LMAO So Coderre did not want to know? Other news is, VP will not be able to move the race to Ile Notre Dame for next years race. So her options are, the following: my crazy 7 km race on and around the mountain or using part of the stadium.
  2. I do agree with you there, why should people who voted for DC get something first, but why not. Be nice with the people who didn't vote for you the 1st time around and the 2nd time around, they will most likely be your best supporters. We will most likely be talking about this for the next 4-8 years before the first shovel is put into the ground. I will be surprised if this gets going before 2021 or even 2025.
  3. It could work, if they take up 1 lane in each direction and turn it into like a SRB lane, just like PIE IX. Yes, it be a headache for people in cars, but isn't the whole thing with mass transit and wanting to use mass transit, people stop using their cars? With the tram, it would probably cost $0.5-2 billion and it wouldn't cost $6-$13 billion to do a new metro line. So there is billions left over for other things, education, social housing, even more mass transit.
  4. It will be interesting to see if the federal and provincial government will change part of the ligne rose or not. We are a long ways away from this seeing the light of day. More transit the better, either metro, REM or tram. If VP wants the ligne rose to be done quickly, it would have to be a tram, just rip up the roads and put down some steel and you have money to spare to connect more parts of the city.
  5. jesseps

    Expos de Montréal

    That is true. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on this city, trying to revive a sport that I loved as a child and no one cared about. On another note, if this city needs more teams, we should try and get a basketball team and call them the: Montreal Corrupt or Montreal Gangsters or Montreal Potholes or pay homage to our old baseball team, the Montreal Royals.
  6. Ouch. It looks like British or American version of low income housing from decades ago. It cheapens the whole area, but that is my opinion.
  7. Ahh okay. At least the prep work has been in the works. Some foresight by the city.
  8. Haven't they been building that blvd behind the Colisee for years now?
  9. I thought of an interesting yellow line extension (on island) It be Namur, JGH, UdM, Mont Royal Park, McGill (north end of the campus) and Berri. Call the Yellow line the Nature / Higher Learning Line. The reason for that name, it is connected to 3 Universities, 2 parks and 1 hospital. The other reason I had it extend to Namur, with the new developments going up there, it be good to have another line service that area and quicker access to the city.
  10. If they are going to try and connect it to the REM and maybe in the future have it go west, that would be nice. If they are thinking of just connecting Montreal North to the city, they should have it connect with Berri.
  11. If they want a fun road course, they should do it on the mountain. It will be 2.8x longer than the current circuit and it will test the batteries. It won't but a burden on any businesses, the residents will not be to happy though and people trying to access the mountain.
  12. Amen. The government enjoys spending money on studies and doing nothing with them. There should be a maximum put on studies, say 3. After the 3rd study, you either decide to do it or never talk about it ever again.
  13. I am surprised Prague is 5th worldwide.
  14. It doesn't. So what the people on the south shore will not be part of it, when it launches. Why delay everyone else?
  15. It will be interesting to see how that area gets redeveloped. I remember when it was just fields and a barn back in the 90s. I spent a good part of my youth at that cinema. Time for another change and a better one.
  16. Off topic; in Vaudreuil, Ericsson is leaving their data facility, which is 215,000 sq.ft after 1 year and a $1.3 billion investment. It be easy for Amazon to take it over and setup part of their data center off island.
  17. If it does land in Canada, I have a feeling it be Toronto-Hamilton they already have a Whole Foods We will only know who won the RFP in 2019, so time will tell.
  18. With all these delays, they should have just kept Spectrum operational and the same goes with Opera down the street.
  19. It is sad that this version of 750 Peel will not be going up, yet they still did not update their website. It would have been nice to have a 21st century looking building in the city. It looks like the developers are stuck with their 19th and 20th century cube/rectangles designs.
  20. A far cry from Rockefeller Center, but it will do. Now for the city and the government to get to work on letting people skate on the Lachine Canal in the winter.
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