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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Le Chateau might bite the dust this year and there is another apparel company located in Montreal, one of their divisions is having difficulty the last time I heard.
  2. It be a miracle if they can find a way to make traffic "fluid" in that area during rush hour. Plus wasn't there a project slated for that area a while ago or is this the same project? Update: Nevermind, I saw the post above about the previous project in this space.
  3. At this point the STM should be like, any more delays we get everything for free.
  4. What is next, Samsung and Microsoft closing their stores? I wonder if we will go back to how things were in the past, catalogues and ordering over the phone
  5. It is hard to see what will happen within the next year. I am not sure how viable the oil sands will be in the future, if all the producers don't find a way to lower the cost of getting it out of the ground. The reason I am saying that, a few people are speculating that a barrel of oil, will never go above US$100 ever again which is alright. I think I saw that Alberta needs it to be above $85 to breakeven. I guess time will tell, one thing is for sure we will be seeing layoffs soon. WTI crude is below $45 now and months ago, people kept saying it may settle at around $40, but I told them the way it was going it may be $31 (but I'll see if I will be right). Canada will be taking a hit and I am not sure how the Conservatives will be able to balance the budget, with this type of loss and I have a feeling this may tip it in favour for the Liberals in the election slated for October.
  6. Thank you for that. At least the residents of Lachine should be happy. I just can't wait to see the Turcot Yards be developed.
  7. I am not sure how well a light-rail would function in the West Island, but where do you think they would place it? I would rather have the blue line extended more towards Loyola (two stops: YMCA and Loyola). What would be great is a light rail going from one end of Cavendish to the other (that is if they ever connect it). Same goes for Chemin Côte-des-Neiges and Sherbrooke.
  8. I am all for this I wonder if it will fast-track many projects that are moving at a snails pace?
  9. I for one would hope to see this happen, but this would be a large task for the government. It would probably take them anywhere between 30-50 years to complete it. We may all be dead by the time it does get completed or even starts. I see this project costing up to $32B (incl. decades of delays, cost overruns, corruption, inflation and et all)
  10. Nicely done. It is great visualising the density around the Bell Center. Man, oh man Google needs to work on Google Earth.
  11. jesseps

    Tesla Motors - Montreal

    Courtesy of Montreal Gazette It is open. Plus this is the largest Tesla store/dealership in North America. Read/Video
  12. (Courtesy of Eater) Now for someone to fix the restaurant on top of the Eaton Center.
  13. That is a great selling point, but everything can be infiltrated.
  14. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    They have a great product. I don't think we will be losing a HQ, seeing they still operate out of Montreal and have an office in California but I could be wrong. I can't wait to see what is in store for them.
  15. Sooner or later, they will find a new way to get around it and find a way to get Quebec on board, it just needs to be done in the next 1-4 years or Alberta will finally need to start refining their oil, which won't work, because it be more costly to put the infrastructure in place and there has been many articles saying that they lost way too much time trying to ship it to refineries when they should have done it already. Sometimes Canadian companies should be more proactive and not rely on others.
  16. It is nice to see that they are working on this. I can't wait to hear more about this.
  17. Nobody knows how low it will go. Some "experts" are saying US$40/barrel and others think it could be US$20 (but those are from the tinfoil brigade). If we look at it as the whole 2007-2009 stock market crash, we are only at the start of a year long decline. True, it is hard to compare both, but you can look at the end result. Either way, when it does hit bottom, the only things that will happen are: 1. It will be the new price that we have for a certain time period (months or years) 2. It will start to go back up and in a few years it will be back where it was at US$100+ barrel Either way, we will see many people losing their jobs in that period and if you are looking to invest wait a while. As a current investor it does suck, but for a normal consumer, it is nice to be able to save some money. On another thing, I heard something last night on the radio something about Quebec's oil potential (but it will not happen anytime soon or ever because there will be more injunctions to block fracking), but I wasn't really pay attention and I can't find any article on it. What is interesting, is that in 2015 that Quebec is supposedly imposing a $0.03/liter carbon tax on gas. It would be nice to see if these taxes will be used for rebuilding the roads or it will just line politicians pockets or land up in the mobs bank account.
  18. I would rather keep my Canadian $ in Canada and not going to some foreign country to buy oil. I do understand we need to reduce our dependency on the black stuff, but it will be decades before the majority of the population will be driving fully-electric or even hydrogen vehicles and when that happens, who knows Quebec may have to start doing transfer payments to Alberta Either way right now I am happy with my shares of IPL, TRP and CNR.
  19. #12 - Montreal (Courtesy of GOOD) Read more The 50 cities they selected are quite interesting; #1 Hong Kong, #2 Johannesburg and #3 Mexico City.
  20. It does suck, but sooner or later the store will have to either: 1. Have a French option; so it appeases the Bill 101 gods 2. Stick to what they have now; so everyone just shuts up and drives to the store or goes somewhere else to buy what they are looking for 3a. Close all stores in Quebec because of the law; so people lose their jobs and loss or revenue 3b. Still sell to Quebec from Ontario and let Ontario get all the revenue, while Quebec gets the shaft; loss of revenue and higher unemployment.
  21. Thank you for the history of that location. It sucks that the actual hotel burnt down and is now a horrendous looking rental car location.
  22. jesseps

    Expos de Montréal

    It would be nice to see a team back in Montreal, but can they build a winning team and that withstand and live through a lock-out? One thing if this did happen, what would be stopping them from having a NBA team here? I wonder what the name of the stadium would be called; Dollarama Stadium/Park or Bronfman Stadium/Park (Seagrams has a nice ring to it, but I don't think they can use that anymore) or Bell Stadium/Park?
  23. jesseps

    BanK - 16 étages (2015)

    You think this project is going slow, just look at the one near Lionel-Groulx metro (the one across from Imperial Tobacco). It still isn't completed after 7+ years.
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