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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. I can only talk about what the administration told us many months back. Everyone was taken back at how strange that sounded. I guess some OQLF officers are more hard asses than others. I guess it is some what understandable. It falls under the computers are the property of the company, so the company has to comply with the law language law. We were even making jokes what is next, making us think in French? Some parts of the law are so asinine or the people policing it treat it as the bible. I wonder how Breitbart will spin the story and the same goes with Drudge (that is if they ever cover it). Something like that may stop some US businesses wanting to do business here and the same goes for tourists. It is probably a marginal amount that the Government wouldn't notice as lost revenue. The would probably would want you to be running it in French. I don't understand why an OS would have to be in French, I am not sure who it is hurting at all. Windows or Ubuntu or Apple in English or French it does the same thing. I guess the shortcuts are different.
  2. C'est facile a corriger cette probleme aver un sticker en français.
  3. I am with you on that one. If people weren't forced to do something. There would be less animosity from non-speaking french people and they most likely would try learning the language. Half my family is francophone and I choose not to speak the language, because of the government. If I am spoken to in French, I will speak in French. If I am spoken in English, I will speak in English. One thing I am not sure if it was ever brought up before. There was medical review a while back, saying that if you speak more than 2 languages "may" reduce dementia: Someone was looking at Quebec - New York office FB page and many parts of it is in English: There is some bilingualism. I think Diane should clean her house first, before telling what private citizens and private businesses on the language that should be spoken.
  4. Someone should tweet Denis and be like "where are, are heated sidewalks Scandinavia is doing it, why can't we?". Heated in the winter, cooled in the summer.
  5. I left one out the best one out. If you want to listen to music with a work computer... it must have french lyrics. So my bosses were like, please bring your iPods. That one takes the cake. I don't mind having to search or have a computer operate in French, you can just switch it to English. It is more upsetting having a government tell you want you can listen to at work. I am not sure why Diane De Courcy has the title "Quebec minister of immigration and cultural communities". I find it counterintuitive, it would imply that she is open to immigrants and other cultures in Quebec, but it is more like "Quebec minister of the Quebec people and Quebec culture / language"
  6. What is funny the OQFL wanted us to speak French to our manufactures in China. Do you know how insane that is. It is already a pain trying to speak with them in English! Now to try and find manufactures in China that know how to speak French, that is nearly impossible. It took a while for them to understand that and after they just wanted inter-office emails to be in French. Same with the keyboards and having Google search be in French and switching over Windows from English to French. Some things are so counter-productive. I just love how Loto-Quebec machines at the casino can be in English. Sure that the OQFL understands that the government needs more "time" and meet "deadlines". When they need to make money, they will throw out any laws they have to suit their needs. Complete hypocrisy. I wonder how messed up this province would be, if people choose what language they wanted to use.
  7. It be easier for her to exclude Quebec from any and all sales. Just like how Quebec is excluded from many contests in Canada. I guess Quebec dislikes Canada being a multi-lingual, multi-cultural, open society that enjoys the freedoms that we take for granted on a daily basis. If Quebec wants segregation, let this province have it. If you want service in French go to a store that will only serve you in French. Do not go to a store that is bilingual. I have lost all patience dealing with people who think; one language is superior than another and the same goes with a religion or political party. Protectionism is a great thing, but at a certain point you have to step back and see if it is doing more harm than good.
  8. It is both good and bad. It all depends on how you look at it. The PQ has less to worry about vote wise, but they would lose tax payers (so there probably goes like a billion or two in revenue). Plus property values would go down a nice percentage if millions of homes hit the market at once (so cities will have to redo their property taxes - so Montreal will get screwed once again by Quebec). There might be some fire sales. It will favour the poor here, but screw everyone else. Let everyone worry about the stupid language and what someone is wearing because of their religion, than something important as debt, economy and other things. Lets all stay blind to the real problem. No matter what, this province will be screwed for another 50 years.
  9. Read More There are currently no phones on the market that use the 700 MHz band. It will be interesting to see if Videotron puts together an agreement with a US mobile provider to reduce roaming fees, just like WIND did for an extra $15/month* unlimited roaming in the US. If Videotron does come out with an interesting plan to compete against Rogers/Fido, Telus and Bell. I might as well switch. It would be nice if Videotron would have a plan that would match WIND or Mobilicity. Another thing that I suspected years ago, Videotron would buy WIND and Mobilicity to also increase their footprint (it might still happen but who knows). * $65/month - Unlimited calls within Canada/US, Unlimited Data within Canada/US, Unlimited SMS within Canada/US + Voicemail / Caller ID Videotron has a similar plan but you can't roam in the US/Canada but it is $72/month with 6GB of data. I did find something online talking about the 700 MHz upper and lower band.
  10. I don't share. Plus I can bitch if I want. Transport Quebec still didn't put in new lane dividers on the 20 towards the city. It is impossible to tell what lane you are in. I guess it is easier for the province to enforce the speed limit then have nice white or orange lines dividing lanes.
  11. 2020, so what is that 3-7 years after it was supposed to be opened?
  12. I guess I better be a billionaire by 2020, so I can use a helicopter to get around Montreal.
  13. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    I love the blame game. I guess it is easier to blame then fix the problem. I would rather have someone finally come out and say "this province is fucked and I will everything in my power to fix it". That will never happen. Most politicians are scumbags and only care about their self worth and no one else. So go on and keep electing morons (nothing will ever change). If Marois had a brain, she would have worked on fixing what was broken then breaking something that didn't need to be fixed in the first place. /end-rant Anyways. It is interesting to see a former Premier come out and say this are bad. Maybe some PQ followers will get on the bandwagon and be like, we are going down like the Titanic.
  14. jesseps

    L'Économie du Québec

    Loblaw Some sort of good news.
  15. I wonder how the indoor parking situation will be like.
  16. Just noticed that Still doesn't help with looking for 2 or more garages. I guess no one is ever looking for more garage space.
  17. I heard the City of Montreal wants to take control of the AMT, so Quebec doesn't have to deal with it anymore.
  18. One thing I wish would allow me to look for a home with 2 or more car garage. If the whole thing fell through, what would happen? We would have to check every realtor website for a place or Montreal or Quebec would have started their own version?
  19. If you can't eat street food in -30. You shouldn't call yourself a Canadian and should leave Canada for warmer weather all year round
  20. Now if only it would be all year round and not in the summer months. I hate these pilot projects. Just allow them to work!
  21. It is all fine and dandy adding wifi to parks, but how about finally having a smart grid, so streetlights are synchronized and know where there is traffic, so it can find a way to solve the issue (i.e streetlights force you to take an alternative route to relieve pressure where there is traffic). Idling in traffic isn't good for the environment and this city is supposed to be green, so they should act on it for once, instead of trying to get people to take the train or bus, knowing no one will listen.
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