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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. I walked by tonight. Sure today's a gray day, but this building's got such a sad street-level presence. It's really tacky how they put the treadmills right on top of the vestibule. I really hope things are going to get better with a restaurant (or some stores?)
  2. I took a quick look at the first couple pages but couldn't find any pre-Crystal pictures. What used to be there? I imagine some kind of parking lot.
  3. I wonder if this will be a kangaroo crane, this is a pretty narrow space.
  4. They're tearing down the top (with the big red I) this morning.
  5. The crane behind "Le Chateau" on Sherbrooke leads me to believe that the “The Blacklist” opening shot is from August 2012.
  6. Anderson... are you a student or did you sneak into the building? Nice pics.
  7. Taking down the (kangaroo?) crane over the weekend. BONUS: fancy pantsy upscale restaurant RACINES opened October 24th.
  8. No activity right now but clearly different from this summer.
  9. Have you peeked inside? It's a whole lotta NOTHING. Very curious to know what they're going to do in there.
  10. Héritage Montréal not fighting the good fight here.
  11. Where is it, on site? Some kind of trailer or an actual new office? Surprised no one has posted pictures yet. Maybe I'll drop by tomorrow.
  12. Discussion thread already exists... please merge or something
  13. Serious competition for la Quetaine... I mean la 4ine. Pro: P.A. is just up the block. Con: Station des Sports is just up the block.
  14. Speaking of Clocher de l'UQAM, when the heck are they gonna remove the fence surrounding it? Why is it even there? It feels like it's been there for decades.
  15. Martin... you obviously didn't look at the shot I posted.
  16. Oh god, I'm trying to think of an angle where this view is possible... What the hell is that behind UQAM? Some of the weirdest marketing this far.
  17. > Regarde par exemple ce bâtiment sur René-Lévesque qui a été démolie et où se trouve aujourd'hui SNC Lavalin. Thanks for that picture!! from what I recall, one of the SNC guys went to that school as a kid.
  18. It was such a great game. Going to platinum the new edition as well
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