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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Weird render. Looks all squishy.
  2. January 9th 2013 - working hard on a cold morning. boarding up the site I think.
  3. January 9th 2013 - commercial offering straight from Blainville
  4. Thanks for the link. What do they mean with "stationnement illégal"?
  5. 90 Condos, delivery August 2014 Formerly Hotel du Fort, closed November 2013
  6. It's gonna be a big beige block and you all know it.
  7. Wow, WTF does all this have to do with the Maritime condos?? I was hoping for some news...
  8. Latest update, and a nice recap. Publié le 04 janvier 2014 à 04h30 Terrains du CN à Pointe-Saint-Charles: un jugement favorable à L'AMT
  9. Well the irony is that disabled folks can't take a lift down to the platform anyway. I mean that's nice of Alexis Nihon and all, they're probably being forward-thinking with this, but as far as I can tell there's no plan to retrofit Atwater with an elevator. I'm also not sure why they felt the need to enclose this area with thick glass panels.
  10. A couple minor additions... new disabled ramp to the metro and some kind of historical wall (WIP)
  11. So is it gonna be 50 or 57 floors? Can they still increase the height this late in the process?
  12. December 20th 2013, probably my last update of the year.
  13. Thanks Rob. Must be hard to work down there with all that snow...
  14. denpanosekai

    IGA Express

    Interesting indeed. Would like to see one of these downtown montreal (minus the gas station)
  15. denpanosekai

    Expos de Montréal

    All this talk is amazing and exciting. Even yesterday I was watching the Habs from the Phoenix stream and the hosts couldn't help themselves but gossip about the Expos' return whenever they showed Youppi...
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