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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. It's definitely put me off from buying a house this year. And personally this has NOTHING to do with language.
  2. Thanks! Yeah I guess it already slipped my mind. Though I'm not sure the context is entirely the same here. We're talking about a coverup vs a massive cancerous interchange.
  3. I'm pretty sure he committed to this during the campaign... Actually refresh my memory?
  4. Too bad the palais de justice ruins it... Great photo otherwise! Was this taken at Place des Nations?
  5. > infiltration de liquides nauséabonds dans ce tunnel Can confirm
  6. Dumb unrelated story of the day: I live two blocks from the Redpath Mansion and I always thought it was on Redpath street... Tried looking for it tonight only to realize it's on Museum
  7. Festival Montreal Joue (Feb 22nd - March 9th)
  8. February 18th 2014 Top hat going up in the snow.
  9. Absolutely, 100% backed. «mettre Montréal sur la mappe» What is this mappe thing? An acceptable way to write map in French? Why not just write "map" or is that not politically correct?
  10. Mackay not McKay... You'll find some related discussion and my own pics of a semi-boarded-up buffet right here. However I can guarantee you that > Big ads on Buffet Maharaja and neighbouring buildings for the condo must be very recent because there was nothing just last week. walk by there very frequently. Will check again tomorrow to confirm.
  11. Amazing. So much parking space. Did it ever get full? Anymore like this? Please link me to the set.
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