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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Any reason why Ilot Voyageur isn't on that list then? Or was that 100% private sector?
  2. Ground floor is completely boarded up on Saint-Jacques. The furniture store is having a closing sale.
  3. Should be added to top post
  4. If the back wall is completely window-less, why did they bother building it with holes and patching it later??
  5. To be fair it's a pretty dumpy area. Why are there so many fucking pigeons all the time? They feed off timbit crumbs?
  6. > This could become as vibrant as St Catherine near Le Seville. Have you seen that area lately? It used to look like a war zone and now its buzzing. Buzzing sure. Bring on the stadium and we'll be BOOMING Commercially, the Seville effect has mostly been felt on the north side of Sainte-Catherine, so far. Station des Sports is completely renovating its facade. XACT condos are coming up this summer. La 4ine is not really moving along though and I've been meaning to call them.
  7. Only thing new to report is that the large banner has mostly been ripped away by our harsh winter. Not looking very good, image-wise.
  8. denpanosekai

    Expos de Montréal

    > Will they take over Cabot Sqaure too? Of course, they'll have to. As a Shaughnessy Village resident, I'd much rather have a stadium than that dump. Tougher pill to swallow if they do end up spiffing it up after all these years though. There are a few structures along Lambert-Closse (absolutely no historical value) that they'd also have to buy out. Mentally extend Sussex to Ste-Catherine and you have your perfect quadrilatere. I would definitely like to see them work in the 1912 building, with its grandiose greek pillars, maybe for stadium management or a big ass gift shop. Another fantastic selling point for the area is the direct highway access (720) at RL/St-Marc and Fort. I think this would soften worries about local traffic downtown, however it would increase parking issues in Little Burgundy (I've used free spots along Coursol for years). Of course Atwater metro would still be the preferred transit method (boy would Alexis-Nihon Plaza blow up commercially). Overall it can't be much worse than it's been around Bell Center for the past 15 years. People have always been parking all over griffintown during game night, even as far back as Verdun. Hell I wouldn't even mind if they completely turned the forum into a parking tower. They'll have to have something somewhere anyway.
  9. denpanosekai

    Expos de Montréal

    > on annonce qu’on va remplir le trou This guy's not trying very hard. The ETS and the Jardins Windsor already occupy 75% of this space... I can't stand the baseball haters in the comments section. I don't care about soccer but I'm really fucking thrilled the Impact are doing what they're doing. I think the lot between Duke/St-Henri and St-Maurice/William could have been perfect too, but that's where 21e arrondissement is building.
  10. This is gonna look exactly like the Metropol on RL, right?
  11. Watch Victoria bridge explode.
  12. Hello evosherbrooke, thanks for posting here. When is the new logo going up? Any changes to the ground-floor commercial offering?
  13. Proposed: Current: NOTE: This is a Karsten Rumpf project announced back in JUNE 2011 with little to no indication that any work started. Since he is currently active with the Bishop Court condo conversion, I figured this project would be worth posting here. But this thread probably belongs to "projects oublie" for now.
  14. Thanks CJB I'll take some pictures over lunch tomorrow.
  15. It's the one currently at St-Antoine & De la montagne. They're moving the facade around.
  16. mark, no need to quote all these big images. but I'm with you...
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