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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Once again in the news.... Un rappeur proxénète écope de 4 ans de prison
  2. No one's moved in yet, right? I was walking down University tonight and the whole building was pitch black save for the white stripes at the top.
  3. Marois gonna fuck shit up Pont Champlain: le chantier risque d'être perturbé, prévient Marois
  4. I'd guess so, there were a few other signs on location but none of them explicitly said "ICI".
  5. ddsg, thanks for sharing!!! welcome to
  6. Thanks Ska... but I look forward to the day when this construction site will be more than just a massive core!!!
  7. They did something for this on Shaughnessy a while ago too. Edit: Yup I'm right there on one of the pictures you linked to
  8. Lampert, not Lambert. But yeah pretty shitty article.
  9. These pictures seem to date from early December 2013, shot from WITHIN the building undergoing demolition! I'm a little surprised this guy is so eager to put his real name on these...
  10. This gives us a "great" idea what the Drummond could look like. Those white panels are gonna look so nasty in a couple years.
  11. January 10th 2013 -- new burger & beer joint coming to the Faubourg... Belle & Boeuf? Looks like this is a Laval operation that's expanding downtown Montreal. I'll take it!
  12. Can someone PLEASE link to the document(s)? All I've seen here are screenshots.
  13. WTF is up with Jack's Parking? It's gonna stay there? Otherwise this is exciting. Finally that no-man's land will be a thing of the past.
  14. I remember seeing the Montreal General Hospital covered with these in an older video. I'm curious as to how the transition took place, surely not everyone agreed to the new flag right away?
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