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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Agreed. Honestly I'm still on the market for a condo, this would be one of my top 5 spots for the next 3 years. That or an entire Verdun duplex.
  2. September 3rd 2013 - street level
  3. 48% sold - debut de la phase de construction
  4. This is perhaps more Planetarium-related but I thought about this thread when I saw this before-after montage from guil3433. 1900-2013: Une vue de la rue St-Jacques près de la rue Peel.
  5. Then why are there Metro Plus ads all over the construction site... strange stuff.
  6. Heh, they even integrated Ben's. Thanks UrbMTL.
  7. There's also Gramercy which isn't moving very quickly, but it's not a very large project.
  8. I noticed yesterday that the wall of shame on Bishop Court Apartments finally got cleaned up!
  9. Does anyone know anything about the project next door? The old Dominion Express Building. There's been scaffolding for a long time, and this dust net since earlier this summer. Some kind of restoration? What's in there anyway these days?
  10. Interestingly enough, Kristian Gravenor is commenting on the rumors.
  11. Oh. I hope it doesn't stay there for years, like the one right next to Hall (Concordia).
  12. I know someone who lives in that part of PSC (south of the tracks). He's a tattoo artist so local thugs don't really fuck with him, but I wouldn't move in with some kids. Across from his rather nice and pricy condo, the whole building is owned by drug dealers. I know it's up and coming and all that, but I'd still avoid the area for some time. That said, this is an unbelievable awesome action by these people and I hope it does work out.
  13. I can spot a big ass Mamoett crane truck on site from my balcony. Don't know if they're adding a third tower crane, or taking one down. Will know by the end of the day I guess!
  15. August 25th 2013 - I walked in on a guided tour, with the person explaining that Pointe-A-Calliere will rename itself in 2017 to Cite de L'Histoire Architecturale (that's what I remember hearing him say). They will also lease most of the Federal Customs basement for expositions. Everything will be linked underground (walking through some restored sewers, again I forget the name). I'd appreciate if anyone could correct me appropriately. Edit: There's a little more info here. William collector sewer. The new name will be: CIté d'archéologie et d'histoire de Montréal.
  16. August 25th 2013 - I believe this thing is almost "topped out"
  17. August 25th 2013 - Down to one crane
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