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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. I think this project is as good as complete? Walked by this morning and the only machinery left on site is a small bobcat for the backyard landscaping. A lot of the exterior finishing seems incomplete (no cornices, some sheating sticking out), especially at street level, but I suspect that's as much effort as they'll be putting in. I think there's already some graffiti on one of the stone walls.
  2. Looks decent, pretty good even! This is what I would have expected from Griffintown.
  3. Thanks, but more concretely, this means they won't start digging until they get the OK?
  4. > Un autre deux mois Thanks for all your posts, but what do you mean by that?
  5. > La modification proposée consiste à agrandir la zone de hauteur de 120 m qui s’étend actuellement à l’est de la rue Jean-D’Estrées de façon à inclure l’emplacement à l’étude Wow!
  7. Demolition is definitely underway and will be handled by our friends Demex, who just finished with 685 St-Maurice. Hey, does anyone have pictures of that house that used to be attached to Hotel de La Montagne? Very curious.
  8. Agreed about the tower base itself, but I think these smaller buildings are turning out much better than expected!
  9. Glass panels already going in! Light-blue-aqua-ish color, just like Altitude. Not very appealing to me but there's no way it can be worse than before. On a related topic, it seemed like Union Tower (575 Maisonneuve, just a block away) was also getting a facelift? The bizarre fake wood panels above Discount and Salade Bol were getting removed, scaffolding all around the front side. Man, what an eyesore. Utilitarianism at its worst.
  10. Anybody has pics of the Bluebird Cafe? Everything I find is the burned down version. Would make for an interesting before-after shot.
  11. Thanks ILuvMTL very interesting. The Under Pressure people did quite a number on this house during their recent street festival. I understand paint is temporary, but I still feel this is somewhat disrespectful to the history of our city. Of course the greater sacrilege was probably covering it up in aluminium siding (I assume during the eighties).
  12. Wow! Thanks rnr_ss. This isn't a tower crane, is it? One of those wall huggers? It's weird how they split up their work zone in half.
  13. Une école moderne et lumineuse à Lachine The "abandoned anglophone school" in question is the Lachine High School from 1930. Looks like a great project.
  14. Agreed. Honestly I'm still on the market for a condo, this would be one of my top 5 spots for the next 3 years. That or an entire Verdun duplex.
  15. September 3rd 2013 - street level
  16. 48% sold - debut de la phase de construction
  17. This is perhaps more Planetarium-related but I thought about this thread when I saw this before-after montage from guil3433. 1900-2013: Une vue de la rue St-Jacques près de la rue Peel.
  18. Then why are there Metro Plus ads all over the construction site... strange stuff.
  19. Heh, they even integrated Ben's. Thanks UrbMTL.
  20. There's also Gramercy which isn't moving very quickly, but it's not a very large project.
  21. I noticed yesterday that the wall of shame on Bishop Court Apartments finally got cleaned up!
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