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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Slowly coming along. It will be a great campus.
  2. We still got a while until it is completed until 2020. I like the total commute time though.
  3. I am looking forward to seeing this, when I get back to Montreal. It isn't grandiose as some other roof top look outs/bars/restaurants, but I am happy with that. Now for someone to fund the revival of the Eaton restaurant.
  4. I did find something, I am not sure if anyone posted this (PDF) from Conseil CDN from June 2016. Depending on the way they go, anywhere between 11510 to 18416 people could reside in this area. Social housing could make up 31-50% of the homes. It also looks like they want to redevelop where Walmart and all the commercial properties are, bye bye Toys-R-US and I am not sure where the parking will be for people taking the metro.
  5. While listening to Monocle, Montreal and Toronto were pretty much tied, but they decided to go with Montreal. It is nice to see Montreal back on the list. When you compare their QoL list to others, some things are quite similar in the rankings or why many of them are great cities to live in (safety/security, affordability and so on). I was bored one day, so I made a spreadsheet with different cities and their rankings from: Monocle, Mercer, Numbeo, EIU and others (Google Drive). It is still a work in progress for the US and global cities.
  6. It is sad that this project seems to be dead in the water. I was looking for this area to be redeveloped by now or at least started to be redeveloped. Hopefully there will be good news in the next 3-4 years.
  7. Could Montreal benefit from this? Sure, but will it, time will only tell. Some people may see Quebec as unstable, it is usually 1 election away from always falling. \\ If I was an overseas investor, I would look into buying a building near UdM. Only reason being, if Quebec did leave Canada. You would still have students going to UdM from within the province and from France. The property value may go down, but you will still have a steady flow of income.
  8. So Gaz Metro is in the Biomass/BioGas and Solar industry now?
  9. jesseps

    Elää - 4 étages

    They have some really nice projects. It is for sure a nice walk to Lasalle metro, but if you bike or have a car you are pretty close to the heart of the city in no time.
  10. jesseps

    Montreal dans le Vogue

    The first photo of the article could have been way better. Vogue really did a poor job.
  11. jesseps

    La LNH à Québec?

    So another team the league needs to support, just like Phoenix? Vegas is a tourist town, so what will the tickets cost? $25?
  12. If they ban new gas powered vehicles starting in 2025, when do they expect to have all gas running cars off the road? 2050? Just recently Paris banned cars that were manufactured before 1997.
  13. I recently found their vlog a week ago. They have a pretty good vlog.
  14. (Courtesy of CTV News) We need more businesses like MTY and Aliment Couche Tard buying outside of Canada. What is amusing is that Kahala Coffee doesn't have any locations in Hawaii, even though the origin of its name is Hawaiian. One thing I just found out, is that Kahala is the company that owns Pinkberry. Which is a pretty good frozen yogurt chain. -- When I was in Jakarta, I tried out this place called Pepper Lunch, which is part of a chain. It would be interesting to see something similar in North America. It would make a killing.
  15. The 3D printer suite sounds awesome. More libraries should have them.
  16. I am really happy to hear that and I hope it continues to grow. This is something keep needs, more business and a future. It seems people woke up after decades and realised, things were stuck in neutral.
  17. Nothing like construction in Quebec. 1. Work and stop - never to work on it again 2. Work and stop - destroy and rebuild 3. Work and complete - let it fall apart over several decades
  18. With Montreal working with Google-Waze, the city might be one of the first places to allow autonomous vehicles in the country. In other news, Japan has more charging stations than gas stations. Now for Montreal, the rest of Quebec and Canada to do the same.
  19. It is a good move by them. Now lets see if any other Canadian banks will invest in Indonesia (I know we are talking about Cambodia right now), which is poised to be the 7th largest economy by 2050.
  20. I guess it is a good move for Brian, seeing Kirkland closer to Beaconsfield then St Laurent.
  21. It is a great article. Hopefully it will continue and not fall apart like the Habs this season.
  22. Nice article, but for me it has been a food capital of Canada. Nice to know it is considered to be the capital for N.A.
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