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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. How about accordion metro cars like that they have in Berlin.
  2. I was watching the news this morning. The reporter was like we still do not know if it was a tornado. The building behind her was like almost totally destroyed. Which I found funny, 100 KM/h wind can not destroy half a building, you need a stronger force like an earthquake or a tornado.
  3. pretty cool, just need to fix the buildings next to it and stuff though
  4. a nice change. too bad it was not the whole building. i wonder much it would cost to redo a whole building like that?!
  5. For some reason I was thinking of The House of Blues my bad but this Jazz thing is still a nice idea, seeing we have the Jazz fest every year.
  6. There is a building on the North side of St. Catherine Ouest near The Bay has been renovated outside and in it seems, might be condo's or something or going to be an office building.
  7. You forgot about the Orleans Express It is like $68 round trip for 1 person. Plus they have 3h to 5h bus rides.
  8. its amazing how they are doing. with 0 taxes lol One thing we can be happy about. From what I have seen. We pay peanuts for access to the internet.
  9. Would make life easier for people, if money was not a factor. Honestly I have no idea why we don't build some high tech shit here. Look at U.A.E they have a smaller GDP yet they are going crazy building stuff. Quebec GDP = 242B CDN (2006) U.A.E GDP = 189B USD (2007)
  10. Actually the worst driving I have seen. Must be in Israel. These people honk at anything or anyone. Even at a red light they honk at people to go through the red light wtf!?!
  11. Montreal pretty bad, but I have seen worst cities. Too this day, I have no idea how a person can stop at a red light for 2 seconds and keep driving, even when it is still a red light during rush hour downtown. I just wish every street corner would have a camera, catch every fucker and take their car and license away for life.
  12. Why can't we have a "train rapide" like Japan going at like 500+ KM/h or just set it up as a MAGLEV. If only it be cheaper then flying also that would be great.
  13. They keep making massive profits every year. Honestly do we actually use so much water. I wonder how much hydro electricity costs people in Brazil and China. I want to hear Hydro real answer to why they keep increasing the price.
  14. Hydro is full of greedy fuckers. I am happy they are not raising the prices again. They keep making money every year, yet they keep raising the price. Honestly I have no idea how the hell that works.
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