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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. One thing that would be interesting if they have a train going from Montreal to Tremblant and the only stop in between those two places would be Lac Mirabel. Seeing that the website (info) says 5 million people a year will drive passed Lac Mirabel anyways. Also have it some how connect to the "future" high speed rails to NYC*. I know it is a dream, but would be nice to see turn into reality. * Montreal to NYC in well over an hour with a high speed train Tremblant to NYC with a high speed train take 2-3 hrs. Could probably get a lot of NY / Montrealers (surrounding cities) to Tremblant more often in the winter or the summer.
  2. jesseps

    Canadiens de Montréal

    i was chocking on a fry when i saw the score at 5-0 I cant believe we came back and won. We now are tied with Ottawa in points. Guess I will keep my beard growing.
  3. nice. yet they keep charging us even every year lol god bless capitalism
  4. I know what you mean. For me the way I see it. Griffintown doesn't want their little haven destroyed massive new buildings and stuff. If the buildings were protected by like Heritage Montreal/Quebec/Canada or wtv, I would understand. From my knowledge, they are not. Their time is up.
  5. That is what happens when you live in Quebec. Everyone thinks like the French. Yet we barely have ties to France anymore, and we even butchered the language. Plus you can compare Quebec/Montreal economy to other cities around the country and across the globe and we are lagging behind, because of idiots that ruin it for everyone else. That is the way I see it. I want our economy to grow, but it wont happen when a minority of people will ruin it all for everyone else. The way I see it. Quebec would be fucked if they became its own nation. Only thing they have going for them now is like Hydro-Quebec. Shit Quebec is in a shitload of debt as it is now. Quebec would probably would fair even better with some major projects.
  6. lol :greedy: yay for 2-tier systems if only we could use stem cell research and shit. have new organs made
  7. I read this a few minutes ago. Seems like an interesting idea. I keep forgetting, did Quebec legalize private-clinic/hospitals?
  8. Screw baseball. Give the money to some worthy cause or something.
  9. Would have been nice, if they had put up Old Montreal and certain cities of the West Island.
  10. Also wasn't this prison, the one on the news about the 3-4 dudes that broke out?
  11. Would be an interesting place. Don't they have some sort of store like that on St Denis? One thing it be nice, for some life to come back on that side of St Catherine
  12. [/img] Took this picture a few days ago. As of yesterday or today, they have been reinforcing the exterior. This is part of the building, which is next door too the Pepsi Forum. I remember talking about this on here, not sure in which topic though. From what I remember reading in the Gazette. They want it to be a multi-use building: commercial / residential.
  13. Nom: Le Séville Hauteur: 7, 11, 11, 20 étages Coût du projet: 112 000 000,00 $ Promoteur: Claridge Investments et Prével Architecte: Prével Emplacement: Sainte-Catherine entre les rues Lambert-Closse et Chomedey Début de construction: Hiver 2010 Fin de construction: 2012
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