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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. The first floor might be a FIDO store. Seeing they had a huge FIDO ad covering the whole building, while they were restoring the building to its former glory.
  2. jesseps

    McGill Ouest - 9 étages

    It is a really nice project for Griffintown.
  3. I thought it was the other parking lot across the street. Guess the parking lot across the street from that one is too small for a hotel. Never mind I was thinking of St Jean and Notre Dame.
  4. That is for sure. There is a huge parking lot in front of McGill Ouest, I heard they want to try and turn it into a park. Old Montreal is in need of some green space. True they are making a small park on the side of the Canada Custom building on McGill, they have been doing that for a while now though.
  5. Freaky, I was reading the story from the actual paper when you posted this. It is a pretty good location, I think right across the street on the west side of the building there is another hotel.
  6. Only way Quebec would stay out of the conflict in the middle east, is when the PQ gains power and does seperate. Only way that happens, if Ottawa fucks over most people in Quebec over something big. Plus what has been happening in the Holy Land been going on for a very long time, it probably will not stop ever. May`be in about 5 billion years. One thing at least you don`t take sides, which is good. Means you are sort of not bias. You see both sides and thats how it should be.
  7. It is interesting that someone would try and do that in Vienna. They have a pretty big Muslim community there. Plus I could go on about the antisemitism, but it be bias on my part because I am Jewish. Thing is Canada is pretty much a safe haven for extremists. Malek, I would love too see what you have to say about this. Check out Spiegel (English). One thing that interest me, none of these guys are trying to bomb Switzerland. People see Switzerland system as racist.
  8. They swapped land and what not and building somewhere in Pierrefonds, last time I heard. It was suppose to be a really nice project, some pretty decent size units with some private terraces.
  9. I wouldn't mind less cars in the city. I would love more people taking public transport.
  10. jesseps

    Montréal vs. Toronto

    Last time i was in Toronto was 3 years ago just for a hockey game flew in and out. Canada vs. Sweden or something. I remember seeing one building that exactly looked like it was from SoBe. What can I say, I dislike Toronto. Have fun trying to convince me. You could be red in the face and ready to pass out, and I will still dislike it.
  11. I hope I remember someone posting something about in 2008, depending which area you live in you pay more for the service. Which reminds me of the public transport in Munich.
  12. jesseps

    Montréal vs. Toronto

    Makes them more American from my point of view, even though basketball a Canadian sport. Toronto has no heart and no soul.
  13. jesseps

    Montréal vs. Toronto

    now that is some hard stuff to swallow right now i guess it was bound to happen.
  14. For eating they forgot too mention so many better places to eat (i.e; Olive et Gourmando.)
  15. Also on another note, the STM putting in the new machines at the metro stations. For the new bus passes for Spring '08. One thing when they go into service, I should go for a ride on one.
  16. One thing that drives me insane, I live 3 streets down from Tribe. Man oh man, it is annoying hearing people going to their cars at like 3am (when tribe open). All I hear is people yelling at each other or speeding off with their cars. I feel bad for the people that live near Boris Bistro. From what I've heard, the place is not suppose to play music past 11pm (in the court yard). Shit, one of my neighbours his friend drives me insane. All he does is rev his Porsche Carrera engine none stop when his over. One thing I can be thankful for, I am pretty far from all the major bars / restaurants in Old Montreal. I feel bad for people who live around there.
  17. Montreal infrastructure been falling apart for decades. Shit even the new metro stops in Laval are cracking up already. It is a testament to Quebec engineers, we pay through the nose for something but they do a poor job. Plus it is always about the english vs french in this province. If you don't see that, you have a problem. Got to love equal rights, actually what equal rights in this province! If both sides would work together for once, we might have something great, and not so many god damn problems in any sector of the province. Plus if the government, now and in the past wasn't so god damn laid back. We should go after the people taking money from the government and building these poor structures and put them in prison for life. Seeing we live in a democratic society, we can play with people's lives and the government doesn't give a rats ass.
  18. As long as The Bay doesn't turn into that South Korean mall that collapsed a couple years ago I am fine with that.
  19. What else is new ROFL. Eveything in this province is falling apart, what is next the PQ going to blame all the anglo's for these problems?
  20. Should be an interesting shopping complexe. Interesting that they got someone from France to do this project.
  21. I feel bad for the people trying to sell the penthouse unit at Le Phenix, right across the street. They used to have an amazing view of the mont royal
  22. Nice spot. I wonder where Mens will be moving to now rofl There goes my Morphine Generation
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