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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. Malek you should sit outside of 424 St Pierre, might get a great shot of a Quebec politician
  2. Nevermind figured out how the STM would still function lol
  3. jesseps

    Croix du Mont Royal

    All were missing is a huge ass Buddha, Star of David and Star & Cresent of Islam on the mountain and shit why not add Vishnu or atleast Shiva. Seeing Montreal multi-cultural.
  4. I was wondering why. I was walking past it yesterday and it was saying that space was available still. I was thinking to myself, thought this was going to be a hotel and not a condo project anymore. I am happy to see more things in the city are condo/hotel. There is a place in NYC. You buy a room and the hotel can rent it out when people stay a night or week, when you are gone, which is good too a certain extent.
  5. Got to love Quebec, wtv big brother does we follow suit (aka France) I cant wait to see the day when gas is 7-15$ / Liter come on Gas companies start raising the prices more now, 1.16$ / Liter is nothing your not charging us enough. Might finally give people reason to use public transit
  6. Its way to funny that the West Island pretty much get only two metro stops, most people will have to leave Fairview and take the 201 or which ever bus to take the 68 too get to the new metro stop, yet they will build alway into the east end. Must be too many english people or non-speaking french people or way to many wealthy people in the West Island to get a damn metro system here, if we had a metro system in the west island for sure less people would be on the road, I blame the city and the provincial government for not planing or seeing this happening years ago, they are at fault for this problem and they better fix it soon! One thing that pissing me off big time, they want to go green and where the stuff about more recycling bins all over the city, people throw away plastic in trash cans, we dont even have enough trash cans in this city. Its pretty much one on every four damn street corners (thats if were lucky) On yah, finally a train for the airport into the city and its still going to take 20 mins wow, bloody slow. As you can see I hate how things have been running in this city, and in this province. The city went into debt for god knows how many years for the stupid Stadium we can go into debt for trying to make it a better place, if not we can see that the city and the government is greedy bastards and dont care about the enviroment or its people.
  7. Cant wait too bump into some celebs, shouldnt be hard seeing they'll probably stay at the W or St James
  8. Bound to happen. If it takes forever to sell you have to drop the price or what not. $3.8 mil for 7500 sq.ft and a massive terrace is a bargain*, almost $507 / sq.ft * If compared to different cities. I saw a bachelor pad for sale in the old port for over $4 mil and it was even the same size or have the same amenities as this place, but it was closer to everything though
  9. One thing for sure Old Montreal / Financial district not short of hotel rooms lol
  10. I would rather see that up at Tremblant make it more of a prestigious horse racing venue. May'be have our own version of the Kentucky thing, but thats just me.
  11. if ever you go to vermont, they should have it in any grocery store
  12. I wouldnt mind living in that place, pretty much has everything. Seeing there is only 4 of them and I am not even sure anywhere else in Canada has something even close to that. I can not wait to see Montreal land value become as expensive as NYC, or atleast close to it. Some of the ammenties the place offers is a room, next to the pool where you can store your wine (forgot the yearly cost of it), you cant really store much wine though, only a couple bottles / unit. Bad thing is all the kitchens were designed back in 2002 or something so its not really modern ones that you would seen in recent constructions like McGill Ouest or Gilette Lofts
  13. Best vodka I have tasted in a while is Ciroc and the last time I checked its only for sale in the US
  14. One thing the penthouse is too die for, goes for about $5 million CDN
  15. 1000 de la Commune E. Architectes: Fin de la construction:2007 Utilisation: Résidentiel Emplacement: Vieux-Port, Montréal ? mètres - 11 / 12 étages (Courtesy of Trams Property Management) If I remember correctly it took 6 years to do this project.
  16. lol someone at UQAM doesn't know how to do math if this problem happened. they should of just lost lived with the money they would of lost with completing the project 100%
  17. thats good, just wish they would have a better selection of vodka lol
  18. $2500 for a palm tree whoa! i hope the botanical garden will take the palm trees because they will not survive the winter
  19. seems interesting, i didn't read any of it, just trying to figure out how the STM bus terminal will function now hmmm
  20. jesseps

    McGill Ouest - 9 étages

    I should take a picture on Tuesday or something, its coming along pretty well right now
  21. jesseps

    Bullrun 2007

    It's similar to the Gumball Rally, but the american version.
  22. jesseps

    MD shortage

    Story God bless Quebec for making life so hard for foreign trained doctors to practice here, even after passing exams here in Canada / Quebec. Honestly if they got rid of the damn language law, Montreal and the rest of the province would grow in more ways than one. Down with Bill 101.
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