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Tout ce qui a été posté par mtlurb

  1. Montréal perdrait le siège social d'un centre international du film jeunesse Il y a 17 heures MONTREAL - Montréal perdrait le siège social du Centre International du Film pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse (CIFEJ) en raison de la décision d'Ottawa de mettre fin à son soutien financier. La directrice exécutive du CIFEJ, Jo-Anne Blouin, devrait en faire l'annonce officielle à Amsterdam mardi à l'occasion de l'Assemblée générale de l'organisation. Dans un communiqué diffusé lundi, Mme Blouin a indiqué trouver que l'arrêt du financement du gouvernement fédéral étaient difficile à justifier compte tenu que les sommes demandées étaient petites et que le centre contribuait au rayonnement du pays. Créé en 1955, le CIFEJ est basé à Montréal depuis 1990. Son réseau d'adhérents compte environ 150 membres dans 57 pays.
  2. ABCP plan similar to Montreal Proposal John Greenwood and Duncan Mavin, Financial Post Published: Monday, October 15, 2007 Even as backers of the so-called Montreal proposal struggle to reach agreement on something as basic as how much time they need, a group of Wall Street banks is already well on the way to resolving a credit crisis in the United States that bares striking similarities to the seized-up asset-backed commercial-paper market on this side of the border. The Wall Street banks, including Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co, have agreed to put together a capital pool, said to be as big as US$100-billion, to buy the assets of troubled issuers of commercial paper. The U.S. Treasury Department, also a backer, applauded the deal, saying in a statement that it is "pleased with the response of the private sector to enhance liquidity in the short term credit markets." The fund will buy assets of troubled debt issuers called SIVs, or structured investment vehicles. Paper issued by such SIVs is not backstopped by liquidity agreements requiring banks to step in with emergency funding in the event that market demand for the securities dries up. By acting as a purchaser, the fund ensures the assets are not sold off at firesale prices, thereby maintaining investor confidence in the market. News of the U.S. deal came the same day as an investors' committee overseeing the Montreal Proposal was expected to announce that it had been given more time hammer out its rescue plan. At press time, Purdy Crawford, the chairman of the committee, declined to comment directly on the matter. "We're in good shape," he said in a telephone interview. Analysts said they expected Mr. Crawford will be given what he has asked for, but they said the fact that the answer has taken so long -- the 60-day standstill agreed to by signatories of the Montreal proposal when it was unveiled back in August officially ended last night -- is an indication of how difficult the job is proving. The Montreal proposal was unveiled by a group of major financial institutions, spearheaded by the Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec, believed to be the biggest holder of illiquid commercial paper, with as much as $20-billion of exposure. The Caisse along with several of the banks in the proposal also played important roles through their links to ABCP sponsors. Under their rescue plan, the paper would be converted into longer term debt with maturities linked to the underlying assets. Analysts such as Royal Bank's Andre-Philippe Hardy have criticized it, noting that investors end up shouldering the risk while leaving issuers and other players relatively unhurt. The Canadian market for ABCP froze on August 13 after investors stopped buying debt securities with exposure to U.S. subprime mortgages. Since then, invstors have been unable to sell their paper. Holders include companies and funds from across the business spectrum, from junior mining companies and tour operators to giant pension funds. Some of them say Canada should take a good look at how the credit crunch in commercial paper is being handled in the United States. "There are some big parallels" between the two markets, said a senior executive of a Canadian company that has been hurt by the ABCP meltdown. But in the United States, the federal government has taken an active role in the solution of the problem, unlike the government of this country, which has done its best to keep its distance. As well he noted, the U.S. banks are taking on more of the risk by forming their rescue fund. Financial Post
  3. Mon Dieu!!!! Le premier paragraphe PUE la mauvaise volonté! C'EST UN PONT PRIVÉ!!! PAS COMMUNISTE!
  4. Ben je vais t'avouer que je déteste particulièrement les immeubles des années 50, 60 et 70...ce qui est bien dommage car la plupart des immeubles de Montréal viennent de cette époque. Mais pour l'immeuble de The Gazette, c'est surtout la couleur que j'aime pas.
  5. mtlurb

    Gare Viger

    Je n'aurais jamais cru devoir dire ça au créateur du site, mais surveille ton langage, Malek.
  6. Y'en a déjà pas beaucoup pour Montréal, il y en a encore moins pour Longueuil! La clientèle d'affaire de Trump va s'emmerder à se promener sur taschereau et aller au fuzzy de Brossard...
  7. C'est lait pareil, mais je veux juste préciser que les briques étaient mouillées quand j'ai pris les photos. Il n'y a pas de grosse horloge, en passant. C'est juste une grosse fenêtre ronde.
  8. J'espère que quand ils parlent de le restaurer et de poser de nouvelles pierres, ils incluent une nouvelle couleur de briques... Rose-beige, c'est laite...
  9. Les habitants de la première phase savaient très bien, je crois, que le développement allait continuer. Ça fait longtemps qu'ils disent vouloir développer sur le golf.
  10. man, tu parle d'un magasin harley davidson sur René lévesque!!! C'était le souvenir que j'avais quand on allait au centre ville a 7-8 ans!! Il est rendu ou ce magasin??? C'est tellement vague comme mémoire! Place très illuminée, c'est tout ce que je me rapelle.
  11. Merci de la trouvaille, je me demandais justement s'il allait garder son aire triste (building gazette).
  12. Vidéotron va recruter 200 nouveaux employés 15 octobre 2007 - 14h20 Grossir caractèreImprimerEnvoyer Le câblodistributeur Vidéotron, filiale de Quebecor, lance une campagne de recrutement visant à combler 200 postes d’ici à la fin de l’année. Les embauches concernent les métiers du service à la clientèle pour des postes de conseiller et de gestionnaire, ainsi que des vendeurs. Des ingénieurs en télécommunications et des analystes de réseau sont également recherchés. Enfin, des emplois sont à pourvoir dans le domaine de l’installation technique, de l’informatique et de la gestion de projets. Les recrutements répondent à la croissance du nombre d’abonnés à ses services de câblodistribution et à l’ajout de nouveaux produits, explique l’entreprise. Vidéotron dit avoir déjà recruté près de 600 personnes depuis le début de l’année. «Avec cette campagne qui s’amorce, Vidéotron souhaite combler une série de postes nouvellement créés. La croissance que nous vivons présentement est digne des plus belles histoires à succès en affaires. C’est pourquoi nous invitons les personnes compétentes provenant de diverses sphères d’activités à entrer en contact avec nous pour, ultimement, faire partie de notre équipe et ainsi, contribuer à ce succès», explique le v-p Ressources humaines de Vidéotron, Normand Vachon.
  13. tous ça plus que c'est en plein milieu du centre ville avec le bordel de traffic que ça va créer (incluant les camions qui vont devoir aller sur le site et en revenir!).
  14. il me semble qu'il a un recours dans l'air a propos de ça.
  15. bah, so? Some other discount shop will take over. Why don't people boycott the dollar store?
  16. mtlurb

    Gare Viger

    ouai me semble... tu avoir des démonstrations de criss d'épais tel que M. Tremblay pour tout développement de l'autoroute 720.
  17. bienvenu sur le forum! Un des derniers irréductibles de SCP à se joindre à nous (je suis sur que les autres nous lisent mais ne participent pas!).
  18. p.s. great news!!! Thats an important milestone that has been achieved.
  19. mtlurb

    Tour Sansnom - 85 étages

    Ça ressemble effectivement à la base de l'empire state, mais c'est beau! Par contre, je suis moins fan des deux sortes de fenêtres sur la première partie de la base. Je ne serais dire pourquoi, mais je trouve que celles dont les contours sont foncés sur un mur plus pâle ressortent trop dans l'ensemble de la base. Pour des idées de sites, la base est effectivement immense, je conseil donc ces emplacements : - Le stationnement sur rené-Lévesque, entre la rue Mackay et Lucien l'Allier. - Le terrain du théatre du nouveau-monde, en arrière d'hydro. Sur ste-Catherine.
  20. Video games: the next generation By Marc Cieslak Reporter, BBC Click The video games industry is obsessed with the phrase "next generation", but what does it actually mean? What can gamers expect from any game given that name? It would be easy to dismiss the next generation gaming experience as simply eye candy. Every single thing in the city can be grabbed, climbed on, jumped from Jade Raymond, Ubisoft producer The latest games all look great but the potential offered by the processing power of consoles such as the Xbox 360 and PS3 does not end there. They also give developers a wealth of new gameplay possibilities. At Ubisoft's Montreal studio, a team of 300 designers, programmers and artists have spent four years developing Assassin's Creed, a next generation medieval action adventure. "A lot of people have heard the term 'next gen game' thrown around and so far what we've seen as far as next gen games mostly means better quality graphics," said Ubisoft producer Jade Raymond. "So you've seen in fighting games where boxers are up close, you get more detail on the facial animation. Or in car racing games it looks exactly like the car, and you get more shiny cars and the environments are more realistic. "But for me personally, next gen game had to mean new types of gameplay." Assassin's Creed is set during the Crusades and the action takes place in three huge cities. Each is populated with thousands of computer controlled characters. Players can take Altair, the character they control, anywhere in the city. "We made this rule and gave ourselves the challenge to try and make huge cities that are completely interactive, which means that every single thing in the city can be grabbed, climbed on, jumped from," said Ms Raymond. "Which means that we created tools to be able to recognise the 3D models and automatically generate interactive edges on everything." Lego blocks The gaming environment took so long to develop because everything that sticks out of a wall more than two inches can be an anchor point for Altair. Bumping into people affects the direction of the main character "Our challenge was to make it readable for the player as we're using games to see the level design ingredients or the game designer path," said creative director Patrice Desilets. "This time there is no path whatsoever." Vincent Pontbriand, Ubisoft associate producer, said: "In a regular, more linear, game what you would do is create game levels. In our case, since it involved cities in which you could travel anywhere, we quickly realised it was going to be impossible to customise the entire city that way, polygon by polygon. "So what we did was we created a bank of objects, what we call a Lego system, and this allowed us to produce the first templates for the cities quickly by adding and removing blocks. "Then we were able to do the same things with objects and eventually with the characters and the population itself." While larger environments that allow the player more freedom are certainly a bonus, there is still more to be done before a game can earn that next gen title. Background characters Probably one of the biggest challenges facing games is to make computer controlled characters more lifelike. This is where the hardware buried inside the latest consoles proves so useful. "The tendency in technology is to move towards multi-core, multi CPU type of machines," explained AI programmer Matthieu Mazerolles. "What this means is instead of having just one processing unit you literally have several, sometimes up to a dozen all within the same box. More than 200 models were used as the templates for characters "What this allows us to do is to take all of the calculations, which are highly complex, that go into making the AI seem alive, and distribute these across many different processors." Said Ms Raymond: "We worked on this whole kind of physics systems for when you bump into people and push them out of the way, so that tactile thing really felt real. "So bumping into a group of people will make you fall over, running full force into a small woman will knock her over." One of the tools the company has worked on is something which generates crowds of diverse people. "For NPCs we have hundreds and hundreds of different looking characters, that were the templates we used to create our initial models," said Mr Pontbriand. "But then we created our own technology to take those templates, cut them down into pieces and then, with the technology, added the ability to randomise between skin colour, clothes, hair colour. "We ended up with a multiplying factor, so these sketches that became models ended up producing thousands of different variations in game." 'A player's story' Increased production values, emotional involvement, environments that have more bearing on the world - could all of these elements help shift games from what many perceive to be a marginalised ghetto into the mainstream? "As an entertainment medium, games are really just scratching the surface," said Ms Raymond. "I think we are at where we were with film when we made the transition from silent films to films that were telling a story with sound and dialogue. "We are just at the point of discovering what we can do with interactivity and what's an interactive story where you are creating a story for players, but it really has to become the player's story." Said Mr Desilets: "I strongly believe the more we go on with next gen the less we will see video game rules apparent, they will be more and more hidden and the experience will be a lot more immersive because you won't see the video game rules that only gamers really like."
  21. EQ3 has launched in Montreal I have been a fan of EQ3 for a while but with no store in the town where I am living, I was more an observer than a participant. Until now! Yesterday, on my way out of Ze Apéro Montreal event, I spot the front window of EQ3 just in front of Meat Market. That is a lot of unfamiliar names for people that do not reside in Montreal. Ze Apéro is a monthly happy hour gathering for the young professional jungle of Montreal. Meat Market is a hip meat restaurant bar. EQ3 provides affordable furniture and home décor accessories to modern design conscious consumers. Tableware and barware collections There are many things that you can grab for your next party. Start with the latest SCRIPT clear glassware collection with its golden shapes. These types of glass plates are all the rage over the last year or two. The trend does not really died since designers always invent new patterns for several brands. That is how this idea is kept fresh. The latest by EQ3 are the KHOKHLOMA Plates. The color palette feels very autumnal. A sense of refinement and coolness emerge from the WILA Plate Set of three different sizes and the original WILA Fruit Tray. They are simple enough to not steal the show to the food but the design is strong enough to make a statement by itself. The REPLAY Ottoman Tray is a product that has a few years in age but that I feel as aged well. Maybe it is because I always wanted one but it does not fit my décor right now. I will show you soon some inspiration pictures by EQ3 for Holiday decoration and gift ideas. I know it is too early to think about Christmas decorating but what I have to show you deserve it. It has entertaining in style written all over it. Address of the new Montreal EQ3 Store: 4428 Boulevard Saint-Laurent | Montreal, QC H2W 1Z5 T 514.982.9992 Where to find EQ3? EQ3 showrooms are located across Canada in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, London, Ottawa, Burlington and Montreal. EQ3 is a Canadian brand that introduced an innovative and affordable furniture concept with an European design flair. This is the best alternative to IKEA. In the United States, EQ3 stores can be found in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Grand Rapids, Richmond, Norfolk, Charlotte and Phoenix, amongst other locations. Sourcing: Glassware: SCRIPT Decanter at EQ3 - price: $24.99 Glassware: SCRIPT DOF whiskey / juice glass at EQ3 - price: $6.99 each Serving ware: KHOKHLOMA Plate at EQ3 – starting at $14.99 for the small Serving ware: WILA Plate Set - price: $79.99 CAD for a set of 3 plates Serving ware: WILA Fruit Tray at EQ3 – price: $84.99 CAD Home decor: REPLAY Ottoman Tray at EQ3 – price: $79 CAD Find a shop: Store locator of EQ3
  22. L'usine Savaria fermera ses portesMise à jour le jeudi 11 octobre 2007, 16 h 54 . Savaria La firme Savaria, deuxième plus importante entreprise nord-américaine dans l'industrie de l'accessibilité pour les personnes à mobilité restreinte, annonce la fermeture de son usine de Laval, qui compte 80 employés, à compter du 7 décembre 2007. Savaria a décidé de transférer sa production de Laval à ses usines de Brampton, en Ontario, et de Huizhou, en Chine. « La progression soutenue de la valeur du dollar canadien nous contraint à centraliser nos opérations afin d'optimiser l'utilisation de nos actifs et d'améliorer notre rentabilité [...] », a expliqué par voie de communiqué Marcel Bourassa, président du conseil, président et chef de la direction de Savaria. Il a précisé que la décision a été essentielle, mais déchirante, d'autant plus que l'usine de Laval a été « le berceau de la merveilleuse histoire de Savaria, laquelle a débuté en 1989. » Ce faisant, la compagnie pense faire d'importantes économies d'échelle et uniformiser la qualité des produits et des services après-vente. La direction prévoit bénéficier d'économies opérationnelles d'environ 1,5 million de dollars par année, à compter de l'exercice 2008, et réaliser un gain lors de la vente éventuelle de l'immeuble de Laval. Alors que 80 travailleurs seront licenciés à Laval, 40 nouveaux emplois seront créés à Brampton et 25 autres à Huizhou.
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