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Tout ce qui a été posté par mtlurb

  1. Objectifs Favoriser une accessibilité accrue au fleuve et à ses berges. Relocaliser l'autoroute Bonaventure au nord du Technoparc pour restaurer les berges et prolonger le parc linéaire de Verdun jusqu'à la Cité du Havre Aménager les berges de la pointe nord de l’Île-des-Sœurs en parc linéaire et intégrer le site archéologique dans le cadre du développement immobilier de ce secteur Aménager un véritable parc linéaire dans le cadre du développement immobilier de la Cité du Havre Août 2016 [ATTACH]27833[/ATTACH]
  2. STM: Prolongement du métro: Ligne 02 orange vers le nord-ouest Discussion et actualités sur le prolongement de la Ligne 02 orange vers le nord-ouest. Plan: ligne-2.pdf Présentation du 26 février 2020 au comité exécutif de la Ville de Montréal :
  3. Lépine-Simpson Architectes: DCYSM Fin de la construction:2008 Utilisation: Résidentiel Emplacement: Centre-ville, Montréal ? mètres - 13 étages
  4. WARNING: VERY LARGE PICTURES AHEAD also see my Montréal from 75m up + pano thread. I met a friend of a friend who's a security supervisor in the tallest building in Montréal. He heard about my photography so he agreed on bringing me to the roof of 1000 rue de la Gauchètiere. I was so excited that I did not wait, I called him the next day ( i did not want him to forget about it) and showed up. It wasn't a sunny day and i only had a super wide zoom ( i regretted that later because a zoom is much need up there ). It was not easy to take the pictures because its not easy to access the roof all around. So not all the angles are covered... sigh... I couldn't get the northern side where we see the center of the CBD and the mountain. Did i tell you how excited I was? Once back down on earth i realized i had shoot everything in the medium format... i wanted RAW I also decided to include very high res pictures in this thread so you guys can see all the details. The good news is that I will be back there with super zoom on a sunny day to get more more more Anyhow, here goes: it starts here: A view to the west and 1250 René-Lévesque: At the bottom, the Bell Center, and coming right into the heart of the city the Ville Marie 720 highway. Don't look down (no barrier whatsoever): A northwestern view, with the Mountain, the St-Joseph Oratory and for the first time some stuff from the other side of the mountain. Condos condos condos... and St-Henri in the background: The St-Lawrence river in the background with nun's island condos: west cluster: Looks like simcity :koko: Top: Champlain bridge, busiest bridge in Canada I think. Middle: heart of industrial Canada in the 19th century with the Lachine Canal. Bottom: Old industrial buildings being converted into... condos With the Engineering school on the right. Mini pano with the Victoria bridge and the St-Lawrence seaway. Mini pano with the Casino (white and gold buildings) and Habitat 67: Mini pano with St-Helene island, the southshore and the Tour de la Bourse in the foreground. Mini pano with the Jacques-Cartier bridge (with LaRonde amusement park), the old port in the foreground and very further the "new" port, the Longueuil talls are in the middle on the other side of the bridge. Mini pano with the River going as far as the eye can see and the eastern part of Montréal: La tour de la Bourse with parts of Old Montréal: The international quarter, notice the roof-park on the very bottom of the picture: Mini pano, blurry because the camera was held at arms' lenght, we see part of the mountain, place ville marie ... that would be the best angle in my opinion if there was some kind of access... but there's none giving to that part of the city: A last closeup of Old Montréal: Finally the two giant panos. The view to the west: To the east:
  5. I had rented a Canon L 100-400mm for the weekend,... let me tell you that it is an incredible but also very difficult to manipulate due to sheer weight and shaking issues even with the IS. I took about 500 to 600 pics up there at the Tour de Montréal (Olympics stadium inclined tower). Once i came back home, i noticed many pics were unasble because they were too blurry... (camera shake). Plus, the images aren't incredibly sharp and thats not because of the lense, but I believe because of atmosphere heat and sheer distance ( light diffraction?) plus the fact that i am behind a greenish glass. Anyhow, I managed to capture some incredible angles... I was very surprised with how I saw Montréal from up there. Enjoy! 1. From Parc and Prince Arthur avenue looking south on Parc. (we can see a boat from the port). 2. Up to the tower. 3.To the east with the Biodome and the masses gathering for the closing ceremonies of the Outgames. 4. St-Laurence with the south shore. Larger version 5. closeup 6. some height 6. 7. close up 8. 9. Bateau mouche with the bridges. 10. 11.This scene is so complexe i'll let you figure it out by yourself 12.Old port 13. 14. Tallest back in the days. 18. commie blocks. 19. 20. To the north west, with a plane preparing to land. 21.A view to the east with the port and its activity. More pictures... 22. The incinerators with the huge chimnees will be demolished in the near future i believe. 23.The clusters of Appts far away are in st-Laurent. 24.Chabanel 25. The cluster near the Metropolitan, the twin towers in Laval farther away. 26.What are they building over there that we didn't hear about? 27. Density in the east end... 28. Petrochimical complexes in the east end 29. 30. containers containers containers... 31. unloading... Here's the final part... going down... back on Earth
  6. Élogia Architectes: DCYSM Fin de la construction:2007 Utilisation: Résidence pour personne âgées Emplacement: Mercier, Montréal ? mètres - 13 étages Descriptions: - La tour sera en face du Village Olympique, et à 10 minutes de marche du Parc Olympique.
  7. Westin Montréal Architectes: Geiger Huot Architectes Fin de la construction:2008 Utilisation: Hôtel Emplacement: Quartier International, Montréal ? mètres - 20 étages Descriptions: - L'hôtel comprendra l'ancien immeuble de The Gazette. - L'hôtel comprendra 432 chambres. - Le projet coûtera 90 millions de dollars Autres renseignements: ±600,000 ft², as follows: 400 bedrooms and suites, 50 housing units, nearly 200,000 ft² of office space, businesses and meeting rooms a 3d flyby video of the project The 400-room hotel complex in Old Montréal proposed by ATLIFIC Hotels and Resorts will generate $90 million in investment, create upwards of 300 permanent jobs, and produce more than $30 million in tax benefits for Montréal over ten years. Montréal, Tuesday, March 15, 2005 – The Board of Directors of the Société de développement de Montréal has chosen the proposal submitted by Atlific, a major hotel developer, builder and manager, following a public call for tenders for redeveloping the Gazette buildings in Old Montréal. Atlific Hotels and Resorts will acquire the buildings for $10 million net. The SDM had originally bought them for $7.5 million in November 2003, before conducting various studies to ensure the optimal development of the site and dismantling and cleaning up the industrial facilities. The proposal calls for the three vacant heritage buildings to be converted and a new building to be erected on a former adjacent parking lot. The hotel complex will be linked directly to the Palais des congrès de Montréal via an underground corridor built during work on the Quartier international de Montréal (QIM). Paul Saint-Jacques, President and CEO of the Palais des congrès de Montréal, welcomed the City of Montréal’s initiative and the SDM’s efforts to attract a new hotel complex to the Gazette site. As he noted, “This link will give conference organizers a new hotel near their meeting and exhibition facilities – a key selling point for the Palais des congrès in attracting national and international conventions. The new hotel will increase the number of rooms already directly linked to the Palais des congrès.” For Clément Demers, Director General of the Quartier international de Montréal, “This new property development project, strategically located facing Place Jean-Paul Riopelle, will fit in perfectly with the specific vocation of the area, in terms of the hotel and office space and the quality of the investment. It confirms the vision of the partners in the Quartier international de Montréal. The high-quality structural facilities provided by the QIM and its neighbours have already generated over $770 million in real-estate projects. Over the next two years, further investment of at least $200 million will be added, including the Atlific project.” The best proposal for the site, the district and Montréal as a whole The SDM Board of Directors chose the Atlific hotel complex proposal for a number of reasons: it increases hotel capacity in the immediate area of the Palais des congrès; it fits in with the specific vocation of the Quartier international de Montréal; it is sure to help consolidate development in Old Montréal by rehabilitating three vacant heritage buildings and a former parking lot; and the forecast spin-off in terms of investment, permanent jobs and tax revenue for Montréal are the most attractive of the eight proposals examined by the selection committee. Atlific Hotels and Resorts, a hotel developer, builder and manager founded in 1959, manages 30 multi-brand hotels in Canada. The firm is headquartered in Montréal, with offices in Toronto and Vancouver. It was acquired in 1997 by Ocean Properties Ltd., a family business based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, which manages over 100 hotels in the United States. Together Atlific and Ocean Properties form the fifth-largest privately held hotel-management company in North America, managing 19,000 rooms in independent hotels, resorts and such well-known brands as Marriott, Marriot Courtyard and Residence Inn, Fairfield Inn, Crowne Plaza, Hilton, Sheraton, Holiday Inn and many others. Professional Atlific staff have begun the due diligence process. Once that step is completed, in at most 60 days, the transaction will be submitted for approval by the City of Montréal Executive Committee. Atlific expects the complex to be ready about 24 months after the sale is approved. The Société de développement de Montréal is a paramunicipal property management corporation that contributes to the city's development by managing its property holdings and also oversees the promotion and development of Old Montréal. now digging:
  8. These renders are just an artists' vision and not the actual thing: Québec accorde 30 millions à l’UdeM Marie Allard La Presse L’Université de Montréal reçoit 30 millions de Québec - le quart de la somme nécessaire - pour aménager le terrain de la gare de triage d’Outremont. La Ville de Montréal doit allonger 60 millions et 30 autres millions sont attendus du gouvernement fédéral. Cela permettra de décontaminer le sol, de déplacer la voie ferrée et de construire un viaduc «dès le printemps» espère Luc Vinet, recteur de l’Université de Montréal. Un vaste projet d’une valeur d’un milliard doit être construit à la gare de triage d’Outremont, comprenant 19 pavillons universitaires, des résidences étudiantes accueillant de 800 à 1000 élèves et des appartements privés. Des consultations publiques auront lieu en janvier ou février, a indiqué le recteur. «Ce projet d’agrandissement de l’Université consolidera la position de la ville de Montréal comme deuxième ville du savoir en Amérique du nord», a souligné Jean-Marc Fournier, ministre de l’Éducation, de passage au campus principal de l’UdeM avec son collègue Raymond Bachand, ministre du Développement économique. Vue aérienne des deux pôles Autre vue aérienne des deux pôles Maquette du futur pôle de la gare de triage Autre maquette du futur pôle de la gare de triage
  9. Deux cartes couleur montrant quelles sont les zones gagnantes et perdantes en population dans la grande région de Montréal. Montreal.pdf MtlReg_popchg_E.pdf
  10. Le Crystal de La Montagne Architectes: Béïque, Legault, Thuot Fin de la construction:2007 Utilisation: Résidentiel - Hôtel Emplacement: Centre-ville, Montréal ? mètres - 27 étages Maquette/photo maquette gracieuseté d'Ateliers Multiversions inc.
  11. Nom: Campus Outremont - Université de Montréal Hauteur: Plusieurs bâtiments Coût du projet: 1,6 millard $ Vocations du projet : institutionnelle et résidentielle Promoteur: Université de Montréal Partenaires: Ville de Montréal, Gouvernement du Québec et Gouvernement du Canada Architectes: Groupe IBI-CHBA | Provencher Roy + Associés Architectes Emplacement: Arrondissement d'Outremont - ancienne cours de triage du Canadien Pacifique Début de construction: 2012 Horizon de fin de redéveloppement du site: 2025 Site internet: Ancienne version :
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