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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. It seems each building will have semi-enclosed green space. That is interesting, hopefully it won't take away from the office space or the actual amount of floors (i.e official floors would be 25 and add on 2 more just for the green space)
  3. jesseps

    La LNH à Québec?
  4. It seems they started doing some work in the the yards
  5. I was going to say, this was once a great province but who am I kidding. Quebec is just like Israel. The language he is like our bloody religion and will make everyone life hell if they do not follow the laws accordingly. You can hate me for the comparison, but we did have the FLQ at one point and time. Israel has Jerusalem and Quebec has the Plains of Abraham. Go figure, the Plains of Abraham is named after an Israelite.
  6. Why doesn't Harel rip up all the roads and make us use horse and buggies. Make us bloody amish while she is at it.
  7. At least the West Island is suppose to be finally getting dedicated bus-lanes. Plus they are suppose to have some on the 20 also. More info This is the old map, from what I can tell. PDF Plus I am not sure if this video was posted before.
  8. Nice to know that they are planning on doing something there.
  9. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    I totally want that for traffic in Montreal.
  10. This is one project that "built it and they still wouldn't come" Montreal not the field of dreams for baseball
  11. HuffingtonPost I wonder if the city will do something like this, during the evening. It be interesting to have sand around Terraces Bonsecours.
  12. (Courtesy of HuffingtonPost) Sort of / Sort of not related. I just stand believe how much it costs just to upgraded the systems and tracks between NYC and Trenton.
  13. The city of Montreal website is showing this project will be done 2 years after the 2025 deadline
  14. Now that be a really good idea, but not sure how they could do that though. Seeing the tracks are still in use and you have the huge Molson factory there.
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