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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. I don't think that math is good. The original 29 story proposal already had the triangular ornament at the top. Additionally, the original proposal already had the extra-high penthouse floors at the top. The lobby hasn't changed, so the additional 4 floors are all "normal" floors, which are certainly not 3.7m. If we go with a more reasonable 3m, that works out to 3x4=12m. That makes 122m for a theoretical maximum, which is what i posted earlier: I'm 95% sure this tower won't be taller than 123m. Considering the 110m posted on that sign is probably a high-end maximum estimate most likely rounded off to boot, i'd say my original guess of 113.25m is close. It might get to 115m but i doubt it'll go much higher. There's no way this will get to 130m. I'd love for it to happen, don't get me wrong... but gotta be realistic!
  2. Those images are not correct. First, look at the satellite view here:,-73.568138&spn=0.001233,0.002411&t=k&z=19 In the images GDS posted, the L-shaped building on the corner of Cathcart/Union lines up with the south wall of the Altitude. In fact, the Altitude seems to surpass it just a bit. In reality, the gap between the Altitude and the 1155 University is quite large, given that Zesto's Pizza occupies the space in between the two projects, plus a 4-5m gap in between the two buildings, as seen here:,-73.567994&spn=0,0.002411&t=k&z=19&layer=c&cbll=45.502381,-73.568102&panoid=vMniMeJciJoZTLIlrPoGJQ&cbp=12,18.42,,0,9.01 Conclusion: I think (unfortunately) the Altitude is shown 20% too big in those images. EDIT : Here's a picture to show what i mean: [/img]
  3. I've examined the renderings closely and compared them to the flat side-view image of the Altitude found on their web site. I used a few tricks to try and estimate given the existing information. My closest estimate is: Low: 108.16m Probable: 113.25m High: 122.95m It's like 120m is a psycholical barrier that must not be passed. I wonder when Montreal will see a project that tops 150m..
  4. And so 2010's most exciting construction project officially gets under way
  5. Ca ne se compare même pas! Le coin de l'édifice avec sa forme en "pique" souligne et rend homage au coin de rue si important et historique : Saint-Laurent--Sainte-Catherine. Quand on pense au mur aveugle qu'on proposait avant...! 9.75/10 facilement pour ce projet.
  6. Je prendrais le #2 s'il avait 20 étages de plus partout, mais dans son état actuel, je trouve #3 plus grandiose et impressionant.
  7. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    Subban is pretty impressive! Plus he's a likable guy! He's on the fast road to becoming one of my favorite Habs!
  8. The whole QdS area feels like a giant construction zone. -Sainte-Catherine street -Maison du Dev Durable -2-22 -OSM -Esplanade Clark -Promenade des Artistes -Rues et trottoires partout -Louis Bohème C'est vraiment grandiose. Je n'ai jamais eu ce "feeling" à Montréal avant. C'est très positif! Très impressioné!!
  9. Une sortie 28? Ou ça? Je ne vois pas ça sur Google Streetview qui date d'Avril 2009. Est-ce que c'est récent?
  10. 30 Avril 2010 Avec les travaux juste en face et l'aménagement presque terminé, le Lofts des Arts parait vraiment bien!! La phase II va venir boucher un beau trou!
  11. 30 Avril 2010 Le côté laid (malgré le carré rouge que je trouve interessant) Avec le 990:
  12. Je suis au centre-ville, il faut beau, je crois que je vais en profiter pour prendre des photos... c'est le temps d'une mega tournee! Photos a suivre cette apres-midi...
  13. I'll go! I already have ideas for picket signs. "NIMBYS, STOP HURTING OUR CITY!" "YES TO GOOD DEVELOPMENT!" "SAY NO TO NIMBYS. SAY YES TO THIS PROJECT!"
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