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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Ce qu'il faut faire, à mon avis: Il y a deux options: Option 1 Étape 1 : enlever la marquise. C'est démodé, laid et inutile. Unique et interessant, peut-être... mais ça ne vaut pas la peine. Étape 2 : moderniser la rue. On veut créer quelque d'unique pour Saint-Hubert? Ok, on fait la rue en brique, on refait les trottoires comme Saint-Laurent, etc. Option 2: Si on veut vraiment rester dans le thème... quelque chose comme ceci (Londres)
  2. Plaza Saint-Hubert dans les années 60. Photos: Ville de Montréal and; compiled by Expo Lounge
  3. Il y a déjà un fil pour ce projet ici : 20 étages à 12 étages... c'est triste. Consultations dans 6 jours!
  4. Manhattan: Area : 59.5km^2 Density : 27,394.3/km^2 Montreal Area: 500km^2 Density: 3,716/km^2 Manhattan's population density is 7.4x greater than ours. If our population density matched Manhattan's, we'd have 13.7 million people living on the island of Montreal.
  5. The shape of the tower is what kills it. The cladding is great, but the shape is just ridiculous. Ugly tower, and one that cost North Korea more than 2% of its entire GDP to build. Who cares about starving citizens? Let's build a giant eyesore that probably won't even be occupied due to structural hazards. Yeah that's the ticket!
  6. Le Mur Aveugle est difficile a accepter, je suis d'accord avec toi. En espérant qu'ils mettent des vignes ou quelque chose......
  7. On peut voir ce projet d'assez loin. C'est bien de construire en hauteur autour du Terminus! Bravo pour Brossard! Il faudrait maintenant penser développer les autres terrains autour... J'attends toujours qu'un promotteur annonce quelque chose comme ceci ;)
  8. En regardant les matériaux de très proche, je crois qu'on risque d'être surpris. It won't win any awards, but i think Blu Rivage will be "ok"!
  9. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    I've been to a bunch of games recently (2008-2010) and not once have i heared the U.S. Anthem booed. Ever since the Bell Center started putting up the lyrics and scenes of New York City on the big screen, i can distinctly say that i hear people SING their anthem more than boo it, like Habsfan says! As for the Flyers/Canadiens... The Canadiens fell asleep game 1. We may have gotten complacent, perhaps too relaxed. We might have thought this series would be easier than the last. This crushing defeat was a wake up call, a call to reason and passion. The Habs have been humbled. This is why i believe they'll bounce back, and strongly, to tie the series tonight. The Flyers, on the other hand, may have won the first game, but they've taken a huge step back by inflating their egos and becoming overconfident. I heard Briere's post-game interview, and wow... the cockiness, overconfidence and sheer arrogance was just as bad as Ovechkin's and Crosby's. This is one of the reasons why i'm so proud of the Habs this season. Their attitude on and off the ice is great. Have you ever heard Cammalleri boast about his accomplishments or Halak gloat over his win post-game? Never. They always attribute their success to the team. If pucks don't go in they don't say "our opponents have just been lucky, we'll end up scoring goals and win". No, if pucks don't go in they say "we have to make our own luck and try harder, harder, harder." It's this positive attitude that i really like. Whenever players demonstrate cockiness and arrogance, the Hockey Gods smite them. I think the Flyers are shooting themselves in the foot by taking game 1 as an absolute sign of things to come and underestimating the Habs. Also, the law of averages is on our side. We're probabilistically due to perform far, far better game 2. My prediction: Game 1 - Flyers Game 2 - Habs Game 3 - Habs Game 4 - Habs Game 5 - Flyers Game 6 - Habs One last thing about the Hockey Gods -- they don't like illusions of grandeur. The Flyers and their narcissistic "Pursuit of History" says flat out "the Cup is ours, we're entitled to it." While Habs fans may taunt opposing players on the ice and celebrate victories on the streets, they don't for a second believe the Stanley Cup is theirs to lose or that it's going to be easy, or that it's their right to win it or that they're entitled to it. Hockey Karma has a strange way of working out, so don't get too cocky and arrogant, Flyers, or you just might get a surprise.
  10. Option 1: 4/10 Option 2: 7/10
  11. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    THIS IS A STICKUP! No, nevermind the cash in the register, give me all your candy bars and gum!!
  12. I like it solely for being audacious which is something this city lacks. J'ai hate de voir ça la nuit!
  13. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    Don't underestimate us bleeding heart liberals. I am one and I support your idea
  14. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    Un premier contingent de 41 individus, dont six mineurs, ont été appréhendés mercredi soir mais les policiers s'attendaient à étendre ce filet au cours des prochains jours et des prochaines semaines lorsque l'analyse des photos et des bandes vidéo sera complétée. Good to know arrests are being made!
  15. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    Sometimes i wonder if the visible police presence isn't a bit of a provocation of sorts. Perhaps the cops should hang around by the dozens in unmarked vans and then spring into action if necessary, keeping only a minimal force on the streets to do suveillance. Then again... if you hide the cops, then you eliminate a potential deterrent. Some people that would have otherwise behaved themselves will riot if they don't see cops. Lose-lose!
  16. Curieux... l'entree pour le stationnement est sur le cote est de l'edifice, en dessous d'un des deux murs aveugles. Si jamais le 900 Maisonneuve est construit et celui-ci occupe tout le terrain et les facades viennent se toucher "mur-a-mur", qu'est ce qui arrive a l'entree du stationnement? Et si la reponse a cette question est: "Le 900 n'occupe pas tout le terrain et ne se joindra pas "mur-a-mur" au Saint-Martin", et bien je pose la question: "pourquoi avez vous fait un mur aveugle alors?!?!?!"
  17. La toile "trompe-l'oeil" à l'hôtel de ville durant les travaux était pas mal bonne aussi. Je suis d'accord avec vous. Ca prendrait plus de toiles comme ça! Hôtel de la Montagne S.V.P.!! Mieux une toile qu'un mur aveugle de béton!
  18. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    Haha, avec toutes ces photos la police va être capable de trouver les gens (peut-être même via facebook??) et faire les arrestations necessaires! (S'ils n'ont pas déjà été arrêtés hier soir)
  19. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    I was at Sainte-Catherine--Crescent until midnight and towards the end i felt a bit of tension in the air. Celebrations were peaceful all night and it was absolutely fantastic, but towards the end a lot of Habs fans were starting to leave and a lot of shaddy-looking people were taking their place. A few bottles being being smashed on the floor, but not too bad. All in all, the huge police presence was a good thing. There were a few incidents but it went well compared to 2008. The most amazing thing i saw was actually on A-15 Decarie... as I was driving on the entrenched highway, some guy was standing atop the Queen Mary overpass waving a jumbo Habs flag as the cars passed underneath him, everyone honking away. Felt like a triumphant sight practically out of a movie or something. GO HABS GO
  20. Hein? Il est déménagé depuis presque 2 ans!,-73.568959&spn=0,0.002411&z=19&layer=c&cbll=45.503062,-73.568732&panoid=umYdsuXEXosaueoevCBwGg&cbp=12,149.09,,0,1.1
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