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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Sure cars have a place in our culture. But so does the subway, and just about anything else. Songs have been sung about everything imaginable. I seriously wonder what a guy like you is doing on a progressive site like mtlurb. But i digress.
  2. --------------------------- Back on topic -- i had a chance to pass by recently and the work is progressing nicely! This is really going to be a place to sit down and have lunch in the summer!
  3. It won't be the small (that'd just be weird.) The entire side will be filled up, until the lower wall. That's just a screen set up while they work on the existing wall.
  4. Well, by now it's obvious you're an anti-regulation, pro-free-market, anti-government, hard-right conservative. There's nothing wrong with that, i'm not suggesting an insult of any kind. Your views are your own. I respect that. However, your views are anchored in ideology and not rational pragmatism. I've studied cities as an urban planner for 4 years now and i've learned to steer clear of people who view cities from an ideological standpoint. As with any ideologue, your opinion was made before the discussion even started. No amount of factual argumentation based in sound logic will change that. "Determine my opinion first, then identify facts to support my view" instead of "Study the facts, then reach a conclusion". So i give up. I've debated long enough, too long in fact... i won't change your views on cities. I totally respect your views and i cherish the debate we've had, but i'm now at a point where i don't think any argumentation, no matter how decisive, can affect you viewpoint, so that'll have to do. I'll end by saying that i appreciate the fact that Montreal is a progressive city that embraces smart growth principles at the expense of 1960s era methodology. I realize this post might come off as a little condescending and/or arrogant, and i sincerely apologize for that... but i just know i'm right on this. And the proof that i'm right? Look at Atlanta, GA and then look at Montreal. The proof is right there.
  5. Cities are about balance. You need cars. Cars are important. But you also need mass transit, pedestrians, cyclists, etc. Anti-car folks fail to understand the value of the car. On the flip side, car-obsessed types like yourself place an exaggerated importance on cars and fail to understand the value of everything else. Je confirme également ton usage du mot "fantasmer", JFrosty.
  6. Downtowns are essentially large public places. You can't just build a single-family home on a lot like that. That's why it isn't even allowed, because of zoning. Regulation: it's a beautiful thing! A lot like the 900 Maisonneuve is expected to contribute something to its environment.. maybe some shops, maybe a theater, but a simple house just does nothing. It won't even bring much in the way of revenue. The free market is not an invincible and omniscient force impervious to mistakes. Basic common-sense regulations are needed to guide it and help it prosper in the right way. You can't have a single-family home downtown, and you ought not be able to build anything less than 160m at 1300 René-Levesque (for example).
  7. Hey i have an idea, why don't I buy the land at 900 Maisonneuve and build myself a single-family home. Super cheap compared to a skyscraper, right? I can sell that home for millions (it would be a large mansion, of course.) Certainly cheaper in terms of construction costs than building a skyscraper, right? And hey, the revenue would be pretty good too. Makes sense, no? Let's just all build low-density single-family homes everywhere. WOOHOO! (Side note: they have that.. in the suburbs, and in Atlanta,GA or other sprawl cities. But what those places don't have is a vibrant, dense, mixed-use/mixed-activity city where you can get from A->B by foot or a quick subway ride.) As for your second sentence, refer to Pedepy's post which answers that beautifully.
  8. Cataclaw


    Super Francely, merci!
  9. You're joking around, right? (Hard to tell on the Internet sometimes) Some of the most prestigious buildings in the world are mixed-use. Heck, Burj Dubai is about as mixed-use as possible!
  10. Who said anything about office space? Condo sales are doing quite well. Mixed-use towers are the way to go. (Retail, office, hotel, residential all in one)
  11. Swiiiiiing aaaand a miss. Nobody ever suggested demand would materialize. That isn't the point. That isn't even close to the point. The point is: in order to optimize use of expensive infrastructure, it's worthwhile to build high and build dense. If a developer wants to build 3 towers of 13 floors each, he's going to have to build one tower of 40 floors instead in order to meet the height/density requirements set in place to optimize the use of local infrastructure.
  12. The mountain is over 200m high, there would be no problem. We already have a skyscraper at 200m+, the 1000 de la Gauchetière (and the IBM tower if you count the antenna)
  13. Skyscraper construction is booming on every continent. To keep pace with the rest of the world, Montreal would have to build, every year: 1x 200m tower (or+) 2x 140m tower 4x 100m tower 10x 70-90m towers This year we've had (or are scheduled to complete) 1x 98m tower 1x 85m tower 1x 54m tower Montreal compensates by building a high number of 3-to-8 storey buildings, but we've still got a tendency to grow horizontally rather than vertically. Higher isn't always better, but when you've got an expensive infrastructure in place designed to accomodate a certain density, it's imperative that we get a certain height with new constructions to make it worthwhile having that infrastructure. Building the metro downtown was very expensive.. what a waste to build tiny buildings along it! All empty lots within 500m of a metro station ought to be zoned 80m minimum; and, All empty lots within 250m of a metro station ought to be zoned 160m minimum.
  14. Cataclaw


    Aftershock just now.. i was in the kitchen and the decorative plates on my wall started rambling slightly. Either that or a large truck passed by and i didn't hear it! EDIT: woohoo i just checked the real-time seismogram on EarthquakesCanada and there was a small spike around that time! EDIT2: blah i'm not so sure anymore, it's a pretty small spike. Maybe it was a truck. Can you tell i've had a boring day? Lol.
  15. Well IshmaJo, agree to disagree it is ;) In a perfect world, we'd have the whole thing going under ground as a tunnel from before Peel Bassin..
  16. Pourtant sur le site il y a deux images qui montrent deux autres édifices du coin... Il y a une photo de l'édifice en triangle coin Séminaire et de la Montagne, ainsi que l'édifice coin nord-ouest coin de la Montagne et Rioux. ça porte à confusion!
  17. Bonjour, Bienvenue chez mtlurb! Puisque les chiffres ne sont pas visibles (on ne sait pas lequel est le 245) est-ce que ce serait possible de nous dire ou spécifiquement se retrouve l'emplacement de votre projet? Coin Montagne/Rioux côté nord-est, nord-ouest, sud-est ou sud-ouest? J'ai impression que c'est le côté nord-ouest, l'immeuble de briques de 2 étages. Pourriez-vous confirmer?
  18. Ayoye, j'ose même pas y penser. Un tremblement de terre 5.5 n'aide certainement pas l'état de la structure, ça c'est certain.
  19. Cataclaw


    According to some sources, this may have been the strongest earthquake in centuries. (Remember that a 5.0 is 10x stronger than a 4.0 due to the richter scale's base-10 logarithmic scale.) We do get a lot of 4.0s here, every decade or so, but 5.5~5.7 is very rare! En tout cas... m'en va travailler là, mais maudit que c'était bizarre/interessant comme expérience! EDIT: CNN reports shaking was felt as far as Detroit! Wow!
  20. Cataclaw


    Early reports are this was one of the strongest earthquakes in decades. It was felt even in Toronto! Early reports: 5.7 and centered west of Montreal
  21. Cataclaw


    Nouvelles LCN Séisme Tremblement de terre à Montréal Mise à jour : 23/06/2010 13h45 La terre a tremblé à Montréal en début d’après-midi, mercredi.
  22. Cataclaw


    Ouais, il y a eu un tremblement de terre. Confirmé par les 50 personnes sur Facebook qui écrivent à propos! Ma tasse de café vibrait et je voyais le café brasser! C'était cool!
  23. Cataclaw


    The whole room just shook... everything was vibrating in my office. Felt like a 4.0 Earthquake. Was it just me? Seemed to last ~ 8-9 seconds.
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