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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. L'ancien aeroport de Hong Kong: Un immense territoire a redevelopper. La ville la plus dense du monde pourrait acceuillir 300,000+ nouveaux citoyens sur ce terrain! C'est fou!
  2. Serais-tu possible de mettre le sous-forum "Vision" quelque part de plus visible (plus haut sur la liste, mettons) Il n'y a jamais personne qui vient voir ici
  3. Cataclaw

    Expos de Montréal

    J'avoue que ça serait le temps d'une mise à jour importante.
  4. There are a million things you can do with the Olympic Stadium. 1. Use it as a permanent sports/training facility (you could fit a few tennis courts in there, a half-size soccer field or two, etc.) 2. Convert it to a convention center 3. Turn it into a museum (maybe a science museum)/convert the floor space 4. Convert it to office space/retail 5. Heck you could conceivably convert the floor space into a mall/shopping center! 6. Convert it into an indoor aqua parc 7. Convert it into an indoor amusement parc (i can just imagine roller-coasters going around the perimeter of the indoor space, up where the stands are) 8. Convert it into a giant indoor botanical garden 9. Convert it into a concert venue 10. Permanent arts exhibition center 11. Indoor go-karting / race track I'm just calling things off the top of my head. There are millions of uses possible. Demolishing it would be a terrible, terrible waste.
  5. Le stade fait parti de l'identité Montréalaise. Démolir le stade serait comme démolir la basilique Notre Dame.
  6. Cataclaw

    2010 World Cup

    A valiant effort by the Americans but Ghana got the best of them for the second World Cup in a row.
  7. Voici ma vision pour une nouvelle intersection Côte des Neiges / Remembrance. Buts: 1. Remettre l'intersection au niveau du sol 2. Démolir l'échangeur vieillisant/quasi-inutile 3. Simplifier la circulation automobile / piéton 4. Embellir les environs 5. Créer une belle entrée pour le Mont Royal 6. Ajouter un petit potentiel de dévelopment résidientiel/mixte Carré mauve = dévelopement actuel ou en construction Carré bleu = nouveau dévelopement possible La bande brune au centre de l'intersection = de la brique PHOTOS: Situation existente plutôt pénible: [/img] Les plans:
  8. Je n'aime pas le design de ce projet (surtout les mini-balcons/entrées) mais bon. Au moins c'est de la densité
  9. Cataclaw

    Expos de Montréal

    So? Again, what does it matter? You're comparing apples to oranges. A sport isn't about how many times you can score or how easy to score. The style of play in soccer is such that it's possible to have a 0-0 game and still be high-energy high-interest full on excitement. 0-0 games can be far more exciting and dramatic than 10-0 blowouts. It's about the suspense, the excitement, anticipation. If you don't feel that towards soccer, that's fine. Everybody is different. It isn't wrong or right, better or worse, correct or incorrect. I'm just explaining why billions of people do like soccer. Equal skill perhaps, but both sports require a lot. You underestimate soccer!
  10. Cataclaw

    Expos de Montréal

    Firstly, there has been a day that included a 0-0 game one day out of every three (33%) so that isn't even close to being "every single day" either. It isn't how many games go to 0-0 in a day that matters, it's how many games are 0-0 period. Because in one day that includes a 0-0 tie, you might also have 3 other games that go to several goals a piece. In this world cup, only five games have gone to 0-0 (again, that's just 10%) Sorry to split hairs here, but if we're going to argue then we ought to at least get our facts right. There is no relation between the average number of points scored in a sport and the excitement level of that sport. If number of "goals" meant a sport was more exciting, then Bastketball would be the #1 sport in the world (and by a HUGE margin, since a "goal" is scored every few seconds usually)
  11. Cataclaw

    Expos de Montréal

    50 games have been played so far, there have been 5x 0-0 ties. 5 games out of 50 going to 0-0. 10%. Not even close to being "every single game". Not even close.
  12. MaîtreCarré: merci pour cette clarification! Je vais m'inscrire à votre liste d'envoi. J'ai bien hâte de connaître les détails de ce projet!
  13. Cataclaw

    Expos de Montréal

    I support "local sports". I actually watch curling on RDS sometimes (shh, don't tell anyone). It's a fascinating sport. (I know curling was invented in Scotland, but it's still very popular here in Canada, so i consider it a somewhat local sport) Lacrosse is a blast as well. And then... hockey... obviously is king supreme in these parts. And that's fine. I support our local sports. Soccer is kind of like the English language. Everybody in the world speaks it, though often as a second language. Most people speak their native country's language as their mother tongue and then English as a secondary tongue. Goals are hard to get in soccer. Consider: You have to traverse a huge field, get past a dozen opposing players, using only your feet! Goals are rare in soccer. That means the anticipation and excitement is always at maximum, because if somebody scores a goal -- it's HUGE. A goal in soccer is like 3 goals in hockey. It's devastating. In fact, a soccer game is like a hockey game during overtime. So goals are rare, but when they happen they deliver even more excitement and satisfaction. MTLskyline: you may find the sport boring, but understand that if billions of people play it/watch it, there's gotta be a reason. We're not all crazy! Soccer is the world's sport and it brings nations together to compete in an event even more exciting than the Olympics. In the end, i there's room for lots of different sports. We have hockey in Montreal with the Als and the Impact on the side. Hockey is the unquestionable king, but the Als and Impact still draw crowds. Do i wish we'd still have the Expos? Of course. Heck, that new stadium downtown would have been sweet too. Unfortunately what's done is done.
  14. Cataclaw

    Expos de Montréal

    Actually according to attendance records since the lockout, hockey is improving vs baseball in many key US markets such as NYC. Oh i agree. It's a cool sport. But it's still dying. Yes, but soccer is played in every single country. It is the world's #1 sport, whether you like it or not. Well that's a subjective opinion if i ever saw one. I happen to like soccer, as do many people here. I don't find it boring at all. Montreal Impact attendance has been steadily rising for years (so much so, we've got a new stadium and our franchise will soon be MLS). Enrollment in municipal soccer teams has been on the rise for the last 2 decades. Interest overall is increasing. Don't be so defensive MTLskyline. I'm not trashing baseball, it's a great sport, but the sad truth is... it's had its share of troubles lately and its popularity in the U.S. has been falling since WW2 (mostly at the expense of American football)
  15. Cataclaw

    Expos de Montréal

    ????? Baseball is played primarily in the USA, and it has been losing ground steadily to football, basketball, and in some cases even hockey. Baseball's "market share" has dropped continuously since WW2. Soccer, on the other hand, is the world's #1 sport and is in no danger of being threatened.
  16. La nouvelle version est une grosse amélioration. Le look faisait HLM avant, mais les nouvelles sections en noir donnent un look totalement différent! Super!
  17. Excellente photo de nos deux dernières additions au skyline! Le 400 parait bien dans cette photo.
  18. Cars are in movies because they're a popular form of transportation. There are countless movies with bus scenes, subway scenes, airplane scenes, etc. Hey guess what, every movie ever made has a scene with walking in it. Does that mean walking is an integral part of our culture too? I guess so! Come on man. Now you're just being silly with this. You're starting to sound borderline fanatic here.
  19. 40 étages serait vraiment bien pour cette tour... 50 serait parfait. Je dirais que les chances sont 10%.
  20. The signage on the 15 was anomalous because the main control city along its route (Laval) was not listed in favor of a minor city (St. Jerome) I guess they just got around to correcting that.
  21. This is such a good, high-quality project. Perfect example of what needs to happen more in Montreal. I'll be watching this one with great excitement!
  22. No, actually i was talking about building one 40+ floor building (office or otherwise) on 1/3 the land instead of building 3 smaller buildings spread out over 3x the land, exactly as pedepy was saying. You didn't read correctly. As for saying we need 40+ storey office buildings to make transit worthwhile: again you didn't read. I favor mixed-use, not office-only. Your don't seem to understand the importance of density. It isn't about "one building" being 40-floors high. It's about a tendency to get the most out of our land. If one building is 3-storeys instead of 30, it won't have a major impact. But if you keep building 3-storeys instead of 30 --everywhere-- before long you'll have a suboptimal system. Can we please get back on topic now? Somebody needs to take some aerial shots of the squares, i think that would be cool.
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