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Tout ce qui a été posté par mtlurb

  1. La multinationale y implante un nouveau centre de «service après-vente» où seront réparés des moteurs d'avion. Pour en lire plus...
  2. Les députés dà Ottawa ont tenu hier en soirée un débat d'urgence sur la fluctuation des prix de l'essence à la demande expresse du Bloc québécois. Pour en lire plus...
  3. shhhh don't say it too loud, you will offend the clique from the Plateau, who for the most never left their 10 blocks area.
  4. Si les hausses des prix d'électricités peuvent se traduire en baisses d'impots, je serais très content de ça... au moins on pourra garder plus de jeunes ici, au bas mot 8000 diplomés universitaires quittent le québec à chaque année! Avec de plus bas impots on pourrait attirer plus d'entreprises aussi et rendre la dette moins importante que ce qu'elle est présentement.
  5. ALOT of islanders take their cars and leave the island (or the core) to shop, don't believe what many hipsters and some forumers are telling you.
  6. La tendance se maintient au Québec Dernières nouvelles Le nombre de naissances au Québec est demeuré à la hausse en janvier 2008, selon des données provisoires confirmées à par l'Institut de la statistique du Québec. Selon l'ISQ, 6700 naissances ont été enregistrées au Québec au mois de janvier dernier, soit le même nombre qu'en janvier 2007 et un peu plus qu'en janvier 2006, année de l'entrée en vigueur du Régime québécois d'assurance parentale (RQAP). À plus long terme, ces données révèlent une augmentation de 15 % des naissances par rapport à janvier 2005 et aux années antérieures. Les caisses du RQAP bientôt à sec Cette augmentation soutenue des naissances au Québec risque toutefois de vider rapidement les coffres du RQAP, qui doit puiser des sommes importantes dans sa caisse de réserve depuis 2007 pour suffire à la demande. Le RQAP permet aux parents qui viennent d'avoir un ou plusieurs enfants de rester à la maison jusqu'à 50 semaines en touchant entre 70 et 75 % de leur salaire. Interrogé par le quotidien La Presse sur l'état des réserves financières du RQAP, le ministre de la Solidarité sociale, Sam Hamad, a déclaré que cette hausse soutenue des naissances avait dépassé les prévisions budgétaires. « Le solde (de la caisse de réserve) était de 210 millions à la fin de l'année 2007. Fin 2008, d'après les projections actuelles des naissances, on prévoit que le solde sera de 20 millions », a précisé le ministre Hamad. Compte tenu de ce manque à gagner récurrent dans les coffres du RQAP, les Québécois peuvent s'attendre à une augmentation des cotisations au régime en 2009. Sam Hamad dit attendre des recommandations du Conseil de gestion de l'assurance parentale avant de prendre une décision dans ce dossier.
  7. The Montreal Botanical Gardens Has a Stunning Assortment of Plant Posted on May 26th, 2008. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! by Peter Mason Montreal may be the ideal holiday spot for couples or families. Montreal tourism has grown considerably in over the last few decades. This city gives the visitor a distinctive experience throughout their stay. They will discover a great mix of tradition and enjoyment. Montreal’s tourism industry is certain to provide enchantment to young and old, family and couple, and man and woman. Some of the Attractions - Zoos, Museums and More The Fonderie Darling, a world-renowned art museum, is one of Montreal tourism’s wide assortment of interests which are characteristic to that city. The gallery assists young artists across Canada. For the laugh-seekers, there is the Just for Laughs Museum. This venue documents the lengthy history of national and international comedy. It is certain to be an entertaining time for the whole family. Montreal has countless exciting natural drawing cards such as the Biodome and the Montreal Botanical Gardens. The Biodome houses animals, plants, and greeted its first visitors in 1992. It can even alter the atmosphere to match a any geographical ecosystem. On the other hand, the Montreal Botanical Gardens gives a stunning assortment of 22,000 different plant species and varieties. This globally acclaimed garden is thought to be one of the finest on earth. The gardens offer both international and local plant life. Visit the Zoo Ecomuseum for young kids. The zoo exhibits countless species of animals. It is terrific for smaller children. A larger zoo is known as the Parc Safari, which is an appealing museum and home to more than 700 animals. Alongside the zoo, there is an amusement park and a beach. The Stewart Museum is a grand and appealing place for any history hound. This museum has an exceptional compilation of old maps, antique documents, old-fashioned weapons, navigational apparatus, and old scientific devices. This only describes the permanent exhibits; there are numerous part time displays that are certain to grab your interest. All these attractions show us that now in certain terms that Montreal’s tourism industry has matured and is worthy of world consideration. Places to Stay in Montreal There are a number of fabulous five-star hotels and many cozy bed and breakfasts in Montreal. Up scale tourism, a reason Montreal enjoys so many enchanting hotels. For the same reason the city and environs also benefits from exquisite B&Bs. One of the most admired four-star bed and breakfast is the Sir Montcalm. This high-end bed and breakfast makes available the lavishness of a four star hotel with all the charm of your own home. The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth is an elegant five-star hotel that is definitely an unforgettable experience. An exclusive attribute of this hotel is that it joins the underground concourse level to the 30 km underground shopping center. These are only two of the numerous places to stay in Montreal. About the Author: Concentrating on informating about flights to alicante, Peter Mason wrote most often for . His articles on alicante flights can be found on his website .
  8. Montréal to host the 18th World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) in 2012 MONTRÉAL, May 20 /CNW Telbec/ - The Palais des congrès de Montréal, the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), Montréal International and Tourisme Montréal are proud to announce that the World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) will be holding its 18th World Congress on Information Technology in Montréal in 2012. Being awarded the Congress is significant for Montréal's information and communications technology industry as the event will draw 2,500 delegates, including the world's top executives in the ICT sector, a key component of Québec's economy. In addition to generating new business opportunities, the Congress is expected to bring in over $6 million to the city's economy. Vital collaboration Palais President and CEO Paul Saint-Jacques is very pleased about the international meeting coming to Montréal: "Securing this event confirms the Palais' enviable standing as a leading North American host site for international conventions. The partners' concerted efforts made it possible to satisfy the WITSA's criteria and to lead our strategy to a successful outcome, notably thanks to the important support of Tourisme Montréal. I congratulate and thank all partners for their vital collaboration." "This decision affirms Canada's reputation as a leading force in the global information technology industry," said Bernard Courtois, president and CEO of ITAC. "ITAC is a founding member of WITSA and has participated in many previous deliberations to select sites for our biannual conference. It's particularly thrilling to be part of the team promoting the idea of a Canadian city as host. And as a proud Montrealer myself, this decision is deeply gratifying. Our team can't wait to bring the global ICT industry here in 2012 to show off our city and the tremendous ingenuity of Canadian ICT". "This spells important news for Montréal, bolstering yet again the city's international stature as a hi-tech leader," declared Montréal International President and CEO André Gamache. "For an organization devoted to promoting Montréal internationally, especially by attracting international organizations, we are very pleased that our city has been awarded this major congress and that it will welcome hundreds of participants from all over the world." He also added: "Our thanks go particularly to the ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation and to the ministère des Affaires municipales et des Régions for their strategic support." "This is one of the most prestigious IT events anywhere, and it demonstrates once again that Montréal has what it takes to host the conventions of major and reputable international organizations. Also, the significant economic spin-offs is something the city's entire tourism industry is quite pleased about," declared Charles Lapointe, President and CEO of Tourisme Montréal. 80 countries represented The World Information Technology and Services Alliance is a consortium of 73 international ICT organizations whose members comprise 90% of the global IT market. The WCIT has been held in Kuala Lumpur, Athens, London and Bilbao. About the Palais des congrès de Montréal The mission of the Palais des congrès de Montréal, which celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2008, is to attract and host conventions, exhibitions/trade shows, conferences, meetings and other events. A public institution with a commercial vocation, the Palais generates important economic spin-offs for Québec and proudly contributes to the sharing and transfer of knowledge and to the enhancement of Montréal's international reputation as a first-class destination. For more information on the Palais des congrès de Montréal, visit our website at:
  9. Terre-Neuve pourrait poursuivre Québec et Ottawa concernant un projet au Labrador Il y a 35 minutes SAINT-JEAN, T.N.-L. — Le gouvernement de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador pourrait poursuivre en justice les gouvernements du Canada et du Québec relativement au projet hyrdoélectrique Upper Churchill Falls, au Labrador. La ministre provinciale des Ressources naturelles, Kathy Dunderdale, estime que Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador n'a peut-être pas reçu sa juste part des retombées depuis que le projet a commencé à produire de l'électricité il y a 35 ans. Elle a déclaré en entrevue que le projet, depuis le début, a essentiellement profité au "peuple du Québec". Le gouvernement terre-neuvien affirme avoir empoché environ 1 milliard $ pendant cette période, pendant que les coffres du Québec se seraient plutôt engraissés de 19 milliards $. L'entente vient à échéance en 2041. Mme Dunderdale est d'avis qu'Ottawa aurait pu intervenir dans le dossier pour s'assurer que Terre-Neuve recevrait une part équitable des retombées. Elle explique que l'éventualité d'une poursuite judiciaire est plus pertinente que jamais, maintenant que les Innus du Labrador réclament eux-mêmes une compensation relativement à ce projet. Les Innus affirment ne pas avoir été consultés avant le lancement du projet, qui leur aurait fait perdre 6000 kilomètres carrés de territoire.
  10. Keeping shoppers in city LINDA GYULAI, The Gazette Published: Monday, May 19 The only economic-impact study ordered by the city on the Griffintown project raised the spectre of a 13- to 17-per-cent drop in business on Ste. Catherine St. However, the author, Jacques Nantel, a professor at HEC Montréal, the Université de Montréal's business school, dismissed that damage as improbable and theoretical. Nantel told The Gazette the Griffintown project might even boost business on Ste. Catherine. That's because about 60 per cent of Ste. Catherine's potential sales, or about $1 billion a year, head off-island because downtown doesn't offer all the services of suburban malls, he said. It's because of a lack of parking downtown and the availability at off-island malls of such durable goods as appliances. "There's a potential for an additional commercial structure on-island to get what shoppers can't get downtown," he said. Griffintown will keep shoppers close enough to downtown to drop in there, as well, he said.
  11. Je viens de trouver un autre rendu préliminaire qui montre des tours et une disposition de celles-ci complètement différentes que les premières. Je crois, en l'analysant rapidement, que ce rendu se rapprochera beaucoup du résultat final (sauf le design des tours), car ils semblent respecter les modifications annoncées à la fin avril. Le rendu date du 24 avril, soit la journée de l'annonce des modifications. Il y a aussi d'autres rendus, montrant le même style de tours que les premiers rendus:
  12. Boehringer Ingelheim finalise un agrandissement à Laval Denis Lalonde, 11:29 La pharmaceutique allemande Boehringer Ingelheim a finalisé un agrandissement de 36 millions de dollars à ses laboratoires de Laval, ce qui permettra à l’entreprise d’embaucher 40 chercheurs supplémentaires. L’équipe de Boehringer Ingelheim à Laval compte déjà 150 chercheurs et travaille à la recherche sur le traitement de maladies infectieuses telles l’hépatite C et le sida, maladies pour lesquelles il n’existe actuellement aucun traitement ni vaccin satisfaisants. Au Canada, Boehringer Ingelheim compte 715 employés. En plus de ses installations de Laval, l’entreprise possède trois autres centres de recherche principaux, situés à Biberach (Allemagne), à Ridgefield (États-Unis) et à Vienne (Autriche). La multinationale fondée en 1885 compte 39 800 employés dans 47 pays, incluant 3 300 scientifiques. Son siège social est basé à Ingelheim, en Allemagne.
  13. Monday, May 26, 2008 Quebec vs. Montreal In his latest post BB wrote about how he loves going back to Quebec city, how he feels he has deep roots there. Neither of us were born there, but our family (on both sides) hails from Quebec city for generations. So yeah, there are roots I suppose. But unlike BB, I feel the exact opposite. Don't get me wrong, Quebec is a nice place to visit, but I would never want to live there again. I've never felt comfortable there. I always felt just a little off, not quite in the groove of the place. As though the track is right there and try as I might I'm always six inches out of it. And despite BB's contention, it's not because I'm into the nightlife - I got over that, like many people do, in my 30s. And I don't prefer Montreal because of Mr. Jazz - I didn't like Quebec way before Mr. Jazz ever entered the picture. I don't know what it is about Quebec that grates on me. The fact that, other than the old town - approximately 5 square km - it's one big sprawling suburb where everything has a sort of cookie cutter sameness about it? That's definitely part of it. The fact that I've never felt I fit in? Also part of it. The francophone whiteness of Quebec city also doesn't do it for me (of course, the all white all french thing is pretty much par for the course everywhere in Quebec outside of Montreal). Whatever it is, no roots there for me, or at any rate, roots that were very easily pulled out. When I got to Montreal, on the other hand, I felt at home right away. Montreal has an energy that Quebec simply does not. It has a huge diverisity of people and styles and cultures. It was an easy fit for me, there is no set path. When I set foot on the corner of Maisonneuve and Peel I knew I had found my place, that this is where I was meant to be. I never looked back, never missed Quebec, and honestly pretty much the only reason I ever go back is to see my sister and mother. I'd perhaps go once every few years to play tourist, but no more. It holds nothing for me, it doesn't draw me. At all. Contrary to Montreal. In the past 25 years, I've put down my own roots here, I've found the love of my life, and made a life for myself that I'm not at all sure I could have found in Quebec. When I'm on the highway, on my way back from Quebec, I'm coming home. It's as visceral and BB's feeling for Quebec, and for a city that, unlike me, he's never really warmed up to. Funny that, same family, same roots and such a different take on two perfectly neutral places.
  14. Railpower to build 125-job plant near Montreal, with $20M from Ontario Teachers 1 hour ago MONTREAL — Railpower Technologies Corp. (TSX:P) has announced plans for a locomotive assembly plant in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, east of Montreal. The maker of hybrid locomotives, headquartered in suburban Brossard, said Monday the factory will create 125 jobs. Railpower said the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, which invested $35 million in the company earlier this year, is putting forward another $20 million, in the form of a convertible debenture, to finance the factory construction and build additional demonstration locomotives. "For the first time in its history, Railpower will own a dedicated, world-class manufacturing facility capable of building the world's leading high-efficiency locomotives," stated CEO Jose Mathieu. "This facility is expected to significantly improve our manufacturing efficiencies and provide Railpower with the ability to rapidly expand its current production." The plant at St-Jean-sur-Richelieu will initially have 55,000 square feet of production space and 4,000 square feet of offices, with plans for future expansion. Investment Quebec has granted Railpower a subsidy of up to $2.5 million.
  15. Montréal métropole culturelle : le privé monte à bord Mario Cloutier La Presse La grande roue de la culture a commencé à tourner à Montréal, provoquant peu à peu l'adhésion des gens d'affaires. Trois cadres de grandes compagnies participeront dorénavant à la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action découlant du Rendez-vous 2007: Montréal, métropole culturelle. Il s'agit de Diane Giard, première vice-présidente au Québec de la Banque Scotia, de Jacques Parisien, président d'Astral-Media Radio, et de Javier San Juan, PDG de L'Oréal Canada. «Je suis énormément impressionné par cette rencontre où tous les acteurs de la société civile sont présents, a expliqué M. San Juan en marge de la deuxième rencontre de suivi du Rendez-Vous 2007. On y trouve aussi les trois ordres de gouvernement et on m'a expliqué que ce n'était pas toujours facile. Tout le monde travaille au service d'une idée qui a une chance de succès et de faire l'histoire.» Il compte contribuer en partageant son expérience internationale en «branding» et en gestion, et, «à un moment donné», a-t-il dit, d'un point de vue financier. L'exemple torontois La présidente de la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain, Isabelle Hudon, croit que l'avantage culturel torontois, pour le moment, vient du fait que c'est la société civile qui a pris le projet culturel en main. «Les banques, par exemple, veulent agrandir leur clientèle, et donnent à la culture à Toronto pour cette raison. Mais Diane Giard m'a expliqué qu'elle n'aurait plus aucune difficulté aujourd'hui à aller à Toronto expliquer pourquoi l'avenue à soutenir à Montréal, c'est la culture», confie Mme Hudon. La ministre de la Culture, Christine St-Pierre, est aussi d'avis que le message a commencé à percer le mur d'incompréhension entre les arts et le privé au Québec. «Maintenant, les gens d'affaires sentent qu'il y a un intérêt à s'associer à Montréal, métropole culturelle internationale. Avec eux, on pourra faire le rattrapage qu'on doit faire, parce qu'on est en retard au Québec. On n'a pas de temps à perdre», estime-t-elle. Le président de Culture Montréal et du comité de suivi de Rendez-Vous 2007, Simon Brault, ajoute que les projets avancent grâce à la mobilisation de tous, dont les machines gouvernementales, tant à Québec et à Ottawa. «Six mois après le Rendez-vous, il y a eu des avancées significatives sur tous les morceaux du plan d'action. On a constaté à quel point les projets avancent. La métropole culturelle est de moins en moins un slogan et de plus en plus une vision partagée», pense-t-il. En l'absence de la ministre du Patrimoine canadien, le ministre fédéral des Travaux publics Michael Fortier s'est dit persuadé que le projet est «sur une belle lancée». «On sent la pression de livrer. On a promis de le faire parce que Montréal continue d'être une ville très importante, non seulement au Canada, mais en Amérique du Nord, un incontournable pour la culture.»
  16. Cette firme, située au Manitoba, se spécialise dans la gestion de portefeuilles de clients particuliers avec des portefeuilles à valeur élevée. Pour en lire plus...
  17. oui j'ai remarqué ça, un beau asphalte tout neuf, quel bonheur de rouler dessus... on aura moins honte lorsque les touristes vont y déferler durant les weekends du grand prix, nascar, etc.
  18. The Grown-Up's Guide to Montreal Attractions h1 = document.getElementById("title").getElementsByTagName("h1")[0];h1.innerHTML = widont(h1.innerHTML);Attractions in Montreal, Canada's Most Sophisticated City By Susan Breslow Sardone, Montreal is the anti-Disney: A sophisticated adult playground, where pleasures for grown-ups -- from savoring fine food and wine, to casino gambling, to boutique shopping, to the spirit of l'amour itself -- add to the city's many attractions. These are among the best for couples traveling free of children. 1. Check into a Top Montreal Hotel Opus Montreal Hotel. 2. Explore Montreal by Land and by Sea Vincent Sardone. The Old Port area of Montreal alongside the St. Lawrence River is one of the most scenic spots to stroll. Couples can also rent bikes; a 220-mile long bicycle path leads cyclists in and around Montreal. And the city has more than one thousand parks. For utterly romantic transportation, hire a caleche (horse-drawn carriage). Any time of year, explore the underground city on foot. Want to sail on the water? Amphibus provides a land-and-sea city tour in the same floating vehicle to help you get your bearings. (To avoid family groups, come late in the day.) Montreal's long and slender Le Bateau Mouche boats run day tours teeming with kiddies; dinner cruises provide a better opportunity to surround yourselves with grown ups. 3. Savor Epicurean Delights Like to cook, or just eat? Epicier is Montreal's new gourmet store-and-restaurant where couples can find delicacies that include parmesan oil, maple vinegar, and ginger jam. And La Vieille Europe stocks more than 300 different kinds of cheeses along with cold cuts, breads, and everything else you might need to take on a picnic. 4. Shop for Montreal Treasures Plan to leave extra room in your suitcase to pack the treasures you pick up in Montreal: The sweetly intoxicating ice wine, genuine maple syrup from the countryside, Fruits & Passion products for the skin and bath, Roots leather goods. And if you like to wear hard-to-find labels, along rue Ste-Catherine you can find the city's top department stores. Holt Renfrew, Ogilvy's, and Hudson's Bay Company carry Canadian, French, and international brands as well as ones familiar to United States shoppers. 5. Dine Like a Montreal Gourmet Montreal is home to some 5,000 restaurants. These include cozy French bistros in the Old Port where couples can linger over a bottle of wine to Little Italy spots where you can bring your own. Everyone stops by Schwartz's Montreal Hebrew Delicatessen at least once to sample the city's world-famous smoked meat. And gourmets won't leave the Beaver Club in The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth disappointed. Coming to propose marriage, or something more provocative? Reserve a spot at the historic, much-photographed, circa-1725 Pierre du Calvet in the heart of Old Montreal. The building housing it contains opulent, Victorian-style rooms, so you need not go far if someone swoons -- or agrees to be seduced. 6. Take a Tango Lesson Did you know Montreal is tango-crazy? (Why would you?) The city even has an annual Tango Festival that features the world's best practitioners of this sexy dance. Regardless of when you visit, though, Montreal's tango parlors are open for business, offering classes for couples and milonga demonstrations for appreciative spectators. 7. Visit Notre-Dame Basilica No visit to the Old Port is complete without stepping inside the magnificent nineteenth-century Notre-Dame Basilica, completed in Gothic Revival style. The soaring interior, in addition to its intricate carving, includes brilliantly hued stained-glass windows. Rather than ancient biblical scenes, each these depict the religious history of Canada, complete with images of the faithful forging through the icy wilderness. 8. Admire Montreal's Museums Vincent Sardone. While family visitors explore Montreal attractions such as the Biodome and Insectarium, you can get an adult fix of fun at the city's eye-opening and thought-provoking museums. Among the top ones: The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts collects and displays European art, Canadian art, Inuit and Amerindian art, contemporary art and decorative arts. Connected to the underground city, Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art features new and conceptual art and stages multimedia events, including performance, experimental theatre, video, and film. Château Ramezay Museum, in the Old Port area, is a small history museum that features paintings and objects from Montreal's past in a circa-1705 stone building. 9. Try Your Luck at Casino Montreal Shaped like a multi-deck ship moored at the former Expo 67 site across from the Old Port, the unique Casino Montreal operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's a short cab ride from the city center. Games such as blackjack, roulette, poker, keno, pai gow, and baccarat, familiar to any English-speaking gambler, are conducted in French. (How much more elegant it is to hear "égalité!" at the 21 table than, "That's a push.") Dealers, croupiers, and many players are bi-lingual, so if you want to bet or ask a question in English, you will be understood. Naturally, all bets are made with Canadian currency, and cashiers will readily exchange US dollars. 10. Come to One of Montreal's Amazing Festivals Montreal Jazz Festival Passionate people who love music, laughter, movies, fast cars, and more circle their calendars in anticipation of their favorite festival in Montreal. The Montreal Jazz Festival is considered the world’s biggest and best of its kind. It takes place from late June through the first week of July, showcasing more than 2,500 artists in 500-plus concerts from noon to midnight. Also held in the summer, Just for Laughs, the Montreal Comedy Festival attracts world-class comedians and fresh talent. Several hotels offer packages that include accommodations, admissions, dinner, and personal assistance throughout the stay. And at the end of the summer, Montreal's World Film Festival gives lovers one more reason to cuddle in the dark.
  19. It’s around 10:25 pm right now In Montreal, oh wait we are still in North America … heehee silly me, there’s no international time zone changes, just some big language change. I’ve heard Montreal is a city to visit before heading to Paris,France . And no kidding. Everything is in French, I think I’ve learned more French in two days than I’ve had (on and off) in the States for a few years now. The most widely used French words (by me) are: hello, thank you, do you speak English - if that one fails - where is the metro, or where is the … point at the street name on the map (because after a few tries I’ve finally giving up pronouncing street names in french), in some areas almost everyone speaks perfect English, then some parts only a few can speak back in English, all in all everyone is super friendly, also during our daytime adventure out about town - a very cute boy asked me out for dinner - which I think was very sweet. We are Staying at the hyatt, which is perfect because it is RIGHT across the streets from Place des Arts, a very lovely Art Center/people watching square (Also pretty easy metro stop to remember as well ‘Place Des Arts’). Earlier during the day we went into the art center for a free gallery exhibit, the series are all done by local artist - I have to say been visiting art galleries all over the country (I wasn’t even planning to go into Place des Arts if it wasn’t Free) there are a few very unimaginable pieces which I still couldn’t wrap my mind around, very interesting (too bad, no photos were allowed). We are also about 5mins to Downtown - McGill (the popular Underground City), Walking distances to St. Catherine + St. Laurent Alright, alright we are heading out for dinner Downtown, I’ll post some pictures and stuff once i get back to the states. Didn’t take too many pictures, it’s hard to capture such a beautiful city with just a few photos - to experience Montreal - it’s beautiful city scape, hassle free lifestyle, ultra friendly residents - you have to visit Montreal! Au Revoir
  20. Le constructeur de locomotives et de grues crée ainsi 125 emplois avec du financement en provenance de Teachers. Pour en lire plus...
  21. une deuxième grue s'est ajoutée pour ce projet. Maintenant il y a 4 grues dans ce coin (2 pour philantropes)
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