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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. I should try and got onto the roof of the building I work in and take pictures of what they are doing.
  2. 20 year life extension, what is wrong with people in this province? The Egyptians built pyramids that have lasted thousands of years, and we can't figure out how to keep a bridge up? All I can say is this, stop patching up the issue and rebuild it.
  3. I have been wondering that myself. I will email them later and hopefully get an answer.
  4. I just got back from New York and on the High Line they have something similar to Muvbox. Anyways I am for sure going too have to go to Émilie-Gamelin.
  5. I never understood why the it was so high (i.e 30 years). For me, it makes more sense pay off something sooner rather than later, but that is just me. I know some people can not do that, if that is true, maybe they are trying to leave beyond their means. Also who in this province, really making enough money so they can afford to own a home? The median family income in Quebec was over $60,000 a year back in 2009. Even with a 30 year amortization, many people will not be able to afford homes here. Seeing in the past decade, home prices have increased 100%.
  6. I somewhat understand what Khadir is doing, thing is if people dislike the way Target is handling the matter, they can go somewhere else to shop (i.e Walmart). Thing is, most people do not care as long as they get a bargain. If people really cared about Zellers, it probably would still exist today, but it does not. So Khadir should stop acting like he is a union boss and telling someone what is good and what is bad. If he wants, he can go picket outside a store with his daughter or block the entrance so, this Target can see what this province can be like, if you do not follow certain laws. So Target can close shop quickly and this province loses out on some much needed tax dollars, seeing we need that to fund our education system. I did not want too make this comment political, but if Khadir name is dropped in a thread, it becomes political.
  7. I am actually surprised that this is happening for the second year. I didn't think, there were people here, as in this province, that cared for starting their own business. Seeing if I remember correctly, Quebec has one of the largest drop out rates in Canada and also some people dislike starting up their own business and would rather have a 9-5 job. On another note though, the province is trying to court tech companies too setup their server farms in the north. Seeing we have cheap, reliable renewable energy and it is cooler for most of the year.
  8. I use to take that daily for work. Now the detour is a major headache.
  9. STM spending $3 million to update the bus station at Lionel Groulx. Plan (13 pages)
  10. jesseps

    Expos de Montréal

    I wouldn't mind seeing the Washington Nationals come to Montreal or Toronto Bluejays for a one time thing.
  11. There probably is, I would love to see a Four Seasons here, but they would have to make it look stunning.
  12. I remember a while back, in another thread someone said Broccolini was thinking of building a tower in the city. I wonder if this was the project they were talking about or if it was another one.
  13. This is what I sometime dislike about democracy, way too much bureaucracy; wasting time and money, on something that should have been fixed ages ago.
  14. Nice, that they are finally going to use the parking lot. When McGill Ouest was going up, the sales people were saying that within a few years that parking lot was going to be used for another condo development.
  15. Read more:
  16. Fuck me. I thought there was only 1 (in the city during Grand Prix). It looks like they brought almost every variation.
  17. My bad, not sure why I posted 154 meters. I have no idea what I was looking at the same time as the Le 1000 at 2 am
  18. I for sure, would love to see a rendering. Now that be something, having a building with over 60 floors in this city. I am still trying too figure out, how an extra 7 meters will get you 17 floors, seeing Le 1000 is 154 meters and 51 floors. Never mind, did the math each floor is a little more than 3.14 meters.
  19. Funny thing is, I have seen many of these places, but I never ate there. I am still waiting for a Chipotle or even Pret A Manger.
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