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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. I guess it wouldn't make any sense what so ever, to put in a new metro station between Papineau and Frontenac. Seeing Papineau is about 300 meters away.
  2. Nice to see they got the inspiration from the one in NY. At least that area going to be redeveloped over the next 13+ years. They will get some nice views and some very not nice views of really horrendous buildings.
  3. I can't wait to try out the restaurant. From what I heard the Vegas (now closed) and New York restaurants, are good but not mind blowing. I am happy, that there will be still tea time at the Ritz.
  4. That part of St Laurent is practically the West Island, especially the part where the Park will be.
  5. I got to say, that is going to be a nice development in the West Island.
  6. News coming out of France is that Hollande won. I wonder if people will actually leave France and go somewhere else. It would be interesting, if many of the people who do leave France do land up in Montreal. Also someone on Twitter took a picture of a dozen Ferrari's heading into Switzerland. Thing is, how many people in France actually make over €1 million per year anyway? I just wonder how Bernard Arnault going to feel, when his multi-million dollar salary taxed at 75%. One thing I do not get, if some people will see their salary reduced because of the tax, wouldn't they just find a way to put that money back into their company or pay their employees a bit more?
  7. I thought it was in this thread, but I guess it was posted somewhere else. I remember reading, that someone would rather see green space instead of buildings in the middle of the Bonaventure. One thing, I was thinking of last night, they could always have one building at the South end and one building at the North end and in the middle could be green space / another version of Square Victoria.
  8. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    <object width="560" height="315"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"> Thankfully I wasn't in any of those clips. </object>
  9. Breakdown lanes. I remember when they first released the turcot plan video, they were showing they were going to have those lanes. I understand what you are saying, but what can I say the people in this city don't think. People know there is traffic at certain hours of the day, but they just keep trying to get onto the highway, to get where they are going and don't find an alternative route
  10. I thought that was in the original plan?
  11. Here is one of the angles (view going West). 6 years of headaches, this should be fun. I can't wait to see what Montreal will be like by 2020-2025. I guess better late than never, right?
  12. From what I can tell, they will be relocating the homeless, that live under the train tracks. Other than that, it will be nice to finally have some green space in the area.
  13. Great episode. I also really liked the New York and San Francisco episodes.
  14. The university sent out an advisory today, saying they are working on part of the construction.
  15. There is a news article that came out a few hours ago, saying that Alberta oil might find its way to Eastern Canada refineries. Means we might finally be able to kick the Middle East / North African habit or wherever else we get are oil from.
  16. I have to say, that is a really nice project for Laval. It is to bad they don't have a view of Montreal. They should have something like this, in Longueuil.
  17. This is what it should look like when completed.
  18. Without the mountain in the background, for me it looks like another US city.
  19. I should have worded it better. You can't have a drink at the table when gambling or walking around drinking.
  20. I just came back from the casino. It was the first time I was ever there, if I knew about the no drinking while gambling law, I would have never went.
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