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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. Well, I am definitely crossing my fingers. Not only is this a perfect location (walking distance to the downtown core + Old Port + Ste Catherine) but the building could really stand out on the skyline. Unfortunately, we have seen far too many projects fall by the wayside over the lat few years...
  2. Nobody finds it odd that there hasn't been any placard, etc posted at the site? I was just going through the borough's website and there isn't a single mention of a permit for this block. Unless I am missing something...
  3. Supposedly pre-sales have stalled on this one. I have been told they didn't receive a new reservation in the last 4 weeks.
  4. I have to laugh at the scale of that drawing. There is no way the Triomphe will be that high in relation to the building next to it.
  5. Why should they install a helipad when Quebec is the only major province to not have an emergency helicopter service?

    Évolo 1 - 31 étages (2013)

    The original proposal had 4 condo towers. I now count 5 + Zuni's new tower. Nice!

    Évolo 1 - 31 étages (2013)

    This makes literally every other condo project look like a joke IMO. Good on them!
  8. Wow. Either those floor plates are the slimmest in the world or the entire construction is nothing but scaffolding at this point.
  9. I really like the layouts of some of those units!
  10. I actually think Les Jardins will take the cake this year. God, 10 floors of brown brick.
  11. Funny you should mention this. A friend told me this morning that the APCHQ was investigating something to do with sub-standard construction and some other complaints in this general area. I wonder if the NDG borough had launched their own investigation and this is the result?
  12. From what I see, they removed. Latest press releases have it at 18 residential and 12 hotel floors for Phase I. The Gazette was reporting these heights when the project was first announced.
  13. SKYMTL

    La LNH à Québec?

    Absolutely idiotic IMO. What Gary "The Mouse" Bettman has done is the good old carrot / stick routine. Tempt them with some off-the-cuff remarks that don't hold one iota of promise and then follow up after hundreds of millions are invested by saying "nothing was ever promised". This is a massive waste of taxpayer's money. I am trying to find it but supposedly there is already a petition online to stop this from happening. I'll sign it the second I find it.
  14. Why is this suddenly in the Griffintown section? "Griffintown" by definition is bordered in the east by the Bonaventure which makes M9 complex outside of Griffintown.
  15. After loosing 940AM's excellent traffic reporting, I have had to make due with (shudder) CJAD for the last few years. Let's hope this gets off the ground ASAP. One other request for Transports Quebec: how about "unlocking" all of the traffic webcams? As it stands now, their site only gives access to a fraction of the webcams they have installed. The others are only accessible for the press.
  16. Same architects as 1009 Bleury so it should look good but retain the usual bland design.
  17. With the popularity of this project, I am sure we will be seeing many more like it in the coming months.
  18. I really don't understand why they made some of the buildings look so different from one another but this will definitely help the area. It is just too bad they are keeping that one horribly ugly building. I wonder why...
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