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  1. Just so people understand a bit more about the Tesla Supercharger network expansion being essentially halted, one of the driving reasons behind it is grid bottlenecks, especially in certain locations south of the border. It boils down to simple math: the grid hasn't been expanded as quickly as EV fast charging stations consume electricity. A Tesla Supercharger station with 20 stalls installed, needs a minimum of 5.5 MEGAWATTS of electricity (250kW x 20 plus ~10% efficiency loss) which is the equivalent of about 1,000 homes in the USA. There aren't many locations with the local electrical infrastructure and of those, many are already tapped out with the various other charging networks, including Tesla. The other issue is Tesla opening the NACS to other vendors, ending the exclusivity for Tesla owners at Superchargers. This allows them to effectively put the onus on others to build out parallel networks instead of spending their own money which can no longer be used to incentivize people to buy Tesla cars for access to a superior charging network.
  2. Some luxury brands have very, very favorable exclusivity contracts with Holt Renfrew with varying end dates.
  3. My goodness the interior looks like Promenades St Bruno but with a bit more glass....
  4. Everything the MTQ has touched around Vaudreuil has turned to S**t. I'm thinking they're trying to screw over our mayor since he's been abusing them in the media for the last 5 or so years. After more black eyes than they can count, they're figuring "why not, let's give Pilon what he gave us". I mean it doesn't help that the map of Vaudreuil looks like a raving lunatic drew it, which contributes to absolute gridlock even on the weekends...
  5. They've now installed two additional luffing-type cranes at the north & south ends of the site, bringing the total to 10 cranes. I was talking to one of the construction coordinators the other day and supposedly they've been pushed to find solutions to guarantee complete handover by August 2026. So an additional 2-4 cranes will be installed along with a workforce augmentation of 10-15%..
  6. That's gonna be fun. Red Bull events are always wild.
  7. Sounds like they are promoting Quebec as a welfare state to promote "equality". Or am I missing something? One thing is for sure, you don't create societal wealth by over taxing the rich when, somehow, $100K is considered "rich" during a time of high inflation.
  8. At what point in time is continuing to court large datacenters with generous tax credits and the promise of low electricity rates going to lead to a net negative financial gain? Job creation and datacenters don't go hand in hand with each employing, at most, a few dozen full time workers. Plus we're already on the precipice of an electricity crunch on a distribution system that increasingly feels like its held together with a bit of duct tape and a pair of rusty staples. These facilities put exponentially more stress on the system relative to their size, forcing additional expenditures on back-end electrical generation to keep up with demand. We shouldn't be happy these companies are setting up shop here. At least not until Hydro Quebec gets its act together.
  9. LOL, what? How would this be managed? Are they gonna put Youppi behind a barrier that opens when you swipe your credit card or something? Is he going to walk around with a bunch of Square-totting bouncers that shake down parents for money if their kids get close enough to snap a photo?
  10. But bringing the LA Kings for an exhibition game to a city with zero attachment to the franchise isn't expensive apparently. Sorry but I had to.... Joking aside, there will be fees for the parking regardless of whether its multi level or not. This is a public institution so our tax dollars are paying for it (and the parking) regardless as well. Fees won't "pay back" the structure, our taxes will and obviously, based on numerous surveys and petitions people in this region would be more than happy to have parking density versus what's been planned.
  11. So essentially a mix of some interesting new restaurants alongside a bunch of Foodtastic sub-brands. Sounds like what Fairview has been trying to do.
  12. The whole parking plan is an absolute joke. I'm not sure where this province's distaste for multi level parking structures comes from (for public transport & otherwise) but it needs to stop. Yes, people will DRIVE to a hospital especially in this region and NO a lot of people who drive to a hospital might have problems walking a half kilometer to an appointment. This situation also eliminates the possibility of expansion without spending even more money in the future (due to inflation) to build a multi level parking lot when part of the existing one will be eliminated for new outbuildings. Planting trees doesn't fix the issue in any way, shape or form. The whole plan is shortsighted and downright idiotic.
  13. SKYMTL

    Place du Sable-Gris

    This looks so unbelievably sad.
  14. The provincial government needs to step in and limit or outright remove the rights of municipalities to negatively impact developments in TOD zones. This is proof positive of that.
  15. This. For example, Yorkdale has an Aldo right next to the Rolex store.
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