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Tout ce qui a été posté par jesseps

  1. That is true. I met a guy that had to tow one of the Model S, seeing it was damaged in transport. He said, he enjoyed the drive with the guy that runs it.
  2. Yup. The government, would rather suck the money out of the tax payers pocket, than actually take it out of the ground. Bloody leeches. Don't get me wrong, I do understand the issue at hand. The government has to figure this out and make it work.
  3. I guess, the only way to get their attention is by hanging an effigy of the transport minister from the over pass that isn't completed and have a sign saying "get this shit done and stop wasting our money or you will get the axe" In all honesty, if they can't handle the job they should be fired and it Marois doesn't want to fire him. She has to go. She was elected by the people. The people want things to get done and not be going at a snails pace, once again. It is time for all the public servants in this province, to get a reality check. Do what the tax payers want or get the fuck out of office. If they can't handle it, all politicians should have their pay slashed to $0. We will see, who really wants to help this province.
  4. That is true, but it be easier, for us to haul a guillotine in front of city haul. Have them change their way and get shit organized or off with their head. I am just fed up with public servants. In all honesty, we pay for them and we should have the right to fire them whenever we want, when things don't go well. The government should be run, just like any other business. You don't perform, you get the axe. Get rid of the unions, we will see everyone freak out, because the ones that freak out, are only there to get the money and not do their job. /rant off I honestly, can't believe they need more time.
  5. Can we just separate Montreal from the rest of Quebec? Let's just become our own bloody province. Fuck, Quebec. We keep electing morons into power, that hate this city.
  6. That looks like a donut bagel. If they sell New York style bagels and passing them off as Montreal. They should get sued for false advertisement and defamation.
  7. CJAD Pathetic. I hope some politicians, have to wait. If they jump the queue at any hospital, they should be tossed out of office. No public servant should have the right to jump the queue for any reason.
  8. L'Avenue. The one from Tel Aviv was announced on December 12th.
  9. I just saw, this on Skyscrapercity - Tel Aviv It is pretty similar to L'Avenue (certain aspect of the structure/design)
  10. jesseps

    Vidéos sur Montréal

    I so want to do this, this year.
  11. Stanley Cup* Who ever wins this year, should only get half the cup.
  12. French Connection Montreal 4675 St Laurent Montréal (Québec) H2T 1N4 Tél: 514.742.4141 This is a fairly new restaurant. It is regional foods, and all the ingredients are from the market, so the menu changes. I just got back from a 5 hour, 10 course meal (some of the portions were full sized). I have to say, the foie gras enjoyable (it was my first time ever having that) and also the veal tongue (probably will be the first and last time I ever have something like that). One thing I have to say, I ate cow cheek, thinking it was brisket. All in all, great food and great atmosphere. I am currently in a food coma (i.e I am stuffed like a duck).
  13. It was nice taking it today All I can say is the city and the government, need to work on making the lanes more divisible.
  14. I was there last night (out in front) and I had no idea what was going on.
  15. Which is nice, only issue is people in the far left lane (the one going in the direction of the overpass), people use it to try and cut into the line, for the Decarie
  16. I don't get these people. They have a massive new facility in Kirkland, yet the close it?! Whatever.
  17. Finally! Time to bring more life into St Henri.
  18. It isn't fully opened and bam, there is an issue. Can we get anything done properly in this province?! We can send people to the moon, yet we still can't find a way to make proper roads, what a shame. I just do hope, that their calculations about removing trucks from the 20 and 40 are accurate.
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