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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. It isn't harmonized at all! It's just the way the light hits in one of the picture that makes the colors seem same in that one picture. Trust me they're at least 30% apart Which sucks.. but i'm thinking they might eventually paint the long strip segment or something, because in close-ups it seems unfinished.
  2. 25 Octobre 2008 (note: ignore the hastily done 2-pic composite lol it's 2:50am and i can't be arsed to do anything right)
  3. Voici ma proposition: Qu'est ce que vous en pensez?
  4. Need a new forum - En destruction - Going down Merci pour les pics!
  5. McCain is getting seriously desperate.. I predict an Obama victory with 378 EVs carrying the Kerry states + Iowa, Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Indiana, and a surprise win in North Dakota. Obama will also close the gap in Montana, West Virginia, Arkansas, Arizona, South Dakota and South Carolina.
  6. Two teams in Toronto? That just means we get to beat Toronto 2x more per season!
  7. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    You're forgetting the other side will be widened as well, and by nearly as much!
  8. Nice! Des progrès! Personne ne sait encore en quoi consiste les autres phases? Je veux savoir si une ou des tours vont monter par dessus la phase 1
  9. 3 stations de plus sur la ligne verte vers l'ouest, hein? Il l'avait tu l'affaire le gars?
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